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  1. J

    Disney's New Streaming Service Will Include "The Entire Disney Motion Picture Library"

    Wonder if The Black Hole or The Black Cauldron would be included.
  2. J

    AI Creates a Deep Fake of Steve Buscemi's Face on Jennifer Lawrence's Body

    Uhm...people already can't tell fake TEXT posts NOW, nevermind video.
  3. J

    The Original Ghostbusters Cast Will Return for New Movie

    Wut!? No Annie, Rick, Sigourney? Pffttt....
  4. J

    Telltale Games Studio Shutters Doors Due to Low Sales

    Same. My favorite TT game.
  5. J

    Oxenfree Available for Free at GOG

    I picked it up. So far pretty good. I had heard of this a while ago, mostly due to the soudntrack, which is fantastic, but hadn't bothered to actually buy it. Glad I was able to get it for free!
  6. J

    KFC's New Employee Training Game Is a Virtual Reality Nightmare

    Really? They need a VR app to show employees how to make their chicken? I worked at Popeye's when I was 16. It took about 3 mins to learn how to make any of the chicken: "Ok, use THIS packe of seaons for mild. (which seemed to be either MSG or SALT) and THIS packet for spicy (a blend of some...
  7. J

    “Tomb Raider” Photos Reveal Alicia Vikander as Lara Croft

    Me too. She was even better in Ex Machina. Was really hoping there'd be another Man from UNCLE.
  8. J

    Robot Goes Rogue, Smashes Booth and Injures Visitor at Tech Fair

    Shit, thought that last picture was Jeb, with a few too many boosters.
  9. J

    NVIDIA Giving Away $50,000 Worth of Obduction Codes

    I don't know what nvidia did or what i did, but this new computer I built, it worked when I first installed GFE. After an update, it completetly stopped functioning. I can install/uninstall it, but is just won't run at all.
  10. J

    Funny Video of the Day

    I was picturing Dishonored's BLINK when the squirrel teleported to different branches.
  11. J

    Man Arrested For Threatening Blizzard HQ With An AK-47

    Just a Tavor. It's a bullpup style rifle (action behind trigger/grip.) There are many like it: AUG, SA80 being 2 older types, with Tavor (below), Kel-Tec RFB and RDB, and Desert Tech MDR being a newer variety. I personally have an M1A Scout Squad in a Juggernaut Tactical bullpup chassis, but am...
  12. J

    Nura Headphones Adapt To You To Make Music “Perfect”

    So, headphones with include monkey penis? Sign me up!
  13. J

    Stupidest iPhone Case Ever

    In light of current events, this case would give the police reason to execute whomever has it.
  14. J

    WTHDIJS Video of the Day

    Roll cloud. VERY cool looking. roll cloud - Google Search
  15. J

    Big-Ass Phones Need To Die In A Fire

    I remember when I first go the Note LTE. EVERYONE said it was stupid and was too big. Overheard last week" Look at my new iphone 6 plus!!! Sqweeeee!" Settle down, Bob. People are retarded. Once you except that fact, you'll be happier.
  16. J

    Must See Wingsuit Flight Video of the Day

    NatGeo had a documentary a while back about Frightful, a Pergrine that was trained to chase a lead lure. Recorded top speed was 242mph.
  17. J

    Rare Revealed: The Making of Perfect Dark

    Didn't play either. Not sure why I didn't know about this game until recently and only because I bought the soundtrack. Thought I knew about No One Lives Forever, I also didn't play that or this one, and that makes me sad. :/
  18. J

    Apple Rumored To Be Developing High-Resolution Audio Formats

    I'll just keep buying vinyl. :/
  19. J

    Quantum Dots Print Tiniest Inkjet Image

    The quality of that pic is about what came out of my first color bubble jet printer. Hopefully they can scale it enough so that it 1. doesn't take an eon to print a picture and 2. cost comparable to what we have today (though even THAT could do with some scaling down)
  20. J

    Fallout 4 Patches Will Release On PC First

    Also, a few issues with: Pipboy goes very wonky when crouched/invisible (some raider right leg invisibility item). Have to stand up to end invisibility so I can see pipboy. Missing settlers. I took everyone out of Red Rocket but still says there is one. Been trying to fix all my supply lines...
  21. J

