24 Hours to AOC Beta....


Nov 4, 2007
Just about a day left until we can play Age Of Conan Beta; anybody else excited?

Even if the game is not that great, playing it just to see what the engine could do will sure be fun.
Basically I'm hoping that it's EQ2 done right. It will require skill, attentiveness, it's optimized for newer hardware, and the graphics are amazing. It also won't require the 8+ hotbars I had in eq2 + parser + custom ui windows and other progs.
I spent 22+ hours downloading this beta and although I know I cant play it yet, I thought Id go ahead and install it.....Pffffffttt. I get "errors" pop up and nothing tries to install. I cant even view any of the videos that came with the download, they all show up as an error.

I wouldnt think its showing an error simply cause its not time to play yet. IMO, I "should" be able to at very least, go ahead and install the damn game, but nope.

I even had my antivirus and firewall disabled while I downloaded, just as it says in the instructions, but it didnt seem to help anything.

So far, im not impressed with the game, heh. If I talk to customer support and they tell me I have to redownload it, Im going to give them a big ol middle finger and move on to the next game.
I had no problem installing the game...it just takes forever b/c of the compression extraction. I'm downloading the zillions of updates for the client as I type this.
Welp, aint workin for me and I be damned if Im going to download the suker again. To hell with it.
I keep getting the error "There was a problem downloading the latest patchnotes. Please try again later." But it still installs fine for me. Maybe others are getting this too.
please dont let AoC be another Vanguad bugged incomplete desert weasteland 3 months after launch.

What did I do wrong?
I'm not too excited, but only because I beta tested the game before. lol

Anyone know when the beta is scheduled to end?
I think GTA's going to get all my attention for the first week of it, either way. lol
Its technically considered open if you are a FilePlanet Subscriber and one of the 50,000 to get a beta key.
I'm not too excited, but only because I beta tested the game before. lol

Anyone know when the beta is scheduled to end?
I think GTA's going to get all my attention for the first week of it, either way. lol

I think it's ends somewhere around the 12-14th since Funcom has to allow the preorder people their 3day access on the 17th.

I'm probably going to playing GTA4 most of this week anyway. Next week I'll be in Vegas so no games then. Kind of makes me wonder why I paid to get in this beta but I normally spend more money on lunch when I eat out so no big deal for me.
please dont let AoC be another Vanguad bugged incomplete desert weasteland 3 months after launch.

I sure hope not. I already pre-ordered!

I'm thinking of calling in sick tomorrow so I can play the beta all day (if my wife will let me, lol)
Reign in those expectations, friends. Before the PvP beta was released I was in the same boat you are, and I came away fully disappointed. Of course, this prompted me to check out LOTRO which I now absolutely love.

I'm quickly becoming convinced that MMO's need a good 6 to 12 months after release before they finally reach their potential. I sure hope the same is true for AoC.
Anyone getting a black screen after the update?

Before the update it let me change settings and get to the menu fine but after all I get is sounds with a blank screen and cursor with no visuals I can only hear the aoc music.
Reign in those expectations, friends. Before the PvP beta was released I was in the same boat you are, and I came away fully disappointed. Of course, this prompted me to check out LOTRO which I now absolutely love.

I'm quickly becoming convinced that MMO's need a good 6 to 12 months after release before they finally reach their potential. I sure hope the same is true for AoC.

I didn't get into the PVP beta, I had drill that weekend (National Guard). BUT it seems to me that judging the game off a lvl 20 pvp beta and saying the game is a dissapointment seems a bit harsh. You had very limited exposure, and the beta client itself didn't have all the options (dx10, character creation options) that the full version does.
To each his own, though. I'll know what I think of it in the days to come. Even then, I'll withold full judgement until the game goes live and I can see all the game has to offer. :cool:
I didn't get into the PVP beta, I had drill that weekend (National Guard). BUT it seems to me that judging the game off a lvl 20 pvp beta and saying the game is a dissapointment seems a bit harsh. You had very limited exposure, and the beta client itself didn't have all the options (dx10, character creation options) that the full version does.
To each his own, though. I'll know what I think of it in the days to come. Even then, I'll withold full judgement until the game goes live and I can see all the game has to offer. :cool:

But my buddy was in the same beta and I watched him play. Even though there are 80 levels or so, it felt as if though you had to PVP to level. There was not much PVE involved; hoping that it changed.

I am playing LOTRO as well, what a fun game. My main is 47 now and I have been having great tine. The reason I am looking forward to AOC so much is that there are some things implemented that I want to see for myself; graphics in particular.

Plus, everytime a game comes out that may interest me I keep debating if I should buy it to try it. This beta gives me an opportunity to decide.
So what time exactly should we be able to play, have they announced? is it going to be at 12:00am, if so what time zone are they in?
I was hoping it would start sometime tonight. Oh well, I guess I'll start after work tomorrow.
I was hoping it would start sometime tonight. Oh well, I guess I'll start after work tomorrow.

Yeah same but I'll have more time to play GTA4. Nice having a selection to choose from though. :D
Well, the patcher seems to be working, as does the account creation page. You might as well get that out of the way before tomorrow.
Sigh, another place to give out my info, now I have to register on funcom's website?...this is really getting ridiculous.
First time playing a MMO?

Hardly. See the 2nd post in this thread...I also played wow and some other small mmos...I'm just tired of giving out my address/phone# etc to places that really don't need it. They should make that stuff optional. I know they are trying to protect their company and the validity of the nda agreements and what not, it's just something I dont like :eek:
Use this to extract the file:


I had the same problem. It doesn't seem to want to extract with certain programs, but 7zip worked fine for me.

Thanks for the link bro.....Seems as though it succeeded in unzipping the file. I'll check if it installs a bit later.

Edit: Its installing now. I sure would have liked to have something that told me which programs were good to use for extraction and which were not.
Also, I did my entire pre-Tortage run this afternoon and made it to Tortage. I was logged out when I clicked the Tortage gates...but hopefully that means I'll log in when the servers go live in Tortage.
Also, I did my entire pre-Tortage run this afternoon and made it to Tortage. I was logged out when I clicked the Tortage gates...but hopefully that means I'll log in when the servers go live in Tortage.

if you swim back towards the wrecked ship (where you started) you'll find a chest under water.;)
Just to clear some things up, the pvp beta weekend only allowed you to lvl up to 5, then it moved you up to lvl 20 for the actual pvp.

For those of you who downloaded the open beta client some days ago, make sure to launch it and check that everything is running smoothly. It had to download some patches for me. Also (for those who are in), how bad ass is the opening scene?
Just to clear some things up, the pvp beta weekend only allowed you to lvl up to 5, then it moved you up to lvl 20 for the actual pvp.

For those of you who downloaded the open beta client some days ago, make sure to launch it and check that everything is running smoothly. It had to download some patches for me. Also (for those who are in), how bad ass is the opening scene?

After just watching the video I have hopelessly tried to login about 20 times, just to fail miserably. Either way, I hope it's not too PVP oriented.
Just to clear some things up, the pvp beta weekend only allowed you to lvl up to 5, then it moved you up to lvl 20 for the actual pvp.

For those of you who downloaded the open beta client some days ago, make sure to launch it and check that everything is running smoothly. It had to download some patches for me. Also (for those who are in), how bad ass is the opening scene?
The opening scene makes me want to play the game four days ago.