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  1. K

    how do i disable the Igpu?

    i have an asus p8z68 delux/gen3 board and i cant find how to disable the onboard video in the cpu. plz help
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    Borderlands 2 Launch Date Trailer

    i wish they would add the original chars so we can have 8 different choices. but again this will be one of the games i will buy on day one. i loved the modding for this game and its the only reason i keep playing it.
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    help with overclock

    thanks for the advise. just got home and started to read. hopfully i can get it up to 5.
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    help with overclock

    i just purchased an intel i7 2600k and a asus p8z68-delux gen3 board. i currently have it under water cooling and stable at 4.6ghz at 1.265 volts is there anything i can do to get passed this 4.6ghz wall?
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    need advice

    alright thanks for the info.
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    need advice

    im looking at building a new rig a little after xmas. what i want to know is does the SB platform support 6 dimms or is it just 4? reason i ask is i just want to max out the ram on my new system. i know the 1366 platform can support it but i dont hear alot of users overclocking them as much as i...
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    Starcraft 2 Beta

    well thank god i went to blizzcon 2k8 and got a key into the beta. its been a year in a half since i played that alpha they had at blizzcon. its going to be worth the wait.
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    5870 question

    well see. its coming tommrow. cant wait
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    5870 question

    alright i finally ordered a 5870 vid card. i need to know if my PS will be able to handle it. its a seasonic s12 550watt ps. thanks in advance
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    Best Game Music Tracks

    Command & Conquer series Starcraft: terran theme earthworm jim 1&2 Sim earth for the SNES
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    4870 and WoW = no go.

    i dont think so. when i went to blizzcon all the systems that were running starcraft 2 diablo 3 and WOTLK were using 4870's and some of them at the booths were using 4870x2's and all were flawless. so i dont think its something on blizzards end i think its a setting your over looking. like with...
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    "Re-engineering AMD" (hint, hint)

    well since i work in a fab, ill let you know its cheaper to outsource when you need to keep pace with new tech. reason being is that you dont have to worry about buying a new machine that costs upwards of 50million to make and then wait 6 months for the right samples to come out. the fab company...
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    "Re-engineering AMD" (hint, hint)

    it will be a good idea for them to go fabless. if they use TSMC for their fab production then they will upkeep with the Die shrink race. they might be able to work out a better deal to keep the prices low due to TSMC making most if not all their GPUs. since they wont have to spend any money for...
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    problems with windows xp raid

    yea no matter what i do it seems i just need to keep the cd in the drive. ive done boot from disk and still pops up with that cannot find hal.dll error.
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    problems with windows xp raid

    im having a really weird problem with a raid setup on my system. i installed windows xp on to it and did the whole f6 to install OEM drivers, everything is working fine and it completes the install. i go to reboot the system and i change my bios back to load off the HDD instead of the cdrom. and...
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    4870x2 power question

    do you think i could run a 4870x2 on my seasonic s12+ 550 watt ps. my current specs are Amd phenom 9600BE 1x160gb 1x320gb 1x200gb 2x 150 raptors 8800gtx 7x 120mm fans 18A on each of the 12v rails and there are 4 of them. im about to pick one up today but i may wait if i have to...
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    Official 8800GTX to 4870x2 thread.

    do you think a 4870x2 would work on a seasonic s12 energy+ 550watt ps??? the 12v rails produce 18amps per rail and there are 4 of them.
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    Any news on an Nvidia chipset for phenoms

    any idea when the 790a is comming out. i would really love to try sli with my 8800gtx but i cant since i went to a 790fx chipset. could someone give me some information on when or if its still comming out.
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    Nvidia claims "GPU matters more than a CPU" controversy

    to be quite honest if nvidia could make a GPU work like a cpu and give it the same bandwidth as the GPU then it would out run any cpu we have, the problem is that they would have to change everything inside the chip to run x86/64 instructions and it would preform just like a slower 900mhz cpu...
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    problems installing windows

    friends are also scratching their heads about this error. but i just went ahead and installed it on a normal sata drive and everything seems to be just fine. windows sees the raid drives and there hasnt been any problems with it. so i guess ill wait till next install to try again
  21. K

    problems installing windows

    i just bought 2 WD raptor 150gb drives and set them into RAID 0, i wanted to install windows xp on the raid. so i did the whole F6 during the install and installed the raid driver. it rebooted and installed windows then after installing more drivers(nvidia sound card). i rebooted and it said...
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    What is the best AM2+ board out there?

