24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

Not just any GDM, but any (modern) trinitron tube, rebranded or otherwise.

And while we're on the subject - any CRT. WinDAS makes it a lot easier to keep the tube in good health though because the steps are already outline for you in the software. Just follow the directions and you're gold.
honestly, get to a gym and do some basic strength training (squats & deadlifts are a good start). I recommend starting strength, and reading/watching anything Mark Rippetoe has to say on the topic :)

One of the (many) benefits of improving strength is being able to handle the almighty FW900 with ease!

I actually knew Marc Rippetoe before that whole CrossFit nonsense. I was a former wrestler and boxer, spent a lot of time at the gym...these days I just go on walks. :D

I will be getting a dolly because I've been working with 32-inch + Trinitrons myself and I can't keep asking friends to come over to help all the time. :)

The 36-inch wasn't quite 300 lbs but it did weigh ~ 220lbs. Yikes! :D

We always felt it was heavier than that. The weight distrubtion seemed weird to us. Moving furniture no sweat, but man that thing was a monster.
I tend to think that it doesn't make a difference:

Honestly, I would think that the biggest wear would be placed on the vertical deflection circuit because it has to work overtime. But the tube shouldn't really feel it. I mean, the guns are firing at a faster rate for 1920x1200 85hz than 800x600 at 160hz - at least some quick math is showing that. Did I get the math wrong?
And while we're on the subject - any CRT. WinDAS makes it a lot easier to keep the tube in good health though because the steps are already outline for you in the software. Just follow the directions and you're gold.

Ah, my post was in reference to the WinDAS instructions. But yes, maintaining healthy Drive and G2 is essential for any CRT :)
We always felt it was heavier than that. The weight distrubtion seemed weird to us. Moving furniture no sweat, but man that thing was a monster.

The easiest way to carry them, believe it or not - is face down. That's where all the glass is, and its weight is more evenly distributed face down. :)
The easiest way to carry them, believe it or not - is face down. That's where all the glass is, and its weight is more evenly distributed face down. :)

Carrying it face down won't affect geometry or any of the magnets? Just wondering, because that would be easier.
I doubt that it's so flimsily designed that gravity would be enough to dislodge some parts. I'm sure that as long as you don't bump and bang it, carrying it in any orientation is fine.
I doubt that it's so flimsily designed that gravity would be enough to dislodge some parts. I'm sure that as long as you don't bump and bang it, carrying it in any orientation is fine.

That and when you do a rejuv on any tube, it's always a good idea to face them down so that the material you burn off doesn't drop down into the guns and short them.
If/when I do get one of these monitors I'm going to overhaul the table of contents so its up to date. I plan on archiving any info in this thread on a doc or website as a backup. It's a lot of work but I have the time :)
I have much learning to do, but if I really enjoy the monitor might just make a website as a resource for everyone. I don't like the format of Reddit and I know the moderator posted in this thread asking Vito and others for help in some kind of guide.

Not only that but a properly indexed website can eliminate future Q&A on the basics.

Then again how many would really need or read it? A handful here and that's about it :D

Such a shame. Long live the CRT.
Wow now that is interesting. Does movie industry still use CRTs? I doubt they cannot afford absolutely top-end LCD or OLED displays. Could you shed some light on it?

Jeez I hope someday soon I would be able to afford to trip to your workshop UV and see all your magic you have in there :p

There are a few featured movies that were entirely rendered on GDM-FW900s and Sony Artisans... I can't name the clients due to confidentiality agreements, but some of them have blockbusters...

You need a spectro if you want truly accurate results on a wide gamut monitor.
The default tables in the i1Display Pro are okay, though it should be much better if the manufacturer provides an OEM version with tables specific to their own displays.

Since consumer-grade spectros are not very good at low-light measurements, if you're buying one you will also need a good colorimeter profiled off it.
So you really need both an i1Pro and an i1 Display Pro.

Displays should be calibrated to D65, not 6500K.
Unfortunately 6500K is not marked on this image, but we can use 5000K as an example.

5000K is anywhere along that line. It can have quite a strong green or magenta tint.
D50 is a neutral point in the center, approximately where the 5000K line crosses the planckian locus. (curve)

It is not a matter of preference. Photographers may use D50 or D55 because they are dealing with print work; whether that is books, magazines, or selling prints of their work.
Displays used for graphics work, or for viewing games/movies etc. should be calibrated to D65.

