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  1. F

    Need help reformating

  2. F

    Problem with winamp5.

    ya winamp 5 sux =\ i found a couple internet radio stations i like, got the actual link and just put them into my winamp3. so im all good now =)
  3. F

    Problem with winamp5.

    i downloaded winamp5 the other day, and all sound comes from the front speakers. nothing threw the rear. winamp3 works fine. (i want to use winamp5 for the internet radio it has. does winamp3 have it? that would solve alot of problems) anyway, I looked around at some of the settings and...
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    Tribes and Tribes 2 to be released to public for free

    t2 has a punkbuster like thing called defence turret. it stopes most of the cheats like happymod and aimbots. and aimbots were only for the sniper rifle and shocklance. the good servers have DT on. some of them dont, and ya there are cheaters there.
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    y cant i play lineage 2 beta?

    k i guess ill wait before i deleet it then. i played the korean version like a year ago. couldnt understand anything but was still kinda fun. love the graphics. proly not a game i would get into, would proly play it for a week and get bored
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    y cant i play lineage 2 beta?

    i dled it (over night) instaled it (1 hour) updated it (5 hours after i found out it messed up and had to tell it to start updating again) some time making an account and crap, i finaly load up the game, type in my info, read some of the little news it has, and it appears i cant connect to any...
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    Lineage 2 open beta

    the site to dl the beta from is down. any other mirrors?
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    Where is a good site to get the farcry demo?

    i tried looking it up on google but the only thing that i could realy find was at like fileplanet, but i dont want to wait. any place that i can start downloading now?
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    my computer makes a wierd beep

    i forget what it is. but it sayes falure may be immenant when i boot up. dunno if that has anything to do with the beep
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    my computer makes a wierd beep

    my computer makes this wierd sound. it comes from inside my computer. its hard to explain what it sounds like. its not realy a beep, its more of a highpitch soft sound, folowed by a click, then a wierd beep. its realy weird sounding. its been doing this for a long time. of course i only notice...
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    Any Halo Clans Recruiting?
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    The Sims Online 14-Day Free Trial

    i got this like a couple months ago as the demo disk on a pc gamer mag. had a couple other online free trial games. dont like sims so i just threw it in the pile of other lame demo disks
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    Baldurs Gate Dark Alliance II for the Consoles

    i loved the first one, so i got 2nd yesterday. if u liked the first one get this one. its prity much the same thing but more characters and more features. each player has alot more spells too.
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    how do i reformat?

    im trying to reformat and reinstal win2k because my computer is freekin out and geting alot of errors. im all backed up, now how do i reformat! also any advice on reformating and reinstaling the os and all that plz let me know i got windows 2k
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    Need help reformating

    iv been having alot of problems with my computer latley, and just now i restarted and got a whole lot of errors. like blabla.exe failed and was shut down by windows, and when i try runing some of my programs they fail or get errors. alot of bad stuff just strated happening so i guess i need to...
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    Need a program to reduce size of mp3s

    what do i use if i dont have the cd? i have the music files but wont be able to freshly rerip them. i just want to be able to store more songs on my player
  17. F

    Need a program to reduce size of mp3s

    i got a mp3 player for christmas and want to cram as much of my playlist onto it. the average mp3 i have is 4-5 meg. is there a program that will reduce the size of it? like reduce the quality? you know what im saying? i would try looking up on google but i dont know what i would search for...
  18. F

    Tribes anyone?

    iv been playing t2 for about a year. love it. i got t1 like a month ago and tried it. i didnt like it. maybe because it was a fresh instal with no scripts and i didnt read the instructions or anything. its just not the same. t2 is better i think. i play it all the time. my ingame name is...