Search results

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    RAID on a ASUS Maximus VIII Hero

    Then I guess the USB floppy drive I ordered can go back! Thank you for the quick response!
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    RAID on a ASUS Maximus VIII Hero

    I am going to be upgrading my main box with an ASUS Maximus VIII Hero motherboard. I have 2 Samsung 850 Pro SSDs that I want to put in as a RAID 0 array. The instruction manual says that I need to use an external USB 3.5" floppy drive in order to load the RAID drivers during installation. Is...
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    Intel Smart Response Techology Combined with Anther SSD and RAID

    So, I am building a new box this weekend with a ASUS P8Z68 Pro Gen 3 MB and a 2600K CPU. Here is what I would like to do, please tell me if it will work... Set up a OCZ vertex 3 as my boot drive Use an older Vertex 2 as the cache drive for the Intel Smart Response Technology set up 2...
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    New Build with SSD and RAID

    Not sure if this is the right spot for this but.... I'm making the switch back to Intel with a new 2600K and ASUS P8Z68-V PRO. I also bought a OCZ 120GB Vertex 3 SSD. Here's my plan... Make the SSD my boot drive with the essentials installed. I also have 2 matching 1TB Western Digital...
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    2600K and Lucidlogix virtu

    So, As I wait for my me 2600K and Asus P8Z68-V Pro motherboard to show up, I was reading the manual regarding the lucidlogix virtu application. Is anyone using this feature? I have a GTX580 for my primary video. Does it work as advertised?
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    New 2600K Build

    16GB.... Smartasses... Thanks for the suggestions! Now I just need to see if I get the Newegg gift cards that I asked for for Christmas!
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    New 2600K Build

    $200-250 is about my limit.
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    New 2600K Build

    I've decided to put a new box together after the holidays. I've settled on the 2600K as the processor but am baffled by the number of motherboards out there. I am looking for a decent board that will do some minor overclocking. The following components will be moved to the new box: 16 MB...
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    Skyrim wont load saved games

    I'm at work so I don't know what the file extension for the save game file is, but if you do a file search for that extension, it should show you anywhere they are being saved.
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    Using a Switch with a Wireless AP

    This is probably a noob question but here it goes.... I have a wireless access point in my living room that was used for my blueray player. Now my kids have added a XBOX 360 and a PS3 to the mix. We are constantly switching the network cable. Can I just add a 4 port switch to the mix and...
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    2 USB Audio Devices???

    I am considering replacing my aging Logitech 5.1 speakers which are connected to the MB's on board audio with a set of 2.1's. The replacements I am looking at are connected by USB. I also use the Corsair HS1's (freaking awesome BTW) for gaming, which are also USB. I have no problems plugging...
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    Corsair HS1 USB Gaming Headset Review @ [H]

    Well, the best I can say about Corsair's RMA process is that it's SLOW.... Still waiting on my replacement cans. Supposedly they are supposed to ship today or tomorrow. I requested the RMA and then followed their process to set it up. I ended up waiting 2 days before asking them why I...
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    Corsair HS1 Gaming Headset Give-Away - 5 Sets!!!

    I'm an aging (44) dedicated PC gamer who has attended 1 too many Ozzy Osbourne and AC/DC shows.... My hearing ain't what it used to be!
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    Corsair HS1 USB Gaming Headset Review @ [H]

    Mine were great for the first 6 hours and then while playing New Vegas with 5.1 enabled. Then I got an ear splitting "crackle" in the headphones and they died. The light on the volume control is out an windows refuses to recognize them. I am waiting on corsair tech support to answer my...
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    Corsair HS1 USB Gaming Headset Review @ [H]

    So, I have an Soundblaster XFI installed in my rig. When I get my HS1's and plug them in, they will automatically bypass the soundcard and when unplugged the XFI will still be used for my 5.1 speakers?
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    I ordered an unreviewed ASRock 890FX

    I just built a system around this board. So far it is a great buy. I haven't OC'd very hard, but it has been rock stable and combined with my new SSD, crazy fast..... For AMD that is.....
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    Dedicated Nvidia for Phys-x

    I have a AMD 890FX motherboard with single GTX480 pulling graphics duties. I know AMD doesn't do SLI, but could I use one of my older NVIDIA cards in a 2nd PCI slot to dedicate to Phys-x processing?
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    AMD Motherboard Drivers

    I just built a 890FX based computer. Does the "AMD All in One" driver contain the chipset driver as well as video card drivers? I have an NVIDIA video card and I don't want to bork my system by trying to install the all in ones if they don't contain the latest chipset drivers.
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    NVIDIA Video in AMD MB

    Are there any issues with a single NVIDIA video card operating in a MB with an AMD chipset? I am looking at the 890FX chipset and I have a NVIDIA 480GTX video card.
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    Need a MB for a X4 965BE

    Greetings, iI have been using an NVIDIA based MB for my Phenom II X4 965. I am less than impressed with the performance and lack of DDR3 support. I am looking for a replacement AMD board. I have a GTX 480 video card and do not plan on SLI/Crossfire so that is not important. I am...
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    TF2 Engie Update: ?