Just to be clear, the hues in your "EDID Correction Disabled" image are correct.
The hue position is determined by the opposing primary and the white point.
Basically draw a line from red through the white point; that is where cyan should lie, and so on.

P.S. You should switch HCFR to display uv plots rather than xy plots.
They are far more perceptually uniform. xy plots tend to exaggerate errors with green in particular.

It is not a matter of preference. Photographers may use D50 or D55 because they are dealing with print work; whether that is books, magazines, or selling prints of their work.
Displays used for graphics work, or for viewing games/movies etc. should be calibrated to D65..."

You just answered your own question... It is still a matter of preference based on what you intend to do...

There are a few featured movies that were entirely rendered on GDM-FW900s and Sony Artisans... I can't name the clients due to confidentiality agreements, but some of them have blockbusters...


could you say how recent are these movies?
I am so sorry but I have to honor the confidentially agreement with my Hollywood customers, and believe me they are a few of them well known.


I would also imagine that your monitors would be good for start-up studios as well. Cheaper than OLED, and kicks LCD in the ass twice over.
I am so sorry but I have to honor the confidentially agreement with my Hollywood customers, and believe me they are a few of them well known.


Can you say whether any clients have been using the FW900 and/or artisan for movies made after 2013? Just a yes or no, don't have to tell us any names of movies, studios, or clients.
How do you guys make such charts with HCFR:


I have hard times using it, often crashing. Is there any tutorial for newbies? I can easily do WPB thanks to spacediver guide, but I'm not really sure how to check calibration results afterwards :p

UV we all respect your agreements. Just wondering if some of CRTs are still in use in bussines. No names, no titles, could you just say yes or no :)

Thanks, just found it few minutes ago. They all mention DVD pattern disc, but holy cow, I do not believe there are no test patterns for PC. I haven't had DVD player in my PC since 2006...

Also HCFR itself crashes really often, especially when showing brighter images.

Thanks, just found it few minutes ago. They all mention DVD pattern disc, but holy cow, I do not believe there are no test patterns for PC. I haven't had DVD player in my PC since 2006...

HCFR has its own inbuilt test patterns, you don't need to have your own. Just choose "view images" instead of "dvd/manual" when it prompts you at the beginning.

Also HCFR itself crashes really often, especially when showing brighter images.

Make sure you're using the latest version, and are running with "view images" selected.

If the problem persists, report back here.
Thank you, newest version seems to do the trick. I remember I had some hard time wading through versions and this one seems to fix it all. If something happens I will let you know. Thanks again.
Here's another shot, but I'm pretty sure it's a diff CRT - there was no continuity between the shots:


Was searching this thread and found this old post. This is actually a Hansol brand monitor, it appears its a 720E model. I have that exact one on my desk as we speak...

They used to make budget monitors, the MFG date is 2002.

:D In case you still care.
EDIT: But, in the Nvidia Control Panel, it's easy to turn off scaling so that the video card doesn't treat your CRT like an LCD. Oh and I forgot one thing - disable Cleartype and see if that sharpens text. :)

Hey I have a Nvidia card, the GTX980Ti, is there anything else I need to disable in the control panel for a CRT?

This is a really nice find on youtube: a guy who explaisn in full detail how CRT technology works, and how to do the 10-12 most common CRT repairs yourself, without too much electronics knowledge. Actually, itts quite relaxing to watch, and a good refresh course on people who used to know a lot about CRT monitor tech and fixing.


I hope you are still lurking and can reply...but can you upload this video again? It's private even after I have logged into my Google account.

I'd really love to watch this.
I couldn't sleep so I read the entire drama/fiasco of a guy named Jonathan here in Sweden with a brand new FW-900 that was shipped to him from Unkle Vito. A few takeaways

1) What idiot spends nearly $6300, yes $6300 that includes tariffs, taxes, shipping, the monitor itself and etc?? My jaw hit the floor when I saw it! That is just...wow...I really have no words.

2) I am convinced the voltage may have played a role in certain irregularities in the picture, especially if its running at 230V. From my understanding Sony sold these monitors only to countries that had a residential voltage of 120 and below. Then again later on Jonathan confessed in a message that his monitor was badly damaged upon receiving it which leads me to my next point...

