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    19" Monitor What's it Worth?

    hey dude i live in wenatchee and have been looking for a montior how bulky is it?
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    Home Made Heatsink Abandoned

    dude you know how cheap thermite is you don't need a friggin torch
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    unmodded cases

    well I always have sand paper and my trusty dremel and sauder to fix that
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    need a new case (yeah i know, dont cry about it) i just had a post about his check my post
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    unmodded cases

    i think i am going to buy thissweet sob it is cheap effective and a lian li rip off I like it and i am going to get it thank you so much for your help:)
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    Full screen temp/sysmon software for psone style lcd's?

    yeah i was looking into doing thatthey are pretty cheap on ebay
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    unmodded cases

    no offence skawttieboy but the there are quiet a few that are too complicated on the front. I liked the powmax but it may require extensive sanding on the front. sorry i'm sounding all analretentive and stuff. thanks for the posts. keep on posting. the reason i want the front simple is...
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    swtich for power

    thanks any suggestions on a good case to mod that isn't too expensive (sorry if i overstep welcome)
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    unmodded cases

    yeah well still need a case:( so tired of looking please help
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    Cool device to have at a LAN party

    Wow... i guess thats some real good saftey first education, get cancer electrocute yourself and fill your body with poison(caffine) plus as an added bonus have dinky overpriced piece of shiot filling your 5.25 bay. Weak sause
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    swtich for power

    well where did you get the switch? Or if anybody knows where i can thhat would be appreciated
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    unmodded cases

    list your favorite cases
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    swtich for power

    where did you get the switch? a hardware store or like on line or what
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    unmodded cases

    any other warning or suggestions of what a good case for modding is that is in my price range
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    unmodded cases

    thanks for the advise
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    unmodded cases

    case is fine except there is holes for fan on the side where i will put my window and opening handel goes is where i will put window. I plan to leave some of the metal on the case side so i can have a angel looking case that thing is tight
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    swtich for power

    I want the switch which is currently above this post that is the switch i tried to describe I guess my question is answered your saying that his switch if i understand this connects them momentarily when he lifts up on it and then again monetarily when he pushes down in the middle the...
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    swtich for power

    how would i go about changing my power button (removed) into a switch. When i say switch i mean like one of those metal ones looks like a light switch. I guess what i am really asking is how do i wire a switch(metal ones(might get a pic later))
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    Cold Cathode Dangers Look:)

    yeah i shocked myself when i thought the hard drive wasn't working i cheked to see if it was the power by leaving it on and bringing the male and femal close gether and what do you know it was the ata cable that was broken no perm damage did need to reset cmos which on my comp is a beotch
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    Home Made Heatsink

    one word baby thermite i think thats about 3000 degres farenhite and it is one of your two chemicals so heres how it goes you put the pennies in the bowl and the thermite underneath surrond pennies with lead (it will be burned away) then your left with a drop or two of whatever had the higest...
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    unmodded cases

    sorry if i offended you i was just trying to be specific
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    unmodded cases

    well the thing is i need to moddify the front of the case as well so many cases have a power button and stuff at the bottom(which i hope to replace with a swith i don't like buttons)) but thanks
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    unmodded cases

    I plan on making a case mod, but first I need a new case ( my current one is beyond help) but i want it on the cheap. looking for an atx case don't really care about drive bays as long as it has 2 or 3. I would like the side((s)if possible) to be easily opened/accsessed. looking for a price...