35 Hours of Video Per Minute Uploaded to YouTube

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
YouTube claims that over thirty five hours of video is uploaded each minute to the site. That is over fifty thousand hours of video a day. Wow. :eek:

If we were to measure that in movie terms (assuming the average Hollywood film is around 120 minutes long), 35 hours a minute is the equivalent of over 176,000 full-length Hollywood releases every week. Another way to think about it is: if three of the major US networks were broadcasting 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year for the last 60 years, they still wouldn’t have broadcast as much content as is uploaded to YouTube every 30 days.
But... most of it is crap from what I've seen. There are too many people out there with with a video camera that spot the "Yeah, I'm hot" American idol mentality.
That's an impressive statistic, but hardly surprising. We may start seeing those 24/7/365 cam setup in homes, streaming through youtube (or whatever site)... it's not like some people don't sit around and watch other people all day long either, we've been doing that since forever... this is just a different delivery mechanism.
Even tho most is "crap", I bet most is still better than the garbage Hollywood is pumping out nowdays...
I was watching a vlogger video on youtube and some person kept posting response videos of some amateur woman going at it with toys and then they would delete them after a few minutes then upload another. I downloaded three of them before they got deleted so have the proof. :)
How does youtube keep up with the storage? Especially when they allow 4K video? Maybe they get a lot of mileage out of the annoying shot time limit on the videos.
How does youtube keep up with the storage? Especially when they allow 4K video? Maybe they get a lot of mileage out of the annoying shot time limit on the videos.

That's what I'm wondering too.

And the processing power to re-encode 35 hours of video in a single minutes, before the next 35 hours comes in.

The problem isn't that there isn't hardware to do this in the world..

The problem is that it keeps growing!

How can they possibly keep up with it in the future? They can't delete videos.. so they have to mount more and more storage space and high-power servers to encode 4k video.
How much of it is Pr0n?????

Well, you gotta ask.....

Once while searching the depths of Youtube I found a BBC health show where they had like ten 20 something year old girls in a room with their shirts off giving each other breast exams....Youtube is awsome, but apparently Britian is awsomer!
Remember the TV commercial about the guy who "finished" browsing the internet? That was a lot of porn, and also he has a time machine.
Once while searching the depths of Youtube I found a BBC health show where they had like ten 20 something year old girls in a room with their shirts off giving each other breast exams....Youtube is awsome, but apparently Britian is awsomer!

Post sucks without linkage :D
It's even more amazing wen you consider that they keep several copies of each video.

At most they keep this many copies that I can count.

iPhone 3G version
iPhone WiFi version
Web 240p
Web 320p
Web 480p
Web 720p
Web 108p
WebM - not sure on quality
Plus they keep the original

So they keep like 9 copies of most videos that are uploaded.
It's even more amazing wen you consider that they keep several copies of each video.

At most they keep this many copies that I can count.

iPhone 3G version
iPhone WiFi version
Web 240p
Web 320p
Web 480p
Web 720p
Web 108p
WebM - not sure on quality
Plus they keep the original

So they keep like 9 copies of most videos that are uploaded.

Sounds about right, just boggles the mind how much space is involved, even for a day and then compounding that out to a week, month, year. Wish I had that kind of space.
In other news, it would be funny if this came up:

November 12, 2010

As reported earlier that Youtube has about 35 hours of video uploaded each minute to their servers, many have wondered how they are able to store that much video.

The answer has been revealed to us today.

Youtube has the latest in holographic storage technology in use in their data center in order to store the enormous amount of video uploaded to the website. Each holographic storage disk, or holodisk, is estimated to store 100 TB of data, or the equivalent of 400 25GB Bluray discs. Though Youtube would not specify, they hinted at about a thousand of these holodisks are in use. At this time, they are also currently field testing Intel's Light Peak techonology as an interface between each disk in the data server, and from the data server and the encoding server. With Google's overly generous financial backing, the technology behind Youtube is expected to grow exponentially in the next five years.

Just saying...

Youtube must surely have some "magically" way to store all this data. :eek:
Just think most of it is skateboarders crashing, people getting nailed in the balls, or people passing out at their wedding.... wait that America's funniest video.
How come Google is the only one (yes, I know, it's an illogical assumption :p) who has access to holographic TECHNAWLUHGEE?