5870 OC

nope I have tried 1.35v core and memory at stock clocks, and fan speed adjusted where the temps don't even go in the 70's they hover around 65 and I can bench at those speed fine, no freezing or nothing, everthing runs nice and cool, but still I get no gains in performance.
Are you only using the Crysis benchmark to test? You might be CPU limited. What do other benchmarks look like?
How are you getting 65 fps? No reviewer is getting higher than 35, and I get 39 with my 5870 at 900/1300 and 3.8GHz i7. 19x1080 no AA/AF VH.
XFX 5870 OC @ 975/1300 on Autofan. Voltage is set to 1.2v. This is Furmark stable. Tested for 50 mins with max temp of 89c. Fan speeds vary between 33-47% max. When I'm in full zombie slaying mode and fan kicks to over 40% the noise isn't too terrible but it's still noticeable. I really can't imagine setting the fans over 50%. That would be aggravating.