512MB 7800 Ultra a possibility?

Ok. Try running doom 3 at Ultra High quality with a 256 mb card, hell, try running it with a 7800 gtx. It won't look that pretty, trust me. You'll get odd blurs and tears.
dagon11985 said:
Ok. Try running doom 3 at Ultra High quality with a 256 mb card, hell, try running it with a 7800 gtx. It won't look that pretty, trust me. You'll get odd blurs and tears.

enable V-Sync for tearing, first time i'v heard of blurs, many people have run the game through on Ultra settings with a 256mb card and thats the first i have heard. However i can correct you, what the Doom engine does have is lots of uncompressed textures and lighting which needs more valuable framebuffer, increased memory size helps with this and simply makes the game run much smoother on a 512mb card, it doesnt distort or artifact though...and i was actually commenting toward EQ2 which doesnt benefit from 512mb, same as it doesnt benefit from SLI.
To Answer the First Question.... 512 MB 7800 Ultra a possibility?

I would say no.

I would however say that a 512 MB Version of the 7800GTX is possible, At the same speeds, just double the ram.

And I dont think we will see a Major ruch to that either. I think NVidia knows what they are doing. Not too long from now, we will start seeing stuff on the G80. :)
USMC2Hard4U said:
I would however say that a 512 MB Version of the 7800GTX is possible, At the same speeds, just double the ram.
If they're going to release a 512MB G70 card then why not raise clocks too? If AIB guys like XFX and Asus can release cards with cores clocked at 480-490MHz then why not NVIDIA? What's a good reason for keeping the clocks the same?
The BBOMFIC at NVIDIA has a card sitting on his desk just waiting for ATI to release their new card just incase its faster than the 7800 GTX. Nvidia is full of surprizes so expect the unexpected. You heard it here first.
Majin said:
But nVidia has already stated that they will not be making a 7800GTX-Ultra. So we can count that out right there. Though I agree with you that come time for the X1800 to hit the market you will see something jump out of the NV bag.

No they didn't. At the time the 7800GTX was out they said there wouldn't be an ultra out and the 7800GTX was top of the line. They didn't say there would never be an Ultra or that there wouldn't be an Ultra at a different time.
Originally Posted by Majin
But nVidia has already stated that they will not be making a 7800GTX-Ultra. So we can count that out right there. Though I agree with you that come time for the X1800 to hit the market you will see something jump out of the NV bag.
We will find out pretty soon when the Rxxx comes out,wont we.
Shifra said:
enable V-Sync for tearing, first time i'v heard of blurs, many people have run the game through on Ultra settings with a 256mb card and thats the first i have heard. However i can correct you, what the Doom engine does have is lots of uncompressed textures and lighting which needs more valuable framebuffer, increased memory size helps with this and simply makes the game run much smoother on a 512mb card, it doesnt distort or artifact though...and i was actually commenting toward EQ2 which doesnt benefit from 512mb, same as it doesnt benefit from SLI.

Don't see how you're " correcting " me. doom 3 with ultra settings looks like shit with anything other than a 512 card. vsnyc doesn't help you with that, if you doubt this, please go talk to Mentok.

And yes, a 512 mb 7800 gtx would make eq2 look a lot nicer then say, a 256 mb card. Right now, no card, or sli configuration can maximize eq2's graphics.
Im sure NV will have a 512mb card out pretty soon after the R520 launches. Or perhaps they will wait till their next card. Hopefully their prices wont be like when they put out the 6800U 512...

Endurancevm said:
Oh, and then R520 is 256mb unless you get the XT, which is 512mb, but then again, no game today takes advantage of the 256mb versions of videocards.

Sorry, but that is false. As someone already said, the XL and XT are both 512.

Also, there are plenty of games that take advantage of 256mb of cards over 128mb cards at certain settings. FiringSquad showed that 1.5 years ago the 256mb version of the 9800 got about 20fps more than the 128mb version a high settings in CoD. Yes I know thats the XT compared to the Pro. The slight bump in speed wouldnt give a 23fps difference.
for whoever said eq2 benefits from a 512mb card, it wont and dosent because its massivly instanced and uses zones like most non-mmorpgs do. because of zones there are things in the game that may be in zone A but will never be in zone B, so the videocard doesnt need to keep them ready for use while in zone B because it will never have to use them, it only needs to load what it might need while in zone B.

if eq2 was seamless then it might benefit from more ram on your videocard because, being seamless it would need to keep a lot more stuff ready for use in the cards memory then just whats in the zone, because stuff from zone A could run into zone B.

the reason WoW doesnt benefit from 512mb but is seamless is because, well wow isnt fully seamless and its not that graphic intensive, its been show that in some games you do get a benefit from 512mb right now, and high res where the card is just not powerful enuff to even play. the power of most 512mb videocards hasnt reached a point where they can even make use of the extra ram. WoW is just not that graphic intesnive so when you run it at a "normal" res videocards today can keep up with the game, even tho they cant fully utilize 512mb yet. when res in games get higher, and cards get more powerful, 512mb will be more needed.
fallguy said:
Im sure NV will have a 512mb card out pretty soon after the R520 launches. Or perhaps they will wait till their next card. Hopefully their prices wont be like when they put out the 6800U 512...

