4th 2405fpw. I give up......

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Mar 8, 2004
Damn, now I dunno what to even do with myself im so fustrated. I've exchanged 4 farking 2405 Dell monitors and ALL of them had some visual flaw either dead pixels, or LCD crystal warp due to something either pressing on the panel or a manufacturing flaw...God knows what, and trying to get Dell to understand this situation is a royal pain in the ass and costing me time from work. I have a fucking headache im so tired of calling support/return and technical people to get a right monitor, plus I just got disconnected after trying to establish an RMA for my 4th monitor.

Ung...I don't wanna even touch my computer for awhile. Maybe I should go on a little vacation with the GF and take a break.

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Mod Edit -
Maybe I should go on a little vacation with the GF and take a break.
....probably. Thread closed for flaming, heading off topic.....BlindedByScience
What a rough life you have. Your biggest problem is trying to get a $1000 24inch LCD for your computer. They should set up a charity fund for people in your situation. There are bigger problems. Just return it get a different brand. It's probably the shipping in your area. I seriously doubt it was Dell's fault. Try going with another company to ship.
ben johnson said:
What a rough life you have. Your biggest problem is trying to get a $1000 24inch LCD for your computer. They should set up a charity fund for people in your situation. There are bigger problems. Just return it get a different brand. It's probably the shipping in your area. I seriously doubt it was Dell's fault. Try going with another company to ship.

Actually, I would say, you have a bigger problem, trying to be rude, to someone, for no reason.

Last time I checked, this forum is related to computers, not global economics, or a broad forum, to talk about life issues.

If he posted that, in a forum, just to showoff, he has $1000 bucks to spend, then sure, that would be a problem, trying to create a image, that he has no problems, other then a LCD monitor. But isnt this for people, who have money, to get into these situations, thus telling us about it?

Your a sour puss, because you got yourself into your position, don't be mad at him, for having it better off lol.
I feel ya Icewind. I was only on my 2nd 2405, and it was still a pain in the ass. Mine kept shutting off, on the first one.

I have not had any dead pixels, or backlighting problems, so it could of been a bad batch, if somehow you were given the same ones from a certain area?

If I were you, I would try again, or stop with Dell, save up for s Samsung 24 inch, or go the LCD tv route? Pretty much the only choices I guess.
I had the same problem about a year ago with a Dell Trinitron. They would ship me faulty monitors. Every time I would have to explain to them... NO there is no powerlines by my computer, NO the speakers are NOT the issue, YES it does work poorly on other PCs!

After a while though, I got a $100 coupon which wasn't half bad because I found some speakers at dell.com for $160 used the coupon and a rebate. At the end of the day I got a set of quality Logitech speakers for $10, but I don't even know if it was worth spending hours on the phone with them.
One thing that sucks about Dell, and I am sure its the same with any other company, is that if you have your RMA, to return a product, you still have to wait in line, with the people who are trying to return products as well.

Like if you call, to say "I need a new Dell" they should then give you a new number, for when you have to phone in again, to return the old monitor once the new one gets there. It would save alot of time I think.
IceWind said:
Damn, now I dunno what to even do with myself im so fustrated. I've exchanged 4 farking 2405 Dell monitors and ALL of them had some visual flaw either dead pixels, or LCD crystal warp due to something either pressing on the panel or a manufacturing flaw...God knows what, and trying to get Dell to understand this situation is a royal pain in the ass and costing me time from work. I have a fucking headache im so tired of calling support/return and technical people to get a right monitor, plus I just got disconnected after trying to establish an RMA for my 4th monitor.

Ung...I don't wanna even touch my computer for awhile. Maybe I should go on a little vacation with the GF and take a break.

I thought the first one was perfect? wasnt it? :confused: Or was that someone else?
I've never had a perfect display. Ever. CRT or LCD. And I've had a 2000FP, 2001FP, 2005FPW, and 2405FPW.

I'm sorry if this rubs some of you the wrong way as I don't mean to offend. But if you think your display is perfect I don't believe you. You are missing something.
Just get the FW900 already. :p

Heh.. just funny because we talked about this vrs 2405 here and at anandtech. My space heater is doing well thanks. :p But I prefer to put my feet behind prometia, they stay warmer.

Then it'll be the geometry isn't perfect or the convergence will be off ever so slightly in a corner.
Too true. I'm holding this FW900 for next-gen. And the sooner the better as far as I'm concerned. Now that the size of sets and monitors is small, I'm happy to see the focus back on IQ. For fucks sake!

See you got the monster Westy.... sweet!
Riptide_NVN said:
I've never had a perfect display. Ever. CRT or LCD. And I've had a 2000FP, 2001FP, 2005FPW, and 2405FPW.