    Fallout 4 Patches Will Release On PC First

    Worked for me, I'm sure of it. Will test asap, but remember eating it and health went up as rads went down.
  22. J

    Girl Builds Wearable Pneumatic Wings

    I just wanna know what bird she ripped those feathers out of. Now there's a video I'd like to see.
  23. J

    Corsair's The Witcher Wild Hunt Lucky Draw

    A mATX case with integrated liquid cooler (so I can re-use spare mATX board :) )
  24. J

    Robotic Landing Gear Could Let Helicopters Take Off And Land Almost Anywhere

    Hmmm...maybe use Battlemech legs?
  25. J

    3 Year Old Comic Predicted The iPad Copying The Surface

    Just about EVERYONE told me my GNote LTE was HUGE and that I'd look stupid talking into it. Well, I did look stupid (still do) but hey, look at all these HUGE phones out now. So, yeah.
  26. J

    Attorney General Orders Non-Delivering Kickstarter Campaign To Pay Up

    What's funny, if you go to the KS page, a lot of people are posting they just received their packages in the last couple days.
  27. J

    Take Cover: Another Satellite is Plunging to Earth

    Go here to get some possible updates: go here to track it yourself:
  28. J

    Google / Facebook Workers Choosing To Stand At Work

    I really wish I could do this at work. I work in a cleanroom and they have these big, marshmallowy-type chairs to sit in. Not comfortable at all (to me)
  29. J

    Video Games Saved This Man's Life

    Side bump would've been the least to worry about. If a car was there, what if they did the same thing he did, and swerved to miss, perhaps going off the side of the road and into a tree or wall. I'll agree with Satan and say he's very lucky there wasn't traffic in the lane next to him.
  30. J

    The Best Video Game Shopping Advice Ever

    I also agree that consoles have their place. I bought a ps3 just over a year ago. Then a month later, upgraded my PC. I've bought 3 games for it: Heavenly Sword, Uncharted 2, and Bayonetta. Then I discovered Netflix. There went the gaming :) I've also bought a few blu-rays (Inglorious Basterds...
  31. J

    Chinese Language to Dominate the Internet

    Well, the article is very misleading. Yes, there's going to be a whole lot of USERS that use Chinese. However, the actual INTERNET is still going to be dominated by English. 2 very different things.
  32. J

    Google Launches New 'Body Browser'

    I agree. It needs a bit of work. I was trying to look at the plantar fascia area, with all it's connective bits, but it wasn't that detailed and the zoom/rotation was crap. You can tell it's based off of google earth. You should be able to re-center the rotation point AND rotate around that...
  33. J

    Hexen Edge Of Chaos (Doom 3 TC)

    Now if only those other guys would finish Black Mesa...:rolleyes:
  34. J

    F16 + 9Gs + iPhone = Fail

    ftfm. so much for proofreading... :/
  35. J

    F16 + 9Gs + iPhone = Fail

    wow. just not going to comment on the jet physics lessons... As to the screen, it IS a Liquid CRYSTAL screen (and LEDs have no impact as to whether or not the screen is going to have an issue; that just provides the lighting, not the actual images), and last I checked, crystals, even small...
  36. J

    AMD Cool N Quiet stopped functioning

    Not sure what happened but suddenly AMD Cool N Quiet stopped functioning. It's been flawless since build up in early February. I noticed a couple days ago that the fan was a bit louder than usual and when I checked, my cpu was running at full speed, as was the fan. Previously it had always...
  37. J

    College Says New E-mail Font Will Save Money

    We print a ton of stuff at work (laser printers.) I once recommended that ALL printers be set to DRAFT mode. There is zero reason to use HIGH QUALITY for what we use the printouts for, since they all get tossed within a few days. Yeah, it didn't go over so well. :/
  38. J

    Gaming Can Make a Better World

    My favorite part: "an epic win is an outcome that is so extraordinarily positive you had no idea it was even possible until you achieved it; it is almost beyond the threshold of imagination, and when you get there, you are shocked to discover what you are truly capable of." Now go ask that...
  39. J

    Advice needed, and its simple.

    I almost did that. It's not entirely cheap as all that since you need a new processor, new motherboard and new ram. I really wanted to upgrade my 939 A64 to an X2 but I just couldn't find any that were cheap enough. With an older 939 board and DDR ram, the only upgrade path apart from finding a...