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  1. I

    Debunking Open Source Mythology?

    Linux hasn't, won't, and can't just "disappear" in 2007 and the corporations backing it are inconsequential. I have used Linux for many years and have been happy about my experience in utilizing free software and open source applications. Unfortunately the fact that this man is related to...
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    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (Release Version) Performance Issues

    Installed the new BETA Drivers and it stills seems to be artifact ridden, but no other game exhibits these symptoms.
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    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (Release Version) Performance Issues

    Now STALKER is artifact laden and is barely playable. Any news on why maybe? Tested the card in Prey and F.E.A.R. and everything checked out. But no dice in STALKER I wish I could play this wonderful game.
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    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (Release Version) Performance Issues

    Yeah I heard that unified pixel shaders are clearly the way to go by means of performance. I might go pick me up some 8800's later this week and see how much better it performs. I have tried now both pagefile on and off to see performance difference, but no dice on that one. It does amaze me...
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    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (Release Version) Performance Issues

    Hello all, Here is the issue I just picked up Stalker a few hours ago and installed it with great excitement only to find it is running like a '87 Corsica on my box. Here are the specs at present. AMD Athlon X2 4800+, ASUS A8N SLI-Premium, 4GB OCZ PC 3200, Raptor 36GB, 250GB SATA II, NEC 16x...
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    To AM2 or Not to AM2

    I thnk that is a good call as the 4400+ on socket 939 is only $255.00 and doesn't require me to obtain a new board and RAM. I think maybe a good call is to get the 4400+ and rid myself of the 7800GTXs and pick up one 7650GX2 and then that way later on I can just migrate the video card over and...
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    To AM2 or Not to AM2

    Hello all, It is about that time of year when my insatiable hardware addiction kicks in and I need to buy new equipment and construct another UberRig and I have a few questions that only the folks here at the [H]ard Forums can answer. My current system is as follows: Athlon FX-55, 4GB...
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    SN95G5 and BFG 6800GT Problems

    Just a guess, but it may be a driver or service issue with the card. Have you tried just going into safe mode and disabling all of the start up services that are non-critical ? If so have you tried a live cd of Linux or a boot cd to test whether this occurs in those. If so of course try it in...
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    MythTV on Shuttle's with 915G Chipset (LGA 775)

    Hows is the performance on it? I imagine the compile time on that machine must be good with that proc. Any problems other than the issues with the pvr? My only fear is the irritating mass of junk that is the DRI setup for the ATI cards. Thanks for the help.
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    MythTV on Shuttle's with 915G Chipset (LGA 775)

    Hello all, I have had my Shuttle SB83 for awhile now and have had great success running Microsft Windows MCE, but I am a big Linux advocate and wish to see if anyone has run the MythTV distro on one of these beasts. The systems specs are as follows, Shuttle SB83G5 Intel P4 3.2EE...
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    Oblivion PC performance

    With my box (listed in sig) at 1920x1200 with HDR and no AA I am average 55fps without vsync and a terrible 30 (Dropping to 20) with vsync on. It seems as though vsync stifles performance greatly on systems, especially with those who have a monitor with a 60Hz refresh rate. The only great frame...
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    NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GTX 512 MB Preview @ [H]

    Time to send back the 7800 GTX I just picked up last week :( and go get a 512MB version ASAFP :D
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    New Unreal 3 Videos

    Simply amazing when we never thought that gaming could get any better. What kind of minimal specs do you think we are looking at here. I am hoping that my systems will run it well.
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    IBM Aptiva Ressurection

    yeah perhaps you are correct. I am going to take some pics of the interior of this case and maybe you guys could give me some suggestions on boards. The only i picked the Dual P III is because I have 2 P III 800 socket 370 and 1 P III 650 Slot proc. Any suggestion on a different board? The...
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    IBM Aptiva Ressurection

    Ok sorry it took so long to update, but I have finally come to the decision of what I am going to incorporate into this machine. I am going to use a dual PIII motherboard with 2 800Mhz PIII Processors. Any suggestions?
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    IBM Aptiva Ressurection

    The original intention that IBM had was to seperate the CPU and the drive enclosure in order to make it a more "spacious" desktop environment. So the enclosure is built to set on the desktop instead of on or near the case and thusly it has a VERY long SCSI cable.
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    IBM Aptiva Ressurection

    Here are some pics of what I am working with. Sorry for the quality.
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    IBM Aptiva Ressurection

    Hey all, I have recently come across this old aptiva at work and I instantly was inspired to obtain it and do a nice case mod. But, I am rather inexperienced at case modding and suggestions would be helpful. I will be posting a worklog as soon as the parts come in from newegg. Here is the...
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    Half Life 2 check list

    The iToast check list for HL2 Cell phone and note to inform boss of illness the next day!
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    Half Life 2 check list

    The iToast check list for HL2
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    Computer euthanasia...

    Get a paper clip and short out some of the pins on the ATX molex connector. In do that it will short the psu and then plug it into the board and watch the machine toast. Furthermore it will look like and accident with the PSU and you will be on your way to a new system. You could aslo try...
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    Getting a new flat panel need recommendations

    Hey all I need some recommendations on getting a new flat panel display. I have had 2 15" and 1 17" and I liked them all but I have recently seen the Sony HS54P 19 inch flat panel and I fell in love but I saw the price and I haven't yet seen any alternatives so I was looking for suggestions as...
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    Trash my X800 XT?

    Thanks for all of the feedback guys. As a response to some of the posts. I did my homework and I research for a good long time to find out what I card I thought would be best at the time. No this is not posted for compliments on a purchase it is just an inquiry as to what LEVEL HEADED people...
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    Trash my X800 XT?

    450+ overnight shipping and insurance
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    Trash my X800 XT?

    Hey guys just wondering all of the posts I have been reading lately seem to vibe that my card is a piece and I should have never invested my $500 to get it. Should I trash my ATi card and go to NVIDIA or is the card I am using a good decision. Im just tired of analyzing all of the posts and I am...
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    FiringSquad CS: S Benches

    I am not saying that someone said it as a statement of fact. I am simply gathering that implication from the posts I have read. So what im trying to ask is. Is this a case of anything you can do I can do better. Between the 6800 and X800 series cards becuase the implication that I am gathering...
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    FiringSquad CS: S Benches

    Ok so I have an X800 XT PE. And by happenstance I have noticed that a majority of people in this thread own NVIDIA cards. However I am not here to play the mine is better than yours game. So are you saying because I invested in the X800 XT PE that I have wasted my money and should go throw it...
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    Post your system(s)

    Main Rig(S): ---The Twins (Name:IRIX, XIRI)--- AMD A64 3500+ (939pin) ABIT AV8 1GB PQI PC4200 RAM ATi X800 XT WD 160GB SATA [H]ard Drive NEC 8x DVD/RW Antec P160 Case ---Friend Rig (Name: IRIS)--- This is the rig that I permit my friends to use when they are LANNING and or hanging...
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    Post your system(s)

    Main Rig(S): ---The Twins (Name:IRIX, XIRI)--- AMD A64 3500+ (939pin) ABIT AV8 1GB PQI PC4200 RAM ATi X800 XT WD 160GB SATA NEC 8x DVD/RW Antec P160 Case ---Friend Rig (Name: IRIS)--- This is the rig that I permit my friends to use when they are LANNING and or hanging out at my...
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    My case is complete!

    Awesone Job. That is soo bright I don't think I could leave it on at night. lol