5870 + Battlefield BC2 Artifacting

The loading is getting my on my nerves, I wish I hadn't tried the beta with a GTX260.

Can you by anychance, FRAPS this and upload it to youtube so we can see these artifacts during gameplay?

I'll get to that on the weekend, hopefully it will show up on the video.
The loading is getting my on my nerves, I wish I hadn't tried the beta with a GTX260.

I'll get to that on the weekend, hopefully it will show up on the video.

I just parted with my GTX 280, and the load times were awesome... I hope I don't regret the 5870 which is coming Monday.
My 5870 hasn't had any problems with the game. That is a weird problem though.
I have no issue with slow loadtimes with a 5850 running dx 11
I have no issue with slow loadtimes with a 5850 running dx 11

Yeah same here my loadtimes seem fine with my 5850. I am running max everything and getting 35-40 FPS in MP which I think is pretty damn good considering. I am gonna turn the settings down a tad tonight and see what kind of average FPS Fraps tells me I get tonight.
I'm sure load times are fast, but what everyone seems to be concluding is that it is slow relative to nvidia (mainly those who switched the brands while have played the game with nvidia). I know that it took less than 10 seconds to load up with my GTX 280 in multiplayer and I'll update the speed it takes with the 5870 when it gets here. I do know that the 4850 is definitely slower (20-30 seconds), which is most likely due to how weak it is compared to my gtx.
No artifacts for my 5850, and it only tops out at 58C after 5 hours of playing last night. I do get an odd texture shifting on certain types of ground texture occasionally though. I have not yet tried installing the 10.2's though, still on 9.12 HF which is probably the problem for me.
I get weird artifacts on the lens of my sniper rifle and some other areas when I enter the game.

I'm running 2x 5850's in crossfire. If I change the AA mode (either higher or lower) the problem stops. More annoying than anything else.
I currently have an XFX 5870 and have found that if I set the in game MSAA settings to 4x I get artifacts on various spots in the game. If I set things to 2x or 8x everything seems just fine. There is obviously an issue with either the game or ATI's drivers in this respect.
Same exact problem. Get little squares that flicker in and out that are usually black or white or gray. Happens on snow levels but I've also seen it happen on other levels in single player.

I wish I found this thread earlier, because I created my own in PC Gaming and Hardware:

If you don't bother to read my thread others are also reporting this problem at overclock.net (with video):

As far as AA settings, I've found that it occurs at 2x AA and 4x AA (although less common at 4x), but 1x and 8x are fine. This is at least how it's working for me, but others are reporting different settings so there may be some other factor here.

Seems like it is definitely a driver/game issue at this point. So no need to worry about your card. :)

EDIT: I also get the flickery boxes in the tank HUD, for what it's worth. I thought it was an artifact at first, too, but due to the pattern and how "regular" it seemed I just assumed it was intended.
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I don't get the flickery boxes when riding the tanks in singleplayer (haven't tried MP yet) when using the 10.3 betas on my ASUS 5770 first generation 1gig board, and playing in DX9 mode. Accidentally passed the maps save point so I never had a chance to try DX10 and DX11 with 10.3s.

Mounted machine-guns with shields still have a messed up supposed-to-be-clear window though, but that's just a DX9 thing. Performance feels a bit better - did a complete driver sweep.
Anyone else getting these issues? I suppose it technically could be a hardware issue, but it seems far too common. If it is, ATI is going to have a whole lot of RMA's on their hands. :rolleyes:

Accidentally passed the maps save point so I never had a chance to try DX10 and DX11 with 10.3s.

Go into the single player menu, then go to "My Campaign." You can restart any single player mission from there. If you could test with DX 10/11 that would be great. Are you getting the little flickering squares issue? :)
Wow, I never dared to click those buttons in case it'd ruin my progress! :)

10.3 beta drivers on a 5770, Win7x64 etc, previous playthrough of the map was with 10.2 drivers and exactly the same settings everywhere including the graphics control panel and the 10.2s gave me the artefacts.
DX9 = No tank-viewscreen artefacts
DX10 = See above!
DX11 = See above!