I'm sorry if this rubs some of you the wrong way as I don't mean to offend. But if you think your display is perfect I don't believe you. You are missing something.

The "perfect" Dells are being viewed by the CEO's and talking heads, so they are somewhere. sadly we just may never see them.
What's great about Samsung is they guarantee no dead pixels. And none of their LCD's make refridgerator-like humming noises...
funny, my 2005 came and was fine, no dead pixels, no miscolor...

and no im not "missing" something, I do a lot of graphic work and gaming, and desk space is an issue where I am (which is why no CRT)
T0pSh3lf said:
Actually, I would say, you have a bigger problem, trying to be rude, to someone, for no reason.

Last time I checked, this forum is related to computers, not global economics, or a broad forum, to talk about life issues.

If he posted that, in a forum, just to showoff, he has $1000 bucks to spend, then sure, that would be a problem, trying to create a image, that he has no problems, other then a LCD monitor. But isnt this for people, who have money, to get into these situations, thus telling us about it?

Your a sour puss, because you got yourself into your position, don't be mad at him, for having it better off lol.
Ummm, by writing this post you practically contradicted yourself. I'm not trying to piss anyone off, but posts like that are rediculous. "Boo hoo, I can't get my $1000 monitor in correctly." So rediculously spoiled. "Nvidia came out with a card that adds 1fps!!!! I'm going to sell my current card for $200 and spend $600 on a new one!!" Sometimes people here need a reality check.

Last time I checked this wasnt a forum to come try and start a flame war. I wasnt trying to piss the guy off but put him in his place. Its not that big of a deal. By saying that maybe he was like "yeah, maybe he's right, its not that big of a deal." He was so stressed out he needed a vacation? Give me a break, ha ha.

And when did I say he had it better off than me. I actually got my 2405 2 days ago.
ben johnson said:
Ummm, by writing this post you practically contradicted yourself. I'm not trying to piss anyone off, but posts like that are rediculous. "Boo hoo, I can't get my $1000 monitor in correctly." So rediculously spoiled. "Nvidia came out with a card that adds 1fps!!!! I'm going to sell my current card for $200 and spend $600 on a new one!!" Sometimes people here need a reality check.

Last time I checked this wasnt a forum to come try and start a flame war. I wasnt trying to piss the guy off but put him in his place. Its not that big of a deal. By saying that maybe he was like "yeah, maybe he's right, its not that big of a deal." He was so stressed out he needed a vacation? Give me a break, ha ha.

And when did I say he had it better off than me. I actually got my 2405 2 days ago.

Its not your job to put him in his place, who made you the boo-hoo police? This is the "Displays forum" not GenMay so he is on topic for what he is talking about. Nothing wrong with ranting about a broken product. If someone spends $1000 on anything and its not right, that person has every right to bitch about it. People work hard for their money and that doesnt make them "rediculously spoiled" for want to spend "their money" on something nice. If you dont have anything nice to say then keep your asshat opinion to yourself.

IceWind I understand your frustration, keep sending it back till they get it right. There are plenty of us that have perfict 2405s so there is no reason why you shouldnt either.
Dapperdan said:
Its not your job to put him in his place, who made you the boo-hoo police? This is the "Displays forum" not GenMay so he is on topic for what he is talking about. Nothing wrong with ranting about a broken product. If someone spends $1000 on anything and its not right, that person has every right to bitch about it. People work hard for their money and that doesnt make them "rediculously spoiled" for want to spend "their money" on something nice. If you dont have anything nice to say then keep your asshat opinion to yourself.

IceWind I understand your frustration, keep sending it back till they get it right. There are plenty of us that have perfict 2405s so there is no reason why you shouldnt either.
Agreed, but this forum is not the cry baby forum either. Good thing he made this post, accomplished a lot. And don't give me the "people work hard for their money" lecture. I know they do, I do too. All that I'm saying is that its not the end of the world, definitely not worthy of a vacation, lol.

You are getting more worked up over this than it worth. You said it, this isnt teh GenMay forum, so don't make posts like the one you did.
Riptide_NVN said:
I've never had a perfect display. Ever. CRT or LCD. And I've had a 2000FP, 2001FP, 2005FPW, and 2405FPW.

I'm sorry if this rubs some of you the wrong way as I don't mean to offend. But if you think your display is perfect I don't believe you. You are missing something.

i guess this is why i don't go looking for problems...

i sit down, use the monitor for gaming, movies, web browsing etc..

if the picture looks great, and i don't notice anything the monitor is fine..

its kindof like being phsychosomatic

Of or relating to a disorder having physical symptoms but originating from mental or emotional causes.

it isn't until someone says something that there is a problem.

