2 x GTS 250 = what?


It's not religion. C'mon guys.

I liked my 1gb 250 SLI setup... I would recommend it to others.
And the reviewers who you so quickly brushed aside? They don't have an experience with the hardware they are reviewing?

Your main complaint seems to be related to the framebuffer size. While it's true that a smaller framebuffer will result in a bottleneck in certain situations, it's something that you are able to anticipate and work around. Framebuffer requirements are going to vary wildly depending on the resolution used, level of AA (and even type of AA), texture resolution, etc.

If you don't typically use much AA and/or don't have a monitor with a very large resolution then a smaller frame-buffer might not be a big deal. Some people don't even like to use AA or just leave it at something like 2x. To a large degree monitor resolutions have plateaued at 1920x1080. Considering that 1920x1200 has typically been the tipping point where you see large gains from 1gb VRam, I'd say most with reasonable in-game settings would be just fine with 512mb.

Just for the record....

My 1gb 250 SLI setup drove my 1920x1200 monitor just fine. And it was cheapish.

I don't get the religiosity about this. It's like people have to justify purchases they already made by trashing another consumer's choice.
You're all raging over semantics. The fact of the matter is that two GTS 250 1gb cards in SLI will perform well (and will likely match or beat a GTX 260), but there's no reason to use such a config, since you can get a 5850 for cheaper. Hell, dual 5770's are nearly the same price and perform better.

Also would be my reccomendation, find a nice deal on a 5850. People are getting them for $280 shipped with certain deals like Bing cash back.
My vote is for a 5830 provided that your system can handle putting just a bit of extra voltage to the GPU for a nice overclock. I think 5830 IS worth it ($229) IF you are able to run it above stock speeds. :)
My vote is for a 5830 provided that your system can handle putting just a bit of extra voltage to the GPU for a nice overclock. I think 5830 IS worth it ($229) IF you are able to run it above stock speeds. :)

a 5830 would be slower then GTS 250 sli =p
I'd say 5850 5870 or gtx 470
So, if you can grab each GTS 250 1GB for like 70$ a piece, I think it would still be a good deal, because you cant get a GTX 280 / 285 for anywhere near 140$.
I just got 2 new PNY GTS 250's 1GB ( for 70$ a piece) to replace my 4850 LOL, I had a 9800gx2 for a bit and it was WAY faster then my 4850 and it only had 512MB VRAM. So, I know the GTS250's will definitely be faster then that 9800gx2 and smoother because of the 1GB VRAM too!

If you got in on that deal that tigerdirect had going now but is sold out, you could get 2 GTS 250's 1GB for around 105$ with bing cash back =)

Also, OC the 738mhz stock to like 770ish if possible and were talkin some good speed!

I really like SLi, too its come along way as far as driver code goes. The 9800gx2 played many of my games liquid smooth, no micro stutters from what I could tell. With SLi nhancer program.....it really opens up doors for tweaking SLi settings per application. There isnt really anything like that for xfire afaik!
As a rule, combining two low-end cards is dumb.

SLI and CF are designed to give you maximum high-end performance or very good medium-high-end performance.

When you put together two outdated, slow cards, you will exacerbate the problems that are already inherent in SLI and CF - microstuttering, lower minimum framerate, and general lack of smoothness compared with a comparably powerful single-GPU setup.
Looks like the GTS 250 SLI > HD 4850 X2 most of the time.


(BTW, I have 2 x HD 4850 in CFX in my T1055 system)
I don't get all the bashing on Ogilvy, aside from his slightly abrasive posting style.

You can point to Xbit Labs benchmarks all you want, but they aren't telling you the minimum frame rate, whether or not you suffer from any hitching or microstutter, etc etc. You are getting the AVERAGE frame rate, which may or may not be higher with a SLI setup, but is not necessarily any smoother, and in fact may be worse. That is what he was commenting on. A single GTX285 will most assuredly give you a smoother and easier gaming experience than a SLI setup of cheaper NVIDIA cards.

That said, I don't know why anyone would spend $250-300 outright on a GTS 250 SLI Setup right now when you can get used GTX280s for <$200 or a new 5850 for around $250. At that price range, using a single GPU setup is the obvious best solution. No need to worry about multi-GPU compatibility, and less power and heat.
I don't get all the bashing on Ogilvy, aside from his slightly abrasive posting style.

You can point to Xbit Labs benchmarks all you want, but they aren't telling you the minimum frame rate, whether or not you suffer from any hitching or microstutter, etc etc. You are getting the AVERAGE frame rate, which may or may not be higher with a SLI setup, but is not necessarily any smoother, and in fact may be worse. That is what he was commenting on. A single GTX285 will most assuredly give you a smoother and easier gaming experience than a SLI setup of cheaper NVIDIA cards.

That said, I don't know why anyone would spend $250-300 outright on a GTS 250 SLI Setup right now when you can get used GTX280s for <$200 or a new 5850 for around $250. At that price range, using a single GPU setup is the obvious best solution. No need to worry about multi-GPU compatibility, and less power and heat.

I quoted you simply because you were the last post in this thread, but why is everyone acting like the 250gts is a ~$150 card?

It is not that expensive even brand new...
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produ...tion=gts 250]&bop=And&Order=PRICE&PageSize=20

sort by cheapest first obviously , after mail in rebate 78 bucks for a brand new one including shipping

if you want to pretend like the mail in rebate isn't there $100 including shipping.

in my opinion if you have the power supply and mother board, then you might as well get the SLI set up , because by the time it is subpar for your gaming experience you can just replace both cards with a new single card or a new sli set up
Ya, I'm considering getting another GTS 250 for $70AR locally. Dirt cheap.
I know from experience that two 512mb 8800gt's in SLI cannot match a GTX 260. The GTS 250 has more shaders and higher clocks than an 8800gt, and some GTS 250's have a 1gb framebuffer. Provided the GTS 250s had 1gb, it is conceivable that two of them could beat a GTX 260 in real-wold gameplay. I don't know about a GTX 275, however.

8800gt sli is faster than GTX 280. Only when vram runs out GTX280 is faster.

GTS with 1 gb frame buffer is faster than GTX 285 much like 4850x2 is faster than GTX 285.
For the money just get one of the many HD 4870 x2's floating around on the forum for $200 or so shipped. Still leaves a Pci-E slot open for a PhysX card = win - win