2020 predictions for gaming


Fully [H]
Jun 7, 2008
1. UBI will go back to Steam and other publishers will follow due to poor sales on Epic.

2. Cyberpunk 2077 will be the most hyped game ever and beat Borderlands 3 in sales.

3. Camelot Unchained will not come out for another 6 years.

4. MMOs will make a comeback leaving Battle royales in the dust.
Eh with #3. I personally think it is a dying genre. It isn't going anywhere but the subs overall been dropping overall.
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1) GTA 6 will finally be announced with a reveal trailer and a target release of fall 2021 for PS5/Xbox Scarlett. No news of a PC version to follow R* tradition. Next GTA Online will be a large focus for the developer again.

2) Valve will release their own completely wireless and PC-free version of the VIVE as a competitor to the Oculus Quest. Will be pre-loaded with Half-Life: Alyx.

3) The PS5 design is going to be very jarring and many will hate it. Sony will also announce the PSVR2 to be released holidays 2021.

4) Blizzard will announce The Burning Crusade Classic at Blizzcon 2020 based on the success of WoW Classic but will not provide a release date. Blizzard will also introduce paid server transfers and character recustomization to WoW Classic since they love money.
  1. The epic store will continue to push for exclusivity deals
  2. Sony will announce that PS5 will be the last physical console, the ps6 will be a frontend for cloud gaming.
  3. Cyberpunk 2077 will be mostly disliked by Witcher3 fanatics, for not being like that at all.
  4. There will be a lot of controversy and angry shouting around TLOU2 from both sides of the aisle. For being too woke, and for not being woke enough.
3) The PS5 design is going to be very jarring and many will hate it. Sony will also announce the PSVR2 to be released holidays 2021.
Didn't a possible design leak already for that? Or was that a red herring?
Didn't a possible design leak already for that? Or was that a red herring?
It was accurate.

I'm going to predict a resurgence of the single player game due to the failed or failing live service attempts and the sales success that recent single player games achieved (RDR2, Jedi: Fallen Order, etc).
Star Citizen will release more beautiful JPEGs for a small fortune and stay on track for a 20XD release date.

Cyberpunk will be a huge success, and a vocal minority will hate it.

BioWare will announce Anthem 2, this time we made a game edition.

EA will put microtransactions in Jedi: fallen order expansion.

Epic will continue to offer incentives for titles and be largely successful until the gravy runs out.

[H]ardocp will be revived... hopefully.
1. FFVIIR is going to be very divisive.
2. Sony and MS will both try to launch their new consoles with big exclusives releasing either out of the gate or within the launch window.
3. Half-Life: Alyx will be the next Beat Saber, the game that people show off to others to sell them on VR. However it still won't push PC VR beyond being a, relatively, small niche.
4. Despite predictions of doom and gloom, the Switch will somehow continue to defy expectations and keep selling well in the wake of expensive new consoles launching.
5. Sony and MS' new consoles will launch at $500 within weeks of each other, causing both companies to take losses on each sale.

Those are the Dev kits which are completely different than the retail versions, at least based on previous generations. The PS3, PS4, and PS4 Pro Dev kits look nothing like their retail counterparts. The PS2 Dev Kit did have some similarities in design though.

For further proof of this: Those are PS4 dev kits to the right of the TV.
1. Better linux support for Navi
2. vr finally takes off
3. bethesda ruining otherwise awesome doom gameplay due to monetization
4. Cyberpunk 2077 is poised to be the first rpg this gamer is going to buy on day one

wish list:
5. high refresh 4k TVs and monitors
Non limited cross play(xbox, Ps4, switch and PC) will be normal for all trendy multiplayer and coop games by Xmas 2020.

Wish list -
Due to number 1, next gen consoles will likely release a discord like app so players on all platforms can join voice groups outside of a specific game. I can't stand having half of my gaming buddies on a PS4 and half on PC, yet can only voice chat to my console buds in game. There should be a better way of integrating this. And no, having console people join discord or some other voice app on their phones or laptops doesn't cut it.
1. Half-Life: Alyx will launch with moderate success and good reviews and Half-Life 3 will still not be acknowledged by Valve
2. The Last of Us 2 will be my and many other's GOTY.
3. TLOU 2 will launch again on the PS5 with a remastered edition and I will be forced to buy it again for $600 if they don't make a bundle deal for it.
There will be a lot of controversy and angry shouting around TLOU2 from both sides of the aisle. For being too woke, and for not being woke enough.

I guarantee you there will be no shouting about the game not being woke enough. It'll all come from one "side of the aisle."
Elden Ring will be released to universal acclaim and better reviews then Cyberpunk 2077
Bloodborne 2 will be announced
new Mass Effect and Deus Ex games will be announced
1. I'll still be bitching about gaming.
2. Blizzard is going to try to win back their core audience. Similar to how a wife beater comes back home with flowers after being released from jail saying he's changed his ways.
3. CDPR is going to make a fuck ton of of cyberpunk.
4. More epic store exclusive bs.
I guarantee you there will be no shouting about the game not being woke enough. It'll all come from one "side of the aisle."
You wanna bet? Someone somewhere will have their panties in a bunch about depicting something the wrong way. Unless the internal memo goes out to leave this game alone.
I'm hoping that full-spec HDMI 2.1 devices finally flood the market. We should know based upon what everyone is pitching at CES.