This isn't to say that being a perfectionist is bad, but sometimes some people will just go out of their way to find something wrong when really things are fine..

in reply to the OP i would say just return the monitor to dell for a refund (if you can) and try and find some place local to buy a widescreen LCD (Costco).. a place you can physically look at the product for these flaws instead of having to deal with returns and exchanges over mail. At least from a local company it only requires a drive down to the store, 30 minutes instead of weeks.
ben johnson said:
You are getting more worked up over this than it worth. You said it, this isnt teh GenMay forum, so don't make posts like the one you did.

till you become admin you telling people what they can and can not post is as meaningfull as a video card hooked up to dog shit.
Dapperdan said:
till you become admin you telling people what they can and can not post is as meaningfull as a video card hooked up to dog shit.
ok.....Good thing oyu used the video card and dog shit analogy. Otherwise I wouldnt have understood what you were talking about.
ben johnson said:
Ummm, by writing this post you practically contradicted yourself. I'm not trying to piss anyone off, but posts like that are rediculous. "Boo hoo, I can't get my $1000 monitor in correctly." So rediculously spoiled. "Nvidia came out with a card that adds 1fps!!!! I'm going to sell my current card for $200 and spend $600 on a new one!!" Sometimes people here need a reality check.

Last time I checked this wasnt a forum to come try and start a flame war. I wasnt trying to piss the guy off but put him in his place. Its not that big of a deal. By saying that maybe he was like "yeah, maybe he's right, its not that big of a deal." He was so stressed out he needed a vacation? Give me a break, ha ha.

And when did I say he had it better off than me. I actually got my 2405 2 days ago.

How did I contradict myself? Who are you to say "those kinds of posts are rediculous"? I guess I should of just expected, that your just happy with mediocrity ? When spending 1000 dollars on a monitor, its Dells responsibility, to have the monitor meet your expectations, and if not, they wouldnt be sending him 4 monitors. They ask you at the start "what are your problems, with the monitor?" He would then explain them, and would warrant a return. How can you dissagree with that?

If I had to return a monitor, four times, I would probably post something as well, to help explain it to other people, caring about this. And if you dont care, why are you posting about it? What do you think, somoene gains, if your bitching at them, for being spoiled, or you critizing them?

The video card problem you express, was not brought here, dont try and blame someone elses posts, on this guy

Your correct, this forum is not here, to start a flame war, but YOU started the flame war lol. He posted, nothing concerning your "faults", yet you reply back, with his "faults".

Have you been in a situation, where a monitor, is your career? If this guy, is working with his Dell 2405, 24/7, and it breaks or is faulty, and in turn, messes up with work, or tasks, I sure as hell would be choked, and would love a vacation, before I put my hand through the screen, or got upset. Everyone is different, stop acting like you know, how someone should act, if something is correct. And to top it off, why go personal, in a forum like this, when he didnt?? Thats the million dollar question
T0pSh3lf said:
How did I contradict myself? Who are you to say "those kinds of posts are rediculous"? I guess I should of just expected, that your just happy with mediocrity ? When spending 1000 dollars on a monitor, its Dells responsibility, to have the monitor meet your expectations, and if not, they wouldnt be sending him 4 monitors. They ask you at the start "what are your problems, with the monitor?" He would then explain them, and would warrant a return. How can you dissagree with that?

If I had to return a monitor, four times, I would probably post something as well, to help explain it to other people, caring about this. And if you dont care, why are you posting about it? What do you think, somoene gains, if your bitching at them, for being spoiled, or you critizing them?

The video card problem you express, was not brought here, dont try and blame someone elses posts, on this guy

Your correct, this forum is not here, to start a flame war, but YOU started the flame war lol. He posted, nothing concerning your "faults", yet you reply back, with his "faults".

Have you been in a situation, where a monitor, is your career? If this guy, is working with his Dell 2405, 24/7, and it breaks or is faulty, and in turn, messes up with work, or tasks, I sure as hell would be choked, and would love a vacation, before I put my hand through the screen, or got upset. Everyone is different, stop acting like you know, how someone should act, if something is correct. And to top it off, why go personal, in a forum like this, when he didnt?? Thats the million dollar question
Thank you for your novel. Maybe I will find some time to read it.
H-street said:
This isn't to say that being a perfectionist is bad, but sometimes some people will just go out of their way to find something wrong when really things are fine..
Dude this is not some sort of mental disorder. I'm not imagining dead pixels and/or backlight bleed. I have never returned a monitor due to either of those situations but every LCD I've owned has suffered from one or the other to varying degrees. It is either perfect - or it isn't.

