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  1. S

    setting up t1 line at office

    Well I really have never used VOIP so I really don't know, but I found some info that might help a little bit. Each VOIP unit has a specific codec that does something like comprression and encapsalation of the voice to the packet. So different codec for VOIP use different bandwidth...
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    setting up t1 line at office

    Welll First question would be are you lease a fractional t1 or all of the t1? If you rent the entire t1 all you need is a few devices to use the t1 just as a regular phone line/ and data line. You can do this with a fractioanl T1 but things start to get limited. T1 and T3 and all that can be...
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    Game/web server advice:

    Well my first question would be, would you plan to use it more when you build it? Like after you have a web server up would you plan to start added a little more stuff, like a firewall File/Print, NAT, RRAS no jk on that 1 :p This is what I have. I built a server about 2 years ago with 2...
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    How to share files w/o password protecting?

    I do this all the time and it works great. This will probably be the easy way I think without setting up hours of crappy permissions. :D
  5. S

    Setting Up a Computer to Only go To an Approved List of Websites

    I believe most of us here can define the meaning of DNS and Domain. DNS and domain can mean the same thing when they are used loosly. When you run an enterprise network domain for AD and DNS are 2 different things. Goodday
  6. S

    weird wireless bug with win2k/netgear?

    Ok man its all good Have a good New Year I live by Worked hard Party Harder :cool:
  7. S

    server program?

    Ha If my isp blocked any ports below the first 1024 I would be looking for a new ISP. Your right some do most don't. They do this to only make more money. You call them up and say, " Why is port 80 and 20 block, and they say those are reserved for business connections, you need to pay this...
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    weird wireless bug with win2k/netgear?

    First - No need to get all uptight geez. I just said you statement was incorrect,The way you replied you would think I cut you left testy off. :eek: Where in my reply did I tell you how to design your network. I just gave a simple solution that might work. I did not reply in a way that cut...
  9. S

    Setting Up a Computer to Only go To an Approved List of Websites

    IPSEC is used for encrypting packect headers and packets data structures themselves. You can use it to block sites by IP but it will be relitivily easy to go around that to get to the site that you wish to view. Zone alarm can bloack IP , domain name , DNS, and filters words through websites...
  10. S

    Reset NIC Settings

    Great, good to hear it Have a happy new year :D
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    server program?

    Um I really don;t think you ISP Block port 80 but if they do change it to port 81 and if that doesn't work change it to port 82 and if that doesn't work change it to port 8527 :p
  12. S

    How to share files w/o password protecting?

    Well I have read all the post and I can't seem to find that you absolutly need the same subnet mask. So how do both of your computer connect to the Internet. Through a router or do you get 2 registered IP address from your ISP?
  13. S

    Setting Up a Computer to Only go To an Approved List of Websites

    Well the best solution would be to setup a NAT firewall/proxy server. But since you only have 2 pc that would be stupid. lol So I think the easy way would be to buy a third party software like ZONE Alarm Pro with Web Filtering. Then you can set Admin right, Block everything and only allow...
  14. S

    Renewing IP Problem

    What does the computer say when you run the command ipconfig /renew? :p
  15. S

    Internet connection problems

    Gotta love the spyware man. lol
  16. S

    weird wireless bug with win2k/netgear?

    This is incorrect. If this was the case how do domain uses log onto a domain with a wireless card if it is not configured until after user loggin? When a computer boots is send a broadcast packet for an ip address over the network ID. Turn all your encryption off, make sure you have all...
  17. S

    Best free programs to get rid of Spyware

    These are what you need to totally remove all spyware 1. Ad-awareSE 2. Spybot 3. CSWShredder 4. Highjack This Then use some like SpywareBlaster to help prevent spyware. Install Update and run all 4 programs since they all pick up things differently. ;)
  18. S

    file sharing

    Are alll your computer on the same subnet mask? If they are on a different subnet mask the computer will think they are on different networks. :confused:
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    Reset NIC Settings

    The easy way is just to reinstall the Protocols. So If you use TCP/IP in win XP then reinstall TCP/IP in XP. Then you can start over with the network ID and Subnet Mask to begin with a new network. You are using TCP/IP Aren't you? :confused:
  20. S

    Error Code 10 : Device cannot start?

    Try This
  21. S

    check out this HL2 bug

  22. S

    Angry about Steam and not getting what you paid for?

    Just block everything. not just steam. If you have a router lookup your ip address and say block TCP/UDP port * to * this block all ports. thats should fix it. :D
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    PM Gmail

    oh thanks didn't know :p
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    The Only Gmail Thread and It All Goes Here!!

    Someone please send me an invite. Please PM me thanks :) [email protected]
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    ntldr missing after ghost

    Probably the MBR is Fooked. Use a xp disc and boot recovery console. The scan for a boot record, if none are found then create a new one with the command fixmbr. If you don't know how to do this you can always provide the switch with the /? for questions.
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    PM Gmail

    Will someone please PM a gmail invite, seems liket everyone has gmail except for me. :( Thanks :)
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    Angry about Steam and not getting what you paid for?

    I've been playing CS since beta, yeah when the awp had a green sight and everyone would just run around shooting the awp with a open sight. Ahh those were the days. Since steam has come out, really the only words that express my feeling toward steam is, "This was supposed to fix all our...