Sorry, but that is false. As someone already said, the XL and XT are both 512.

Also, there are plenty of games that take advantage of 256mb of cards over 128mb cards at certain settings. FiringSquad showed that 1.5 years ago the 256mb version of the 9800 got about 20fps more than the 128mb version a high settings in CoD. Yes I know thats the XT compared to the Pro. The slight bump in speed wouldnt give a 23fps difference.

We are still at a time where Performance wise their is no benifit to 512 MB of memory, Once a current video card has to compute that much information it would lower peformance to a crawl, who cares if at this point it is twice as fast as a 256MB version.

Doom on the Otherhand Uses high res and more detailed Textures that need a larger frame buffer, This (correct me if i am wrong) could be changed with out needing twice the ram. I also have to call shens on the EQ2 needing a 512MB video card. More then a gig of ram I believe but a 512MB video card I seriously doubt.
Here think about this one...
With the new Ageia PhysX card coming out soon, will the offload of caluations from the GPU allow for 256MBs to be stick around even when games require 256 min?
Shifra said:
no it doesnt

I don't know how you can say that, when Doom 3 has a special setting for 512mb video cards. You can run it at Ultra on a 256mb video card, but it will start hitching as you play. The hitching mostly happens on later levels of the game. Also, if you buy the expansion pack resurrection of evil, that game simply will not run very well on a 256 card on ultra, and hitches a lot more than even Doom 3 did. I'm also curious about video memory when running some of these other games like Fear with everything maxed out.
junehhan said:
I don't know how you can say that, when Doom 3 has a special setting for 512mb video cards. You can run it at Ultra on a 256mb video card, but it will start hitching as you play. The hitching mostly happens on later levels of the game. Also, if you buy the expansion pack resurrection of evil, that game simply will not run very well on a 256 card on ultra, and hitches a lot more than even Doom 3 did. I'm also curious about video memory when running some of these other games like Fear with everything maxed out.

It Hitches because of the high rez textures it needs to load into the frame buffer not the amount of informaion it has to hand of to vid memory. 512MB cards happen to have a larger frame buffer so hey put that setting in there. If they made a larger frame buffer for 256MB versions it would probably run more then fast enough. This is the only game that would require a 512MB vid card, Most other games if you set the resolution High enough it would need it, but at those lvls those cards wouldn't be able to handle them at playable rates, and while a 512MB vid card may double performance 2*12 is still 24 and unplayable.
Majin said:
Here think about this one...
With the new Ageia PhysX card coming out soon, will the offload of caluations from the GPU allow for 256MBs to be stick around even when games require 256 min?

As far as I know, the gpu doesn't do physics calculations, on the cpu. So no.
I am sure there will be a 512MB version of the 7800GTX, however benchmarks will likely show that for the near future, 512MB of ram won't do squat.

dagon11985 said:
Ok. Try running doom 3 at Ultra High quality with a 256 mb card, hell, try running it with a 7800 gtx. It won't look that pretty, trust me. You'll get odd blurs and tears.

Ok, I'll load it up and be right back. I'll let you know.

EDIT: Ok, I tested that and on my system, at 1600x1200 with 4xAA set quality to Ultra Quality, I had NO graphics glitches or corruption. No tears, no corruption. VERY pretty. So I am going to go out on a limb, and say that 256MB is fine. 512MB is recommended by ID for that level of quality.

Of course I know someone is going to say "But you've got two 7800GTX's in SLi, which gives you 512MB of video memory" and to that I say, No. It doesn't work that way. 256MB of ram goes unused in SLi.
Doom3 Ultra mode is designed for and runs smoother on 512mb video cards. If you want zero hitching on Doom3 Ultra you use a 512mb card. Period. :p
Go w/ FX4500 or FX4400, where there is 512 MB. W/ SLI, your video card has 1 GB of RAM
Happy Hopping said:
Go w/ FX4500 or FX4400, where there is 512 MB. W/ SLI, your video card has 1 GB of RAM

sli cant share ram on video cards. you still only have 512MB of usable ram.
tranCendenZ said:
Doom3 Ultra mode is designed for and runs smoother on 512mb video cards. If you want zero hitching on Doom3 Ultra you use a 512mb card. Period. :p

While I have heard that, I have ZERO hitching in Doom 3 with the setup in my sig. Now, I haven't played the whole game through, but I did play it for a bit and had none of that. I can't tell the difference between Hugh and Ultra Quality in that game.

Happy Hopping said:
Go w/ FX4500 or FX4400, where there is 512 MB. W/ SLI, your video card has 1 GB of RAM

The poster above has pointed out that this is not the case, about two posts before yours I mentioned that also. It is a known limitation of the SLi configuration.
We all knew it was going to happen.

Now we can compare real prices between cards when they both come out. Hopefully NV will drop the MSRP of the 256 GTX, and put the 512 GTX at $600. Better for everyone.
Lazy_Moron said:
Isnt there a 512MB 7800GTX out there somewhere. I swear I saw somewhere that some manufacteur developed on.

