52 inch samsung major pricing mistake 9.99!

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As my first post says, I never expected BB to honor this, but I ordered one anyway just because it was worth the effort. However, for some reason BB is still holding my money though (all $10.81, wooo). How long does it take to return it?

Yeah they're still holding my money after they sent me 2 cancellation emails when I only ordered one...

Date Description Amount Balance

Aug 12, 2009 BESTBUYCOM
  1. Advertise a huge HDTV for $9.99
  2. Have 100,000 buy it
  3. Say the price was a mistake and cancel all orders
  4. Hold the customers' money for a couple weeks while making interest on it
  5. Profit!

  1. Advertise a huge HDTV for $9.99
  2. Have 100,000 buy it
  3. Say the price was a mistake and cancel all orders
  4. Hold the customers' money for a couple weeks while making interest on it
  5. Profit!


BB is a genius and their shareholders will love them for this "tactic". :D
  1. Advertise a huge HDTV for $9.99
  2. Have 100,000 buy it
  3. Say the price was a mistake and cancel all orders
  4. Hold the customers' money for a couple weeks while making interest on it
  5. Profit!


Yep, this is a "floating" tactic. I don't remember the store, but a large online store did this in the past.

What I don't understand is HOW does this happen? Its one thing to have a single price mistake or being a small company, it's a whole nother thing to be a huge business and have these mistakes almost monthly.
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