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    PR Nightmare Drawing - AMD 6400+ Black Drawing

    What I love. 1) The in depth and real world testing you provide in your review. 2) Brutal honesty. A spade is a spade and sucky hardware gets no mercy. This more then anything else keeps my coming back because I can trust you. What I hate. 1) In line ads. I know they are a neccessary evil...
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    Reliable Wireless Mouse combo.

    Here at the office we have mix of Logitech and MS wireless keyboards and we have consistently had them die or develop problems within a year. This usually has been the base station appears to stop charging the batteries (the batteries charge fine in an external charger) but occasionally...
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    Tool kit for an on-site technician?

    We keep one in our tool kit. It is labeled "Persuader."
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    Anyone else get a Dell Hook-Up card in the mail?

    *Edit because I re-read your post. I got one that was 15% of Kodak and Canon cameras. Might be worth it to pick up the Digital Rebel. Have to check to see if they beat Newegg. (I doubt it.)
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    MSConfig Question (Blank Process)

    I've noticed it running on OEM, out of the box machines, so far only Dells and Sonys, both of which have plenty of bloatware out of the box. I've always killed it and nothing has come back to bite me yet. Yet... Badger_Sly... While I agree with you comment in theory... you do realize...
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    Gaming questionnaire->

    Age: 29 Sex: Male Gaming consoles/devices you own: PC, PS2, Xbox Favorite era in gaming: Late 90's when I discovered Sim/Civ games. Favorite gaming console: PC. Favorite controller: PS2 dual shock In game-> music on or off: Usually on. Favorite all time game: Nethack Favorite PC game...
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    altoid tin mods *big pics*

    I tend to use empty tine to hold case screws and jumpers that seem to accumulate after I take a computer apart. Now I;m gonna have to sit and figure out something creative in honor of skudmonkey's usb hub. hmm... somewhere I a have portable firewire hub...
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    The Frag Dolls

    Ah, but would you take her if she wanted to? I ask because if I didn't take my wife hunting I'd be dead. She's a better shot then me with a rifle, although I am better with pistol and shotgun. Although she's been practicing with her conceal-carry pistol a lot this summer and I suspect that...