3) Why on earth would you spend $6300 to have a single monitor shipped halfway across the globe, knowing that the package is very heavy and fragile, that your risk of damage is exponentially increased. That amount of money is not worth the risk, I don't care what you are buying...but especially in this case, what utter foolishness.

4) I sorta get why Vito stopped shipping these monitors himself, I couldn't imagine what it would be like dealing with a 16 year old Swedish kid. Vito went above and beyond to rectify the problem. The kid sounded like a spoiled brat.

Just a wild story all around, I wish Vito never shipped a brand new one across the globe though. No offense to those not living in the States :)

I have a GDM5402 on the way in from California, arrives this Thursday.

I spent 90 dollars for shipping, it's brand new.

Hopefully this fills the void for the Artisan. The issue with getting an FW-900 is the shipping itself, how well its packaged and how I'm going to move it around if necessary. I wish it didn't weigh 92 lbs and all that weight is in the front...
I couldn't sleep so I read the entire drama/fiasco of a guy named Jonathan here in Sweden with a brand new FW-900 that was shipped to him from Unkle Vito. A few takeaways

1) What idiot spends nearly $6300, yes $6300 that includes tariffs, taxes, shipping, the monitor itself and etc?? My jaw hit the floor when I saw it! That is just...wow...I really have no words.

2) I am convinced the voltage may have played a role in certain irregularities in the picture, especially if its running at 230V. From my understanding Sony sold these monitors only to countries that had a residential voltage of 120 and below. Then again later on Jonathan confessed in a message that his monitor was badly damaged upon receiving it which leads me to my next point...

3) Why on earth would you spend $6300 to have a single monitor shipped halfway across the globe, knowing that the package is very heavy and fragile, that your risk of damage is exponentially increased. That amount of money is not worth the risk, I don't care what you are buying...but especially in this case, what utter foolishness.

4) I sorta get why Vito stopped shipping these monitors himself, I couldn't imagine what it would be like dealing with a 16 year old Swedish kid. Vito went above and beyond to rectify the problem. The kid sounded like a spoiled brat.

Just a wild story all around, I wish Vito never shipped a brand new one across the globe though. No offense to those not living in the States :)

I have a GDM5402 on the way in from California, arrives this Thursday.

I spent 90 dollars for shipping, it's brand new.

Hopefully this fills the void for the Artisan. The issue with getting an FW-900 is the shipping itself, how well its packaged and how I'm going to move it around if necessary. I wish it didn't weigh 92 lbs and all that weight is in the front...

I offered Jonathan a replacement monitor which I didn't have to but I felt compelled to do that as a good gesture in good faith.

The monitor that was sent to Jonathan in Sweden was packed in the Sony original box with the original cushions, and something happened in Sweden. I ship tons of monitors to all US states, and all over the world, including all European countries and the UK; and to this date we have had issues with two units that they were shipped to Sweden.

I want to emphasize that Jonathan never paid $6,300.00 for the unit. That is NOT CORRECT!!! He paid $2,499.95 (that is the price of a brand new zero hour unit), plus shipping which was very expensive, plus all ancillary fees that FedEx charged, custom brokerage fees (he did not have a custom agent so FedEx acted as one and they charge a fee), and the outrageous duty and tariff that Sweden levied on the CRT. Just to give you an idea of the landed cost... 50% of the landed cost were taxes, shipping, and ancillary fees. The mistake Jonathan made is that he never reported to either FedEx and/or I the issue with the GDM-FW900 within 72 hours and that is clearly marked on the set of guidelines that I include with every CRT I sell. In fact, it is marked in BOLD RED CAPITAL LETTERS!!! Should he had followed these simple guidelines to the letter... The outcome would have been different...

I am still holding a unit for him... and it will be stored with his name on it until he decides he wants it shipped...

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Did this Sweden brat even knew what he was buying? He most probably did not even use CRT in last ten or more years which basically mean he do not remember them. He just bought it because of opinions such as on this board, of people dismissing every single issue CRT's have and especially this model, pretending they are perfect. From all descriptions here one would imagine it have quality like one imagines OLEDs to have...

