390X coming soon few weeks

all the next cards coming out in the R9 300 series except for Fiji (390) are rebranded last-gen ASICs, but maybe with more memory soldered on (8GB GDDR5 instead of 4GB). this is what my AMD insiders have told me.
all the next cards coming out in the R9 300 series except for Fiji (390) are rebranded last-gen ASICs, but maybe with more memory soldered on (8GB GDDR5 instead of 4GB). this is what my AMD insiders have told me.

Lawl. Good one.
Yeah, because Pascal is a 2H 2016 product that might not have consumer versions until sometime in 2017...
Plus if you remember back when AMD held the node advantage, you aren't allowed to compare products across different nodes.

I can't believe some people still think like that.
You're skeptical now, but let's see how long it really takes to launch if the 8GB HBM rumors are true! It might be closer to the release of Pascal. :D

If the 980 Ti (1080 Ti would be more appropriate tbh) is supposed to be a counter to 390X, there's no way nVidia would destroy 1080 Ti's market share in just 6 months. (assuming Sep release for 980 Ti, then 2016 Mar release for GP204)

If the first Pascal gets released in early 2016, guaranteed it will be a small die (GP107?), matching 680 performance at best, and be utterly worthless for someone using a GM200.
Yeah, because Pascal is a 2H 2016 product that might not have consumer versions until sometime in 2017...
Plus if you remember back when AMD held the node advantage, you aren't allowed to compare products across different nodes.

Well that's a bit longer than I imagined. Wouldn't be too surprising when you think about it though.

When Lordec and n=1 both disagree with you it's a good sign you've gone off the deep end. Hehe. I was half joking...
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I don't see why people have issues with this. Introduce new top end, and lower cost of old top end and continue selling it.

Apart from power consumption, which very few people care bout in desktops, there is no reason a previous gen higher end part can't fulfill the role of a next generation lower end part, as long as major features (like API support) aren't missing.

The biggest feature for the next gen of cards with be DX12, and from what I have read, just about all current cards only need a driver update to support it.

Normally chip manufacturers have incentives not to do this as it costs more to manufacture different processes on different nodes, but this (and the last few) generations have all been on 28nm and everything is outsourced these days anyway.

Both Nvidia and AMD do this. The best example was probably the venerable GeForce 8800 chip that lived on, through several renames all the way until the GTS250
Let's just say that some very basic misinformation has taken hold this silly season and all the sites keep repeating it which has cemented it.
Which is very well done by AMD.
I have seen this before from AMD, it was during the make of the Bulldozer CPU.
I have seen this before from AMD, it was during the make of the Bulldozer CPU.

Actually, please explain how this situation pertains even slightly to the Bulldozer fiasco?
In reality, this is the exact opposite of how they handled Bulldozer.
Actually, please explain how this situation pertains even slightly to the Bulldozer fiasco?
In reality, this is the exact opposite of how they handled Bulldozer.

the hush, the hype, the delay, etc............................

just like the script I witnessed with the Bulldozer...................
the hush, the hype, the delay, etc............................

just like the script I witnessed with the Bulldozer...................

You are mistaken man.
BulldoZZZer was hyped by AMD as an Intel killer. It was going to blow everyone's mind (at least according to AMD PR reps) and then it came out.
This graphics launch has no news what so ever from AMD. I mean nothing at all. All the "hype" is actually "rumor hype" made by those people we call journalists.
If I had to choose between absolute silence up till launch day, and having to live with Roy's inane (or insane, either works) ramblings and tweets, I pick absolute silence any day.
If I had to choose between absolute silence up till launch day, and having to live with Roy's inane (or insane, either works) ramblings and tweets, I pick absolute silence any day.

That guy had my hopes up way to many times.
the hush, the hype, the delay, etc............................

just like the script I witnessed with the Bulldozer...................

The hush is good, as I have pointed out before.
There hasn't been any hype from AMD about it.
There hasn't been any actual "delay" as there was no deadline set by AMD.