And having seen what I've seen I have a right to be skeptical when people insist they never have any issues.
ben johnson said:
Thank you for your novel. Maybe I will find some time to read it.

great retort there... :rolleyes:

Have patience icewind..from what everyone has been saying over the past, its worth the trouble...i myself just ordered it last Monday, but cause i applied for the installment plan, itll only probably get here somewhere around Monday or so :( just hope it comes without any defects...
ben johnson said:
Thank you for your novel. Maybe I will find some time to read it.

Every post you submit, just proves how negative you are, so if you read it or not, I still gain enough laughs

You dont need to pretend and act like your too cool for the room, I know you read it. Hell, if you read the first post, you have read them all.
One option is to buy a 2405 from somone in the FS/FT forums. That way you know exactly what quality monitor you are getting, and you'll get to save some money in the process.

Of course, if you only wan't a "brand spanking new one" then you'll have to suffer though DELL CS.
IceWind said:
The best screen I got was the 3rd one and it has only this minor annoyance. Am I being to overly picky or am I right in being this demanding considering the cost of a the monitor?


your not being over demanding, you like what you like..

but i think you have to ask yourself if dell is really deserving of your money.. if you are indeed having that many problems maybe its time to try a different company/LCD, is there no equivilant to the 2405 from viewsonic or samsung?
Good luck getting a good display. For $1000, I wouldn't accept anything less than perfection.
IceWind said:
The best screen I got was the 3rd one and it has only this minor annoyance. Am I being to overly picky or am I right in being this demanding considering the cost of a the monitor?


Your not being picky at all, like the others have said.

All you need to do, is figure out, is the trouble it is causing enough, to try it agian? If not do like H-street maybe said and look elswhere if Dell isnt right for you?

I wouldnt wait for SED, only because you dont know how long, how expensive that is and you shouldnt be forced to wait, for something that you didnt do. I would go for round 5, or save up for a 24 inch Samsung, and pay the difference, or look elsewhere, that has 24-26 inch monitors, for that price, I am not aware of money, that are computer monitors, and not TV monitors (apple is pricey)
T0pSh3lf said:
Every post you submit, just proves how negative you are, so if you read it or not, I still gain enough laughs

You dont need to pretend and act like your too cool for the room, I know you read it. Hell, if you read the first post, you have read them all.
The reason I didnt read your post is because you're missing the entire point I was trying to make. Also, I'm not trying to start a flame war, but if you insist... Anyways, my first post is not that complicated to understand/ Feel free to go back to page 1 and re-read it.

I never once said he was being overly picky or shouldn't send it back. All that I said is the he needs to lighten up. If having to return a $1000 monitor is a huge problem to him, worthy of a vacation, then he needs a reality check. You should be thankful you have the opportunity to buy a $1000 monitor. There are people a lot of people with worse problems in their life. Since you have a hard time comprehending meanings of sentences, or lack the common sense to derive extra information from a sentence, I will go ahead and give you a few examples. There are people that lost everything to the hurricane in New Orleans. There are people that can't even get food to eat on a regular basis. Yes I know, I sound like a charity commercial. I didnt want to give examples because I thought it was obvious what I was talking about.

Now you're telling me I'm being an asshole and starting a flame war? I would send all 4 back if they didn't meet my expectations. But get a fucking reality check. Having to send back a monitor is not that bad. Grow some balls and deal with it. I'd hate to see what kind of vacation this guy would take when a real problem rolls around.

Also if the monitor is huge part of his life he has another monitor at home. If he makes money on a computer he has an old monitor to use in the mean time.

I'm done here, I feel like I'm having a debate with my 5 year old nephew.
Sorry for the probs IceWind. Well others have echoed this:
1. Return it for a refund and get a Samsung as it seems to have less problems,
2. Continue to RMA and hopefully you will get one that you like.

I was lucky in getting a good one on my first try. Either that or I just don't recognize the problems like others do.
One thing I do notice though is that whenever I have something shipped to my university address where I work, the handling was much better. However, anything goes when I have the items shipped to the home address.
GL. :)
I'd just like to say, I have a 2405fpw and its perfect.

0 dead pixels, nice colour, bright as fuck (i have it sitting on 50%, still bright.), component works a charm.

Had it for 5 months now, 0 issues.

Its just the luck of the draw. Mind you, I don't sit down pouring over it analysing every pixel and every possible situation the monitor could face, I am to busy just enjoying it.

I mean, if it had problems with blue, or uneven backlighting or something, then i would care but its fine.

i'd say cut your loses and get something else, you are not meant to have a dell 24incher.
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