1 Year Maximum PC for 3.99

I decided to jump on this simply because I had to pay $9 to get the october issue (batman case = ROTM)...

Great deal. I put "junkmail" in my name so when they send out my information, I'll know what's junkmail and what isn't.
Great Deal. I just jumped on this myself. Hope everyone knows these dont include the cds but who cares.
Ive ordered from bdm before and it has taken up to 2-3 months for me to get my first issue...and about 3 months ago Ive been getting a "Its time to renew message". I bit as well...its about as much as a double cheeseburger. :) Thanks!
I've used them for the past couple years as well. The downside is that they hammer your mailbox daily.
Dang, I just renewed, too. I could have saved $8! Shoot, that's just over 2.5 gallons of gas! :p
MaximumPC is a great mag. I've had them since they were called BOOT and have renewed till Dec 2009. This is a great deal!
Perfect timing! My subscription just ran out. I jumped on that deal right quick. I've been reading this rag for at least the past 8 years. Best mag in the biz'
Last year we had $2 wired, now we have $4 max pc.

good stuff, need to keep meself entertained on the shitter ;)
Top 3 places men read magazines.

3. Car during a short trip / vacation

2. Waiting room at the doctors office for self / GF or wife / child.

1, The shitter.
BXVeTeRaN said:
Great Deal. I just jumped on this myself. Hope everyone knows these dont include the cds but who cares.
Why don't they include the cd?
It is interesting that it doesn't include the CD but I've never used one of 'em in all the years I've had a subscription.
Hey, you can't beat decent reading material for when you're on the throne, especially at that price.
absolute newb here, but I've been lurking @ this forum for awhile, time to hop on board, this place rocks...for future info and great deals on alot of magazines, heres a great multi-search site, I've been reading maxpc for a long time myself & just added on another 2 years..give it a try, you'll like it!...heres a search on the main subject

magazine deals here