10% off SSDs,USBs, and TIM Easter Weekend

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200MB/s writes is about average for the latest SSDs and it's no cheaper. It's also a drive of unknown origins from an unknown company. Newegg has a 128GB OCZ with 275MB/s writes for $180AR.

I say buyer beware on this deal.
200MB/s writes is about average for the latest SSDs and it's no cheaper. It's also a drive of unknown origins from an unknown company. Newegg has a 128GB OCZ with 275MB/s writes for $180AR.

I say buyer beware on this deal.

Thats SATA III speeds not SATA II
Go look at the SATA II write speed on NewEgg none of them are this fast including the new Intel 300 series its less than 200.
Those are speeds are not reliable and sustained. But to each his own. Like I said the USB sticks and TIM are great deals, the USB being screaming fast, and the SSDs especially the 256 and 512 are spectacular deals. No one is saying you have to buy. I got a USB 32 GB stick.
Why not just tell people this is your business...Very lame attempt at self promoting with rebranded Chinese junk.
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So now you are trying to run a business, Charles?

From the linked website:

The Leader in innovative technologies focused in the high tech memory chip area.

"Leader in innovative technoligies" ? What? Dude you are buying stuff from China and reselling it. In no way, shape, or form are you a "Leader" in anything.

I also see that you are selling the IC Diamond TIM that you receive for free to spam on forums.

This is truly sad to see.

good god man,you get rightfully banned from evga forums,and now you end up here ffs.:eek:

whats next pole smokin:D the admins here to get on their good graces,so that they can deal

with other members here who have very good memories of what you are all about.

here is a link to a fabulous website that i think you will fit in rather well


ask for fugger,vapor,or movieman in no particular order,and they will be delighted to have you
Hrm... Falcon_CMH pushing another IC Diamond promo... and now some "omg super SSDs" say it ain't so!
I knew it was self promotion in the OP the second i read it, and I have no idea who this dude or his history is.

Caviar Emporer, aka, Seller stinks like King sized Fish :p
It's sad how all I do is serve the community by helping my fellow enthusiasts (proved by all my posts across many forums on the web educating and helping folks) and characters crawl out of the wood work with hatred and jealousy hiding behind the web. You have to feel sorry for people like this their lives must suck letting the hatred and jealousy eat them up.

RedRaider follows me around forums and on YouTube personally attacking me and having forum members do the same because I complained about Sidewinder treating me poorly.

EVGA members attacking me on Youtube copying my videos and altering them and getting in trouble for copyright infringements and they are upset because I didn't let EVGA censor me like they do others on their website through banning, the Mod who banned me was let go over it, I chose to leave EVGA I could have come back, and I personally requested all my posts and information be deleted and it was done. Joe Darwin upset I went over his head and Bob the VP not doing his job and fixing the forum issues.

You know the funny thing is I have 100s, well over a thousand now, of people I have met through the online forums who appreciate me and are greatful for my help. This far out weighs the few people who are haters and jealous. I really do feel sorry for you especially the ones who do not know me these unecessary mis-information posts out here show people's true character.
What'd this guy do that upset folks? Did he ever cheat anyone out of anything or was it just disagreement over opinions of products? :confused:
And probably a better question: What would he need to do to redeem himself if he did actually do something wrong?
Considering we can buy the Crucial C300 from Newegg why should we buy from you? Crucial has a very good reputation in the market and Newegg is a long established place to buy computer hardware. I don't see any reason buying parts from a unknown website trying to do a self promotion, which I am sure is against the rules here. Do those SSDs even have a warranty?
It's sad how all I do is serve the community by helping my fellow enthusiasts (proved by all my posts across many forums on the web educating and helping folks) and characters crawl out of the wood work with hatred and jealousy hiding behind the web. You have to feel sorry for people like this their lives must suck letting the hatred and jealousy eat them up.

RedRaider follows me around forums and on YouTube personally attacking me and having forum members do the same because I complained about Sidewinder treating me poorly.

EVGA members attacking me on Youtube copying my videos and altering them and getting in trouble for copyright infringements and they are upset because I didn't let EVGA censor me like they do others on their website through banning, the Mod who banned me was let go over it, I chose to leave EVGA I could have come back, and I personally requested all my posts and information be deleted and it was done. Joe Darwin upset I went over his head and Bob the VP not doing his job and fixing the forum issues.

You know the funny thing is I have 100s, well over a thousand now, of people I have met through the online forums who appreciate me and are greatful for my help. This far out weighs the few people who are haters and jealous. I really do feel sorry for you especially the ones who do not know me these unecessary mis-information posts out here show people's true character.

Serve the community? Man, do you live in a dream world Charles. You serve as a leach maybe, but that's it. Anyone can go to the major tech forums around the web and not find much posting from you at all.

You were banned from EVGA for your continued harassment of fellow members there. EVGA moderators choose to delete all your posts, it was not your decision, you had ZERO say in the matter.

You need to get a life, NO ONE and I repeat NO ONE, in their right mind would be jealous of someone like you. To be jealous of someone they would have to have things that others lacked, you DO NOT FIT THAT BILL !

It seems now that you have started up some bullcrap online store, which IS NOT EVEN SECURE and are trying to scam people out of their hard earned money. You are hosting, what I will VERY LOOSELY call a 'e-store' on http://freewebstore.org/ for pete's sake.

Those SSD's you are attempting to peddle appear to be this garbage ... http://www.memocom.com.tw/english/01_products/01_list.php?MID=8

I could care less about some off-brand Chinese USB stick. I have been more than happy with Patriot XT sticks.

One thing that someone has pointed out in a post above... NO PRODUCTS IN YOUR STORE CARRY A WARRANTY That is the first RED FLAG that should pop up for any potential buyer! This show's your TRUE CHARACTER Charles H.

IC Diamond you are selling, you kept trying to shove that shit down everyone's throat on EVGA. Remember, you continuously bragged about getting it for free, now you are selling it? Is this a feeble attempt to make a run for some money to pay off your debt for that garbage wooden case you are having made?

Like I posted above... STEER CLEAR OF http://www.cj-technology.com/ .
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Everything you post RedRaider is a lie and people know it. And ask Joe Darwin why they deleted my posts it was at my request. You cannot help yourself but to lie to attack members everywhere even on your own forum.
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