Reset NIC Settings

Oct 7, 2004
How can I completely start over in setting up my network on one computer. Like make the computer think it never had a network card before and all settings are back to default. Then start from scratch?

You might try to use Windows System Restore, which should roll back all the settings changes you've made.
The easy way is just to reinstall the Protocols. So If you use TCP/IP in win XP then reinstall TCP/IP in XP.

Then you can start over with the network ID and Subnet Mask to begin with a new network.

You are using TCP/IP Aren't you? :confused:
Go to Control Panel / Network Connections and go into the properties, remove all of the protocals then OK and close that then delete the connection itself. Then go into device manager and delete the network card (if it still exists at this point), then reboot.

Should redect the card, reload the drivers and be back to the way it was fresh and new.