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  1. M

    My rant against XFX :)

    They still have problems with it, the only way their getting more popular is cause people judge a book by it's cover, in this case the X shaped box. You're lucky that you got a response when you contacted them. Yesterday for the hell of it cause I was pissed I left ... many ... messages on...
  2. M

    My rant against XFX :)

    Figured I'd spread my crap experience with XFX (vid card company) with everyone. I try to check back here whenever I get time between being involved at school so my responses may be slow. Last September I purchased a FX5600 card from XFX, the card worked perfectly fine till around mid August...
  3. M

    3DMark threats [H]ardOCP **FUNDING**

    I would donate but I'm a bit too young to get a proper job or pay pal. I will do my part by clicking your ads whenever I visit your site, hope that will help!
  4. M

    Your Thoughts on 3DMark threats to HardOCP.

    That's cause you aint actually controlling it....think of it more like a big video you watch and 3dmark is writing down how well it plays
  5. M

    Your Thoughts on 3DMark threats to HardOCP.

    you DON"T fly the boat. It's a benchmark, it's like one huge video that 3dmark is monitoring your framrates. Your keyboard doesn't do anything....................... :confused:
  6. M

    Your Thoughts on 3DMark threats to HardOCP.

    You do know that 3DMark is a benchmark and not a game.... right? You sit back and watch while it runs tests,,,, you don't control it like a game.
  7. M

    Your Thoughts on 3DMark threats to HardOCP.

    If every active member of the forums emails that PR guy at his email on the main page, 50000000000 emails in his inbox may tell him something! I'm emailing him, not sure bout everyone else.
  8. M

    Your Thoughts on 3DMark threats to HardOCP.

    SCREW EM is my response :) That's a crop of bullsh!t from 3DMark, I plan on boycotting them and all their software till they formally apologize. [H]ard|ocp is a review site, all content on review sites is the opinion of the REVIEWER. It's like getting a new mobo to review and the company says...