No. That would be a 512MB Quadro based off the G70 core.
I have it from a very reliable source that a 7800 Ultra is going to be released,they are just waiting for the right time and for the GTX to drop a little more in price.
CMAN said:
I have it from a very reliable source that a 7800 Ultra is going to be released,they are just waiting for the right time and for the GTX to drop a little more in price.

you cant just claim something with no proof
Banko said:
I would gladly sell my GTX, and then buy a 512MB GTX if it will reduce stuttering in games like BF2, Fear, and Doom 3 in Ultra. I'll rather have that then 2gb of ram.
I bet 2 7800GTs in SLI would run faster than a single 7800gtx w 512megs of ram.... and when the "ultra" first comes out ... have fun finding it for even 500 for at least the first 2-4 weeks
Entropy1982 said:
I bet 2 7800GTs in SLI would run faster than a single 7800gtx w 512megs of ram.... and when the "ultra" first comes out ... have fun finding it for even 500 for at least the first 2-4 weeks
with NV's recent history of hard launches, i doubt that.
lithium726 said:
with NV's recent history of hard launches, i doubt that.
no i'm not saying they won't be available, i'm saying you will be forced to buy it for around retail within the first month
I say bring it on! I have $576 worth of Step-UP goodness from EVGA that needs to be used by the end of the month... so Nvidia please release a new card!
yea i paid 600 for my evga in august. hopefully the 512 will come out before my step up is over:eek:
tranCendenZ said:
Nah, you can't even use different BIOS revisions nevermind RAM amounts...

i have no problems running a older MSI 6600gt and a newer msi 6600gt with different bios versions in SLI on the 77.xx drivers
as of yet I see no difference in games in SLI except for 3Dmark05

I wonder if its my cards because I am having huge fps issues with the source engine.
Shifra said:
no it cant

600 dollars for the XT, which will be 600-650MHz Core, 1400MHz (rated for 1600) 512mb
500 dollars for the XL, which will be 550-600MHz Core, 1300MHz 512mb

prices are actually excellent. Those are MSRP of course, venders could varry.


X1xxx xx Memory Price
X1800 XT 512MB $549
X1800 XT 256MB $499
X1800 XL 256MB $449
X1600 XT 256MB $249
X1600 XT 128MB $199
X1600 Pro 256MB $199
X1600 Pro 128MB $149
X1300 Pro 256MB $149
X1300 256MB $129
X1300 128MB $99
X1300 Hyper Memory 128MB $79

icxnamjah said:
as of yet I see no difference in games in SLI except for 3Dmark05

I wonder if its my cards because I am having huge fps issues with the source engine.

you dont see any diffrence when running in SLI except that you would be able to run games with insane res with good amount of AA and AF and getting decent fps!
I found this x800 Fatal1ty review


where Doom 3, Half-life 2, and Battlefield 2 all benefit from 512mb of video memory. If a game like HL2 runs faster with 512mb then surely FEAR, Call of Duty 2, Oblivion, Prey, etc. will take advantage of 512mb too. If it provides a performance increase then I'd imagine Nvidia would at the very least solder on another 256mb and sell 7800's for more $$$.
I'm getting a KO in 2 weeks through evga. So Ill be joining those of you with your fingers crossed.
dagon11985 said:
Don't see how you're " correcting " me. doom 3 with ultra settings looks like shit with anything other than a 512 card. vsnyc doesn't help you with that, if you doubt this, please go talk to Mentok.

And yes, a 512 mb 7800 gtx would make eq2 look a lot nicer then say, a 256 mb card. Right now, no card, or sli configuration can maximize eq2's graphics.

EQ2 is pretty but it certainly is crap. You can gold plate shit but it still makes it shit. Oh and since it's a Sony SOE game I doubt very much that any card now and 4 years from now can make it look any better graphically that it does today. No xpacks zip nada there is no way to have such a high graphical setting that can't be run today how would they predict the future? They can't it's a simple scam.

EDIT: SOE also had Planetside and Starwars MMO's and both had similar UI's which were utter crap as well and didn't look so hot graphically as people thought or claimed. SOE puts out garbage. I really hope some smaller more quality oriented players come into the MMO market instead of being forced out. Eve Online was made in Iceland and was if I am not mistaken the first DX9 MMO and it was beautiful. The game was gorgeous and had some newish ideas or implementations. I don't play the game just a comment about the graphics really since it was the first MMO to impress me with character creation and normal graphical gameplay.
Polish Ninja said:
I found this x800 Fatal1ty review


where Doom 3, Half-life 2, and Battlefield 2 all benefit from 512mb of video memory. If a game like HL2 runs faster with 512mb then surely FEAR, Call of Duty 2, Oblivion, Prey, etc. will take advantage of 512mb too. If it provides a performance increase then I'd imagine Nvidia would at the very least solder on another 256mb and sell 7800's for more $$$.

What's interesting is that the Nvidia cards have consistently had 256mb pretty much on the high end while ATI has 512mb and they still don't crush Nvidia...? More memory has always been good at least to me system or video doesn't matter but it seems to have a marginal impact or Nvidia's quality is alot higher than ATI's.