I think I'll try to contact EA/DICE and see what's meant to happen there. Wonder if Nvidia users get the same? It kinda adds to the atmosphere, more than a perfectly clear scanline screen like the one I get.
Wow, I never dared to click those buttons in case it'd ruin my progress! :)

10.3 beta drivers on a 5770, Win7x64 etc, previous playthrough of the map was with 10.2 drivers and exactly the same settings everywhere including the graphics control panel and the 10.2s gave me the artefacts.
DX9 = No tank-viewscreen artefacts
DX10 = See above!
DX11 = See above!

I think I'll try to contact EA/DICE and see what's meant to happen there. Wonder if Nvidia users get the same? It kinda adds to the atmosphere, more than a perfectly clear scanline screen like the one I get.

Sorry, I don't follow. So the 10.2 drivers give you the "tank HUD" artifacts but the 10.3's don't? On what setting is that (DX9/10/11)? And where am I supposed to "see above"?

Just a little confused on what you were trying to say here. :)

Do you get the tiny flickering squares issue (not the tank HUD one)? :)
5850 user here, I got this in the beta as well. It's not video artifacts because you can control when the black boxes appear. It's either the drivers or BC2 having certain problems with certain cards. I'm getting the full game next week, and 'll see if it changes or not, but it doesn't bother me that much even though I do notice it when it does happen.
5850 user here, I got this in the beta as well.

Interesting, because I don't remember it in the beta at all. It's possible I simply wasn't noticing it, but I'm pretty sure I was not getting this in the beta.
I saw these in the beta, but I haven't seen them in the final release playing either Nelson Bay or Port Valdez (I'll look more carefully now though). I'm playing on my 5870 in DX11 with every option cranked except no AA; I was going to blame AA, but that doesn't seem to be the problem. If you're <95-100C, heat isn't a problem either. I'm going to guess drivers, and hopefully they'll be fixed.

Interesting notes on the load times though. I was wondering why it took me, comparatively, so long to load. With my rig, I'm generally the first person in a server by far, but in BC2 I noticed I wasn't and thought "Jesus, do these guys have G2's in RAID 0?" :p. I'm still going to keep DX11 on; as a sniper I don't really need to be the first to rush the M-COM station.
With my gtx 285 the white boxes ended up being heat related. I usually have my fan around 70% and my temps never get higher than 80 or so. I've never had a problem with any other game. As I'm getting to the end missions on the single player campaign I started to notice the white boxes more and it was driving me crazy so I thought I'd crank the fan to 100% and see what happens. No more artifacts. This game really doesn't like heat for some reason.
Those black boxes look like corrupted/incorrectly displayed versions of the "interference lines" which intermittently display on the tank viewscreen.

e: duh I should read the thread
I have a Gigabyte 5870 at stock speeds with 10.2 drivers. My temps are around 45 idle and 65 load and I get the artifacts once in a while. And only when the rounds starts, it lasts for about 10 seconds then its gone. Only problem I have had is I had to put the game into DX9 mode since I am getting the bug where in DX11 mode maps will take several minutes to load. Overall very happy with the 5870 and Bad Company 2
With my gtx 285 the white boxes ended up being heat related. I usually have my fan around 70% and my temps never get higher than 80 or so. I've never had a problem with any other game. As I'm getting to the end missions on the single player campaign I started to notice the white boxes more and it was driving me crazy so I thought I'd crank the fan to 100% and see what happens. No more artifacts. This game really doesn't like heat for some reason.

:eek: Are you absolutely sure? Because my 5850 runs at around 53C under load and I still get the artifacts.

So either a) you were experiencing a different, though similar, heat-related problem and the issue most of us are experiencing is specific to ATI cards, or b) this actually is a heat issue and the game REALLY does not like heat (no offense, but seems very unlikely IMO) or c) this is an issue common to both ATI and nVidia but it's not related to heat. It was simply a coincidence that the artifacts went away when you turned up the fan speed.