In terms of predictions, here goes:

1. Either the new Xbox or PS5 will be significantly worse than the other on paper. Not necessarily the hardware, but either the price point, launch titles, or some kind of additional functionality. So much so that they actually have to use aggressive PR or even make a strategic 180 to combat it.
2. 2020 will be the year the VR either dies (at least for for a while) or finally takes off.
3. Street Fighter 6, GTA6, Bloodborne 2, Deus Ex 4, and Resident Evil 8 will all be announced.
4. Intel's initial Xe graphics card won't make a splash in the gaming market at all.
5. Cyberpunk will be good, but a letdown.
6. The next Assassin's Creed and Far Cry games will both be more of the same...for better or worse.
Domingo said:
1. Either the new Xbox or PS5 will be significantly worse than the other on paper. Not necessarily the hardware, but either the price point, launch titles, or some kind of additional functionality. So much so that they actually have to use aggressive PR or even make a strategic 180 to combat it.
Sounds like the Xbox One reveal and launch. After that train wreck I’d be surprised if either Sony or Microsoft would travel down a road like that again.
You wanna bet? Someone somewhere will have their panties in a bunch about depicting something the wrong way. Unless the internal memo goes out to leave this game alone.

Here's exactly what will happen. The game will come out, reviews will be excellent, people will enjoy the game. Shortly thereafter, some right-wing site will dig up a comment from someone's Twitter about something in TLoU2 being "not woke enough" (whatever form that may take.) Then there will be this massive uproar over some inconsequential tweet as though "those crazy SJWs are ruining my TLoU2 and want to insert their agenda into my gaemz!!" and 6,448 Youtube videos from Mr. H Reviews and all the rest will come out. All from some useless tweet.
Here's exactly what will happen. The game will come out, reviews will be excellent, people will enjoy the game. Shortly thereafter, some right-wing site will dig up a comment from someone's Twitter about something in TLoU2 being "not woke enough" (whatever form that may take.) Then there will be this massive uproar over some inconsequential tweet as though "those crazy SJWs are ruining my TLoU2 and want to insert their agenda into my gaemz!!" and 6,448 Youtube videos from Mr. H Reviews and all the rest will come out. All from some useless tweet.
What will happen is "articles" will start popping up on theverge/kotaku/polygon/rockpapershotgun and other "gaming" sites weeks before the game is even released bashing gamers, and predicting that they will hate TLOU2 because it has a female protagonist, and gay romance. Oh and of course mention trump, it is always important to mention trump in a game review/preview.

Meanwhile the toxic sexist homophobic gamers will make it the best selling game ever in its first week. Completely debunking their homophobia assertion, but nobody will say anything, because criticizing outlets falsely accusing an entire community of a phobia is "harassment". Makes sense? No, that is exactly my point.

Of course there are fringe elements who actually hate women in games and everything and everything, but they are actually the "useless tweet", and I'm sick and tired of being identified by a few antisemitic alt right morons.
What will happen is "articles" will start popping up on theverge/kotaku/polygon/rockpapershotgun and other "gaming" sites weeks before the game is even released bashing gamers, and predicting that they will hate TLOU2 because it has a female protagonist, and gay romance. Oh and of course mention trump, it is always important to mention trump in a game review/preview.

Meanwhile the toxic sexist homophobic gamers will make it the best selling game ever in its first week. Completely debunking their homophobia assertion, but nobody will say anything, because criticizing outlets falsely accusing an entire community of a phobia is "harassment". Makes sense? No, that is exactly my point.

Of course there are fringe elements who actually hate women in games and everything and everything, but they are actually the "useless tweet", and I'm sick and tired of being identified by a few antisemitic alt right morons.
Thanks for typing that out. I was too lazy... EDIT: Don't forget white supremacists! If you do not like that James bond is becoming a black female after decades of being a white male, you are one!
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What will happen is "articles" will start popping up on theverge/kotaku/polygon/rockpapershotgun and other "gaming" sites weeks before the game is even released bashing gamers, and predicting that they will hate TLOU2 because it has a female protagonist, and gay romance. Oh and of course mention trump, it is always important to mention trump in a game review/preview.

Meanwhile the toxic sexist homophobic gamers will make it the best selling game ever in its first week. Completely debunking their homophobia assertion, but nobody will say anything, because criticizing outlets falsely accusing an entire community of a phobia is "harassment". Makes sense? No, that is exactly my point.

Of course there are fringe elements who actually hate women in games and everything and everything, but they are actually the "useless tweet", and I'm sick and tired of being identified by a few antisemitic alt right morons.

Indeed. Far Cry 5 was given a lower score because the bad guys weren't Republicans by Polygon (or was it Rock Paper Shotgun?). Or that article about Cyberpunk not being progressive enough under the guise of "boring gunplay". Don't recall if it was Polygon or RPS. Maybe Kotaku. In the case of Far Cry 5 it was somewhat ironic. A lot of these people push for diversity in every game even if it doesn't fit the theme. FC5 did exactly that. Wyoming isn't exactly diverse yet the people in the game were. You'd think they would've been happy. But that is what you get when you make everything bland and generic and unfitting for a theme. An unrealistic, illogical setting. Game was "meh" anyways.