    "wow more servers need to enable class limits" +1 The servers that I play on limit engies and pyros to 3 per team. While it may be a pain in the ass when you are trying to try out the new update, it keeps there from being 15 engies. Especially when valve does the free weekends in conjunction...
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    Bitlocker On NAS

    I have a Western Digital external NAS drive attached to my home network. Is it possible to use Windows 7 Bitlocker to encrypt the drive? When I start bitlocker up, it only shows the hard drive partitions on the actual hardrives on my PC.
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    Bad Company 2

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    Bad Company 2

    I REAL
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    Bad Company 2

    The UAV is awesome, especially with the improved optics perk. You can stand quite a ways off and rain death from above. I REALLY enjoy using it on all of the god damned snipers!
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    Bad Company 2

    Greatest game ever this weekend. The retards on my team REFUSED to arm the MCOMs, so on "Isla Whatever the map is called", I jumped on the UAV and from the 1st base, took out all of the MCOM's at each stage of the map. The Other team was bitching about using the "gay assed" UAV, but they never...
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    Bad Company 2

    Best moment yet.... Got a knife kill on a UAV. I was climbing inside the lighthouse to eliminate a sniper, I pass a window, and there the UAV is hovering looking in; middle mouse...knifed UAV!
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    Bad Company 2

    I know there are hackers out there. I was playing assault, equipped the shotgun version of the grenade launcher. I got behind a guy and gave him a blast to the back. Should be a 1 shot kill. He turns around and kills me in about a millisecond. The kill cam showed he still had 100% health...
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    Bad Company 2

    Drives me crazy, I could have sworn the idea is to WIN! It's as bad as when there's a new TF2 character update. A team full of snipers or scouts. I just switch teams, get the UAV and rain death from above. I'm hooked on playing as the engineer, I can still half-assed "Rambo" it...
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    Bad Company 2

    A couple of epic moments Vs. snipers. I parachuted in behind the opposing team, walked right up behind 8 recons lined up on a ridge sniping, and collected 8 dog tags. Not 10 minutes later, got the UAV and hellfired the same 8 recons in the same place. Needless to say, they decided to either...
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    Bad Company 2

    Can someone tell me the path and steps to update punkbuster on a Steam install of BC2? My Steam directory is on my D: drive. I attempted to update punkbuster last night and the update program was not able to find the directory. I thought I figured it out but afterward I still had issues...
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    Memory question Asus M4N82 Deluxe

    I purchased 2 sticks of KHX6400D2K2/4G ram along with a ASUS M4N82 Deluxe motherboard and Phenom II 965BE as a bundle from MWAVE. I downloaded the manual for the motherboard and I noticed a statement that the board does not support RAM with 256Mb or smaller chips. Looking at the spec sheet for...
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    Uprgrading From NForce 4 to 980A Motherboard Question

    Thanks for the info. It's what I assumed but I was hoping to hear of some work around. Now a follow up... Since I'll be starting from scratch anyway, 32 bit or 64 bit? I tried 64 bit when I first went to Vista and ran into massive driver issues. Have the 64 bit drivers matured enough to...
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    Uprgrading From NForce 4 to 980A Motherboard Question

    I will be upgrading my old Nforce 4 based X2 4800 box to a Phenom II X4 quad core 965 on a Asus M4N82 (Nforce 980a). I know that a complete system reinstall is usually called for, however I was wondering if I might just be able to swap everything over with my current Vista install since they...
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    Motherboard Suggestion

    I'm looking at upgrading my desktop. I'd like to go Intel quad core, probably a Q6700. I have 2 XFX GTS8800 video cards, so SLI is important. I'm not an overclocker, so that's not a major issue. DDR2 or DDR3. I've been partial to Gigabyte in the past, but am open to any high quality...
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    Switching From AMD to Intel with Vista

    Ok, I think my 4800 X2 is giving up the ghost. I'm looking at going back to Intel with a quad core CPU. I keep getting a blue screen with a message that says " A clock interrupt was not received on a secondary processor within the allotted time interval" I want to get a 680 SLI...
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    7950GX2 and New Beta Drivers

    Found the answer..... If anyone cares... If you are running more than 2 gigs of memory, remove enough RAM to get to 2 gigs. The Vista x64 beta drivers will then allow you to set "Multi-GPU" mode through the Nvidia control panel. Now I'm trying to figure out why STALKER runs like crap with...
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    NVIDIA Vista drivers: A study in screwing loyal customers.

    +1 :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: lol Fresh build of Ultimate x64. Fresh install of latest NVidia beta. 7950GX2. I click the radio button to enable multi gpu support (humorously it is "recommended" on that screen) and apply. Reboot at the next box when it prompts. Windows comes...
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    7950GX2 and New Beta Drivers

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    7950GX2 and New Beta Drivers

    Ok, Now the 64bit SLI beta's are out and I have a question. My 7950GX2 now shows up as a single card in the device manager(it was 2 cards, with one showing an exclamation point), however, if I use the NVIDIA control center to change my 3D settings to multi-GPU instead of multi monitor Vista...