    ok cool, i hate my current asus am2 board with the tbl fix enabled by default and with no fix in the bios. ive had to resort to a program hack to get the fix to be disabled. so its cool knowing that its an option in the bios.
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    What is the best AM2+ board out there?

    does the Asus M3A32-MVP board have a TBL fix in the MB or does it have an option to disable it?
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    yea with the fix i use it gets me about another 1.9k extra with 3dmark06 but the problem i have is that i have to do it manually everytime i boot my computer. so it sucks.
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    the only problem is that all the bioses from asus have the fix installed in them with no disable option. i guess i just keep looking. im just waiting for the nvidia flavor MB to see if it gives a little better preformance.
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    alright i would like to know from people who have this program, does it actually take away the tbl fixes that are in the bios or does it do nothing. the reason i ask is that my asus motherboard m2n32sli has the fix in the bios and i cant find a bios with out the fix. i did find how to disable it...
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    Gigabyte GA-MA790FX-DQ6 @ [H]

    i want to add my 2cents to this. i have the BE of the phenom and i have to say its pretty solid. i have it running at 270 fsb with a 3:5 divider and 10 multi. and its rock solid. ill post pics later of it.
  28. K

    amd overclocking guide

    does anyone have an overclocking guide for an asus m8n-sli delux. im stuck at 215fsb and i would like to get it just a little higher. thanks in advance
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    6 months to go, when are we going to see some leaked Bacelona figures?

    well since i work in a fab ill let you guys know that its not easy to drop a few billion into a new fab every 1-2 years. plus the time it takes to make sure the machines develop the wafers correctly is alot of work (2-8 months per machine). so its not easy for little AMD to jump from one fab to...
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    A few things about my 8800GTX so far

    well i had the same problems as you guys. running games for about 3-4 hours and then lockup or bad framerates and i would have to shut down my comp. ive done everything in the book to fix it and nothing. but just this morning i decided to update my bios and ever since i did no problems at all...
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    do i need to upgrade

    ok heres what i have in it aswell dfi-lanparty sli -d amd 64-4000+ oc 2900mhz 2gb ocz gtx ram 3HDD 1x 160 sata 1x 200 pata 1x300 sata xfi plat.
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    do i need to upgrade

    i currently own an antec smartpower 500watt ps. the +12 rails combined have 36amps is it going to be enough for a 7950gx2 or do i need to upgrade.
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    best brand to go with (7950gx2)

    i want to know what the best brand to go with on my next big card. which ones have the best support, best clock rate, and best cooling. i know i should of searched but i dont have time for it. sorry in advance
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    Should I Be Excited About AMD?

    im always excited about amd. yea they have a slump year with intels new conroe cpu but its the same thing with nvidia and ati. nvidia took a slump year and release some cards that were crap and they recovered from it and now we have 6x and 7x series of cards. the biggest thing about amd is the...
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    Beware: Buying While Retarded

    yea i currently work for cusa. let me put it this way im the only one that knows anything. i had someone sell DDR2 ram to someone when they needed ddr. it dumb when we have people selling the 9550 as a high end card. but its a 2way street. there are dumb customers out there. its funny when...
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    Tis a sad day *tear*

    that sucks... i have the same card and did all those bios flashes and had the same issues thank god that it took the old bios and fixed all the issues. if that didnt work i just go down to compusa and get a new one. yea i was a sucker and got the warrenty and all i say is it stopped working and...
  37. K

    Another Reason I Hate CompUsa

    yea i work at compusa full time. yea i know a fair amount of computer knowledge but quite frankly i dont get paid enough to give a shit about telling my customers. yea i know what a 6600gt card is. i know who bfg is. i know that warrentys cusa warrentys are kick ass because i use them. and for...
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    this combo

    oh yea i have a thermaltake 480 "butterfly" ps
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    this combo

    do you guys think ill get a good OC with this MB and CPU combo i just bought? DFI LANPARTY UT250GB 754 & AMD 64 3400+ "newcastle" the ram i have is ocz EL plat 2-2-2-4 3200 and it will be watercooled. please let me know if this is a good chip
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    this combo

    do you guys think ill get a good OC with this MB and CPU combo i just bought? DFI LANPARTY UT250GB 754