Going to test right now with Catalyst A.I. disabled, and I'm also going to test with my fan speed at like 70% just for the hell of it. I'll report back. :D
(A) seems like the most likely to me.
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Yes, it was most definitely heat for me. I went back and forth adjusting fan speeds on level 10 or 11 I think it was. It was a really demanding level which put a lot of strain on my card so the artifacts would start appearing right away if my fan speed wasn't all the way up. And here I've been playing the Just Cause 2 demo, everything maxed with a lot lower fan speed and no problems. One would think that would be more demanding on a card but I guess not.
Ok, so back with my results and here's everything I've tried to fix this problem so far, and whether it's worked or not:

Disabled Catalyst AI: No
Turned fan to 70% (temp was 39C while playing): No
Changed AA to narrow-tent/wide-tent/edge-detect: No
Deleted all BC2 config files in the My Documents folder: No
Running in administrator mode: No
Tested all combination of graphics settings, AA, and AF: Only occurs at 2x AA and 4x AA. Graphics settings and AF do not matter.
Disabled Steam overlay: No
Tried the non-Steam retail version: No
Installed Cat 10.3 preview drivers (uninstall 10.2 through CCC, reboot into Safe Mode, Driver Sweeper, reboot, install 10.3, reboot): No

While it might have been a heat issue for you it's certainly not for me as my card was loading at under 40C! :eek:

Kind of pulling my hair out over this. Just hope it's something that can be fixed in a simple driver and/or game update.
5870 here, 1680x1050 everything maxed, no artifacts or glitches whatsoever.

Regarding the loading times, it doesn't necessarily load slow, but my friend with an Nvidia card loads noticeably faster into online games. Doesn't really bother me because the game runs awesome with the card, and that's all that matters.
My friend has a 9800 GT, and he also had this problem. This isn't just an ATI problem, and it's definitely not a heat/defect problem.
Are you absolutely sure? Because my 5850 runs at around 53C under load and I still get the artifacts.

Definitely not a heat problem I tried turning my fan up and the temp didn't get higher than 74C. I only get the small snowy-level artifacts in single player too. MP is totally fine.
Definitely not a heat problem I tried turning my fan up and the temp didn't get higher than 74C. I only get the small snowy-level artifacts in single player too. MP is totally fine.

I get the same ones in Nelson Bay, none there for you?
I get the same ones in Nelson Bay, none there for you?

I get them in Nelson Bay as well, so it's not just you. In fact, I even get them in the very first mission in SP (the WWII one). They appear on the ground like usual. :)
sapphire 5870 here, running eyefinity with 3 1080p panels, settings medium/high, 1xAA 1xAF...

I had some of those squares but just everyonce in a while, mainly in cutscenes... Running cat 10.3 preview.
I also have had this problem with my 5870. I am running Catalyst 10.2 and the artifacting occurs in the snow level. This is @ 1920x1200 4xAA 16xAF Maxed out

I played Crysis Warhead, AVP, Mass Effect 2 for a good while after seeing the artifacts and they were flawless. Inclined to believe that this is a game/ driver issue rather than a hardware one.

At least I hope so as I have already RMA'd my first 5870 due to memory controller failure :(
I just parted with my GTX 280, and the load times were awesome... I hope I don't regret the 5870 which is coming Monday.

Just reporting back, I get no artifacts, everything is maxed out 1920x1200. The load times are confirmed a lot slower than my GTX 280. Seems to be an ATI problem.
Maybe it's loading DX11 stuff instead of 10? Just a guess..

My HD5870 comes on Wednesday and I am running a 9800GT right now, we'll see!
Just reporting back, I get no artifacts, everything is maxed out 1920x1200. The load times are confirmed a lot slower than my GTX 280. Seems to be an ATI problem.

Longer load times are something I can deal with. They don't seem that long to me anyway. Artifacts, however, are quite annoying, because I can't use 2x or 4x AA. :(
It's been getting worse daily for me between CTD's and graphical glitches, no clue what the hell is going on. I'm on a 4870 with the 10.1 drivers.
I'm using the 9.12 drivers and I have had no real issues to speak of. Fast loading times too, but that might be the RAID 0?