For almost all intents and purposes monitor such as Acer XB270HU will be much better choice, even if gaming was only deciding factor.
I offered Jonathan a replacement monitor which I didn't have to but I felt compelled to do that as a good gesture in good faith.

The monitor that was sent to Jonathan in Sweden was packed in the Sony original box with the original cushions, and something happened in Sweden. I ship tons of monitors to all US states, and all over the world, including all European countries and the UK; and to this date we have had issues with two units that they were shipped to Sweden.

I want to emphasize that Jonathan never paid $6,300.00 for the unit. That is NOT CORRECT!!! He paid $2,499.95 (that is the price of a brand new zero hour unit), plus shipping which was very expensive, plus all ancillary fees that FedEx charged, custom brokerage fees (he did not have a custom agent so FedEx acted as one and they charge a fee), and the outrageous duty and tariff that Sweden levied on the CRT. Just to give you an idea of the landed cost... 50% of the landed cost were taxes, shipping, and ancillary fees. The mistake Jonathan made is that he never reported to either FedEx and/or I the issue with the GDM-FW900 within 72 hours and that is clearly marked on the set of guidelines that I include with every CRT I sell. In fact, it is marked in BOLD RED CAPITAL LETTERS!!! Should he had followed these simple guidelines to the letter... The outcome would have been different...

I am still holding a unit for him... and it will be stored with his name on it until he decides he wants it shipped...


That truly is a laudable gesture Unkle Vito!

And I'm sorry you read me wrong, I did not mean the monitor itself cost $6300 but everything all together (fees, tariffs, shipping, etc).

Yes I agree he should have reported the issue directly to FedEx within 72 hours, there should have been no hesitation. Although it does appear from what I read it was working OK when he got it and then possibly a power surge hit, although you have no idea until you run a diagnostic and troubleshoot the unit...

Did this Sweden brat even knew what he was buying? He most probably did not even use CRT in last ten or more years which basically mean he do not remember them. He just bought it because of opinions such as on this board, of people dismissing every single issue CRT's have and especially this model, pretending they are perfect. From all descriptions here one would imagine it have quality like one imagines OLEDs to have...

For almost all intents and purposes monitor such as Acer XB270HU will be much better choice, even if gaming was only deciding factor.
I agree with what's in bold/underlined.

You really have to know what you are getting into with a CRT before you make the investment.

I prefer CRTs over LCD/LEDs for a lot of reasons, but I also know the drawbacks and can live with them.
Was searching this thread and found this old post. This is actually a Hansol brand monitor, it appears its a 720E model. I have that exact one on my desk as we speak...

They used to make budget monitors, the MFG date is 2002.

:D In case you still care.

heh thanks, now if you can figure out what the monitor was in the previous shot, that'd be awesome :)

It appears it's the same monitor, although your image seems to stretch the picture out to where it makes the rear of the monitor longer.:D

Here's the monitor I have, it would be identical if I stretched my pic out...

Whatever happened to Vega's 3x FW-900 monitors? I saw he moved on to the Acer IPS now...

Speaking of my photo, I just recently put in a cabinet underneath the left side of my desk. I put together a cheap IKEA "Linnmon" model table and then used an IKEA "Alex" cabinet.

This should be enough to sustain the weight of my new Trinitron and/or FW-900.

A few years ago I had the longer version of the IKEA "Linnmon" and when I had my 800D case on top, the entire table was bending at the middle.:D Surprisingly the particleboard didn't give in. That case weighs around 70-80 lbs with all the components inside, one of the worst purchases I ever made.
Hey I have a Nvidia card, the GTX980Ti, is there anything else I need to disable in the control panel for a CRT?

Not really - I think that should about cover it. Be prepared to create new custom timings in the Nvidia control panel for best results. Don't use the Automatic option either - GTF and DMT are your friend. Off the top of my head (on my laptop now), I use GTF with mine.
Not really - I think that should about cover it. Be prepared to create new custom timings in the Nvidia control panel for best results. Don't use the Automatic option either - GTF and DMT are your friend. Off the top of my head (on my laptop now), I use GTF with mine.

Just so I'm clear from your other post:

EDIT: But, in the Nvidia Control Panel, it's easy to turn off scaling so that the video card doesn't treat your CRT like an LCD. Oh and I forgot one thing - disable Cleartype and see if that sharpens text.

Are you referring to this dialog when turning off scaling?