Bulldozer was a brand new architecture that they designed based on where they thought the software was heading, which obviously did not work out for them.

GCN is an extremely solid and flexible marchitecture that is arguably the best we have seen to date. So if AMD misses with Fiji, they won't be missing by much.
There hasn't been any actual "delay" as there was no deadline set by AMD....

Ok, there is no delay they just stopped making new GPUs for a few years. :p

What would the minimum cycle be if AMDs plans go according to plan? Something new once a year, every two or three?
Ok, there is no delay they just stopped making new GPUs for a few years. :p

That is a good point. AMD, since the acquisition of ATI tends to have 12-15 months between new architectures.

It has now been 25 months since the launch of Sea Islands.

We don't know what the reason is here though.
Ok, there is no delay they just stopped making new GPUs for a few years. :p

What would the minimum cycle be if AMDs plans go according to plan? Something new once a year, every two or three?

few years? 290/290x fall of 2013 , in October, 18-24 months is not new in the GPU world. (we're currently @ 18 Months)

The GTX Titan came out in February of 2013, the GTX 970/980 came out in September of 2014, 18 months apart.

The only time that I can remember this happening in less time, is the 680->7xx/Titan
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few years? 290/290x fall of 2013 , in October, 18-24 months is not new in the GPU world. (we're currently @ 18 Months)

The GTX Titan came out in February of 2013, the GTX 970/980 came out in September of 2014, 18 months apart.

The only time that I can remember this happening in less time, is the 680->7xx/Titan

Yup, 18 months, so I'd also say AMD is on schedule for 20 months. Nothing surprising, and the 290x series cards are still quite competitive today at high resolution, and the previous gen. 7970/280x cards are lower 1080 res.
I think people forget AMD's limited R&D budget.

Right now they are putting all their eggs into Zen. 390x is done and nearly ready to go. They are probably working on drivers, and allowing time for the board partners to have custom designs.

I have no doubt that the 390 and the 390x will be VERY solid products. AMD needs revenue at current projections they will fall below their 600mil cash limit and die sometime late 2016. So it doesn't make sense for them to hold back a new product unless they are still working on getting it perfect. AMD literally cannot afford to have a bad release at this point in time.

All their eggs are on Zen, Carrizo, and the new GPU's. If they fail Amd won't be around in 2017.
I think people forget AMD's limited R&D budget.

Right now they are putting all their eggs into Zen. 390x is done and nearly ready to go. They are probably working on drivers, and allowing time for the board partners to have custom designs.

I have no doubt that the 390 and the 390x will be VERY solid products. AMD needs revenue at current projections they will fall below their 600mil cash limit and die sometime late 2016. So it doesn't make sense for them to hold back a new product unless they are still working on getting it perfect. AMD literally cannot afford to have a bad release at this point in time.

All their eggs are on Zen, Carrizo, and the new GPU's. If they fail Amd won't be around in 2017.

Except for that billion in guaranteed revenue over 3years...
With the console contracts, that alone will keep them afloat for the next 4-5 years.
The 390X is starting to look like the HD 2900 XT... Lots of hype, delayed release and...fail. HD 2900 XT was the first ever to utilize 512-bit memory too.

AMD Radeon R9 390/390X – Fiji Pro/Fiji XT graphics processing units featuring GCN 1.3 architecture with up to 4096 stream processors and 4096-bit interface to HBM memory. Price range: $649 and upwards.
AMD Radeon R9 380/380X – Grenada Pro/Grenada XT graphics processing units featuring GCN 1.2 or GCN 1.3 architecture with up to 2816 stream processors and 512-bit interface to GDDR5 memory. Price range: $249 – $299 – $329. Since “Grenada” GPU is basically a revamped “Hawaii”, it is possible that instead of making a new GPU, AMD will simply use the old one under a new moniker.
AMD Radeon R9 375X – Tonga XT graphics processing units featuring GCN 1.2 architecture with up to 2048 stream processors and 384-bit interface to GDDR5 memory. Price range: around $229.
AMD Radeon R9 375 – Tonga Pro graphics processing units featuring GCN 1.2 architecture with up to 1792 stream processors and 256-bit interface to GDDR5 memory. Price range: around $199.
AMD Radeon R9 370/370X – Trinidad Pro/Trinidad XT graphics processing units featuring GCN 1.3 architecture with up to 1536 stream processors and 256-bit interface to GDDR5 memory. Price range: $119 – $149.

