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No. Call a company that isn't absolutely worthless, deceptive, and complete and total ripoffs. For example, IBM or HP.

Dell has been thrown out of so many midsize shops for their deceptive practices and antics, it's not even funny. There are less than two mid-large cap businesses in the area here which still permit Dell to even bid on anything other than desktop systems. For a reason.

Dell is not enterprise, they are booby-prize. Period. People may not like my delivery, but it is my job to know this better than anyone here. Enterprise systems are what I have done for a living for over 15 years - and I don't mean just the extreme low-end, that being all things x86.

Also, Kyle, you cannot do DRAC the way you think you can. Or want. As usual, people who claim it, divorced from reality of purchasing. DRAC is a separate licensable feature, which Dell charges exorbitantly for, just like HP. What you get for free, is just about nothing. Only IBM does not charge additional licensing on the RSA (Remote Supervisor Adapter.)

Your thoughts are noted. You just talk in generalities. I would suggest posting no more in this thread unless you want to talk specifics of YOUR experiences. Thanks.
'Amen' to that! Much easier to wrap your brain around sensible names when that alert hits you at 3am :)

Chance are who ever named the servers knows exactly down to the type of ram and speed what each system is and has in it, the name may seem silly to you, but i am sure it is just as easy as the other db01 names you may use.
Also, Kyle, you cannot do DRAC the way you think you can. Or want. As usual, people who claim it, divorced from reality of purchasing. DRAC is a separate licensable feature, which Dell charges exorbitantly for, just like HP. What you get for free, is just about nothing. Only IBM does not charge additional licensing on the RSA (Remote Supervisor Adapter.)

I just tested this "KVM through DRAC" and it worked great from my desktop here at the office. VERY responsive. While this is not a true KVM it will do exactly what we need to at the colo without spending a lot of money on a KVM system.

For some reason, I was under the impression that "Console" was a command line only option and had not installed the feature needed to use it. Thanks again guys for getting me on track.

We have DRACs in all our new servers save one. And I will look at getting one installed.
Chance are who ever named the servers knows exactly down to the type of ram and speed what each system is and has in it, the name may seem silly to you, but i am sure it is just as easy as the other db01 names you may use.

Indeed, while all of our servers have other logical names I have a server here called Fragile. There is a reason why ;)

And everyone knows exactly what that system does or more correctly doesn't do.
Dell is not enterprise, they are booby-prize. Period. People may not like my delivery, but it is my job to know this better than anyone here.
<snip>...... my company maintains a pretty constant monthly recurring charge of well over $1mm with dell, and our feelings while not in any way perfect can be termed satisfactory, particularly given our sales rep's willingness to work on pricing and motivated service. Dell is a vendor like any other, and everybody's experience will be different.
Too much? Really? I didn't think it was so much aggressive as well, snarky.
(Kyle said) The simple fact of the matter is that I cannot build servers even close to as good as Dell can do it.
This is just so counterintuitive from a company that generally relies on high volume, slim margins, and lowest common denominator parts in their desktops and laptops. My main beef with Dell is the crappy parts they use to keep things cheap.

How are their servers different, and why can't you replicate what they do? Is it just that the BYO hardware options are limited unlike desktops?
I agree. I keep one spare drive around (in hot swap tray) of each type, but I also only have about the same about of servers as the [H]. I imagine in a larger environment you'd want to keep more around. With that said, for virtualization and database performance my preference is 4x 15K SAS RAID10 or SSD.

Also, RAID 10 is mirrored RAID 0 and RAID 15 is mirrored RAID 5. There are of course different forms of doing both which do have their slight differences.
I could go on, but I'm probably starting to bore at this point. As you can see though, virtualization is very cool technology and has uses that aren't readily apparent at first.

Keep going on. This is actually interesting, at least to me :)
Also, RAID 10 is mirrored RAID 0 and RAID 15 is mirrored RAID 5.

You know, it sounds like a good way to think of it but, that is not how we reference raid. Raid 1+0 is striped and mirrored, raid 10 as mirrored sets of raid 5 n+1 arrays . Raid 15 was ADG arrays mirrored. (raid 5 is n+1 and ADG is n+2).

Of course, there is probably very few really well defined standards for raid other than what manufacturers claim for their hardware.
And...we are probably wrong by some industry standard. ;)