24" Cheap LCD (TN is fine)

Mr. Stryker

Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 15, 2005
I'll be buying one in the next 24 hours. The ones I've picked so far: http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=3553267&CatId=4420

Nothing else so far, I'd like to avoid Sceptre since I've had 2 of them and would like something different, but it'd be nice if the budget was under $300. Thanks.

And if you must know, I play games a lot more than I watch movies on my computer. Usually Supreme Commander and Armed Assault, but the top five games I play, you can see here.
I'll be buying one in the next 24 hours. The ones I've picked so far: http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=3553267&CatId=4420

Nothing else so far, I'd like to avoid Sceptre since I've had 2 of them and would like something different, but it'd be nice if the budget was under $300. Thanks.

And if you must know, I play games a lot more than I watch movies on my computer. Usually Supreme Commander and Armed Assault, but the top five games I play, you can see here.

For what it is worth, I had picked out that same monitor about a month ago after a decent amount of research into 24" LCD's with an emphasis on gaming features (quick response, lack of ghosting etc). I'm not a competitive gamer but game pretty regularly. But when I saw it up close at a computer show in my area, I thought it was very cheap-looking, crappy buttons, average color reproduction, poor when view at an angle, no better than so-so in every way. I'm sure plenty of people have bought and been happy with it judging by reviews I saw on newegg but I didn't like the look of it in person. Again, FWIW, I went for the Benq G2400WD based on exhaustive research since seeing that monitor and am awaiting delivery of it. Will post on my experience with that monitor once I get it.

Edit: forgot to mention, this monitor is available on ncixus for $251 plus shipping. Also, here is the link to the (long) thread here about it:
I've seen a pair of these in person. They looked alright for color / text / internet. Never got a chance to game on them though.

For comparison they looked pretty much as good as a Dell 2408FPW
Thank you for your feedback.


Which one are you talking about? The Benq or the Acer?
I'm like the op also in the market for a 24" amd am considering the benq 2400w or this Asus which is also 16:9

Main use will be web design some basic Photoshop and console gaming..

Is it better to shop with Ncixus do they have a better pixel policy Neweggs pixel policy of must have 8 dead pixels is kinda a turn off. I'd be real pissed if I spent hundreds on a panel and it had dead pixels smack in the middle of it.
I just bought a Samsung 2443BWX at Costco for $210... That price included an instant $70 rebate/discount that ran 'till 3/31 but I think that was like the 2nd time they had renewed that rebate. I had planned to buy another T220 ($200) but with the price difference being almost non-existant I went home w/the 24" panel instead. I've looked at IPS screens and I was on the verge of getting that 22" Dell IPS panel for like $270 but I'm just gonna save up for a nice 24" one instead after they come down a bit more in price, paying more for a smaller screen wasn't really warranted for what I use it anyway.

Anyway, I'm pretty happy w/my 2443BWX, viewing angles are fine for a TN screen, no dead pixels, no ghosting, no input lag that I can see. Costco's return policy is awesome, I think I would've bought it even at $290 just because of it, though I would've been tempted by the BenQ others hever have mentioned (shipping's a killer to Puerto Rico tho). They also had the older 245BW for like $10 more, it's listed w/a lower contrast rate but it has a better stand (w/height adjustment).
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Hi "cornfield" I think I would stay clear of Benq all together in my Opinion

The Samsung 2494HS HDTV 24" with 16.9 wdiescreen. seam better than Benq or LG. in the price range

It has nice specs but where is a good place to buy. I was looking at the benq because it looked like ncixus had it under $300. And the Asus because its just $269 shipped.

I just bought a Samsung 2443BWX at Costco for $210... That price included an instant $70 rebate/discount that ran 'till 3/31 but I think that was like the 2nd time they had renewed that rebate.

Do all Costcos have the panels. I've never shopped there. but that price sounds pretty good,

I think I'm gonna go with a dual set up, the dell 2209wa (if I can get a good deal on it) and a 24"

I guess the current 24s in the running now are:


BenQ G2400WD
Samsung 2494HS (even though i dont know where to buy it from yet.)
Samsung 2443BWX (costco)
BenQ V2400W (maybe..)

thanks for the good input guys.
I already bit the bullet on an Acer P243w and I love it. This was during the forum downtime.
Do all Costcos have the panels. I've never shopped there. but that price sounds pretty good,

Hard to say, I've got two Costcos within 15 min of my house, one had both the 2443BWX and the older 245BW ($210 and $220 respectively) while the other one had neither, instead it had a newer 23" panel that was priced much closer to $300 IIRC. I think that other Costco didn't even have the 22" T220 for $200 either... Kinda weird.

One Costco had the TiVo HD's at a great price too ($150, it's $300 directly from TiVo) and the other didn't. The one that had the Samsungs I mentioned and the TiVo had plenty of them, so I really dunno how Costco handles their inventory... But if you go one of their stores they can usually look up inventory in their other nearby stores pretty easily