The article actually states otherwise. And for someone who supposedly has a source there seems to be a lot of ambiguity. There is no GCN1 listed though, which would be Pitcairn and Tahiti.
Except for that billion in guaranteed revenue over 3years...
With the console contracts, that alone will keep them afloat for the next 4-5 years.

you don't understand, soon as AMD goes below 600 million cash reserves its game over...
Not really... but that isn't really what is being discussed here.

then you have NO IDEA..... I would educate you, but im drunk and lazy.


If AMD goes under 600 million in cash reserves they pretty much cannot get a loan. They are dead in the water.
That's nice.
They have already pushed back their existing loans and have a sizeable revolving line that is available to them. While it is obvious that are not in a good position financially, the moves they have been making the last few years have magnified their shortcomings. All of that is now over and they are looking at this next quarter as the beginning.
They have made some significant strides in the embedded, semi-custom and professional markets.
All this talk about AMD slowly sinking is making me not so confident in waiting for the 390X. To me it seems like they just don't have the power to be the king in the GPU market.

I feel that they won't get good driver support because they are already falling behind. I don't know, I havent used an AMD/ATI card since around 2001, so I don't know what their support is like, but I was really having high hopes for the 390X.
108 pages going from hype and enthusiasm > AMD are going to die...

All of this with no actual concrete information about the cards or release dates being given at any time. haha.
Lets just say, that the rumors are true. I'll have the choice between $650 GPU - which will here translate to 650 euro GPU (or more, as euro is very weak and $ is strong atm, due to EBC quantitive leasing)... which will move to, when transferred from euro to PLN to about 3,000 PLN (that's about $850). Or, I'll be able to buy rebranded 290X. That's rather very sucky choice.

If NVIDIA then puts 980 ti at the price of 390X and cuts vanilla 980 to like below 500 euro (and lots of people selling their 980 to get 390X/Ti), guess why I won't even bother to look at AMD lineup.

I'd love to see 390 (non X) performing at 980+20% with price below 500 euro, because it would be THE card for me (taking, that AMD drivers won't suck and NVIDIA won't get more game deals, in which AMD hardware have less FPS than NV - FarCry 4 at launch notably).
The release of the 390x will be met with a counter by Nvidia (980 Ti). This is a good thing even if you don't plan on buying AMD. I wonder if AMD is holding the performance of the 390x so close to the vest because they don't want to give Nvidia time to counter with an equivalent? Either way, a card that is Titan X equivalent at 700 will sell tons, if Nvidia doesn't release the 980 TI at the same price range. Either way it benefits gamers.

What we don't need is a monopoly with only one GPU maker.
AMD seriously need to release a card between the 390x and 380x, the 390x being the "full fat", the 390 non X will HAVE to be priced the same / lower than a 980 AND beat the performance. If the rumour I read about 390 non X costing $700+ and a massive gap between the rebranded 290x and 390 then I think AMD are going to be in big trouble!
Well if the 390x is 4k cores then there's plenty of room between the 390x and 290x... I'd be surprised if there's not a 3500 core card. Just like I'll personally be surprised of the cut down GM200 isn't 2.5k cores. Somewhere these rumors changed (like the cut down went to a full 3000 cores...) not sure where but don't necessarily care.

I think there will be a cut down 390x that's 3.5k cores and perhaps on air. There were rumors for that at some point too.

We all can speculate what we want until it launches.