Baldurs Gate Dark Alliance II for the Consoles

well I'm playing it for the xbox system. It's kinda like diablo with better graphics. Not much of a story and can get repetitive cause all the missions are find this person and kill them blah blah. but strangely I keep coming back for more. It's enjoyable if you like mindless hack and slash. I would give it a rental first.

p.s. co-op more is much more enjoyable
Oh nah, I already have the game. Was just wondering what others thought about it. I like this type of games on the consoles.

What character are you using?
I started with the barbarian but now I using the necromancer haven't even come close to dieing using him. Damn I wish they could have made this game Xbox live compatible but oh well.
Been wanting to pick it up... but I'm going to wait for Champions of Norrath instead. Dual layer disc because of all the textures, 4 player on-line co-op, player customization (Woo hoo, now I don't HAVE to be a female rogue! I can make a male one... with a mohawk!)

I'll wait for Dark Alliance 2 to fall to the $20 range, or I'll buy it used. I don't want to support Interplay by buying a game from a studio they killed (which I really loved... RIP Black Isle...)
not quite as good as Dark Alliance 1, and its only fun co-op, just like Dark Alliance 1. It gets kinda old and repetitive after awhile, teh first oen was fun but i got sick of this one.

THere is a difference tho, Black Isle studios worked on the first one but not on this one, they got shut down but i think some of the guys from black ilse went to make Chapmions of Norrath which will be comming out for consoles in febuary. This game will probably be alot better, i think it has an everquest license as well. Anyway check it out it looks slimiar in gamelpay / coop etc.. But it could be alot better. I know ill be playing it.
I loved the first Dark Alliance...I'll probably pic this one up pretty soon. The first was really good for hack and slash, hope this one is too.
Originally posted by KoDt
not quite as good as Dark Alliance 1, and its only fun co-op, just like Dark Alliance 1. It gets kinda old and repetitive after awhile, teh first oen was fun but i got sick of this one.

THere is a difference tho, Black Isle studios worked on the first one but not on this one, they got shut down but i think some of the guys from black ilse went to make Chapmions of Norrath which will be comming out for consoles in febuary. This game will probably be alot better, i think it has an everquest license as well. Anyway check it out it looks slimiar in gamelpay / coop etc.. But it could be alot better. I know ill be playing it.

Psst, it is February. ;)

Snowblind studios developed the first Dark Alliance, they went on to make Champions of Norrath, an EQ based game. All the magazines say that Champions is the better of the two.
i loved the first one, so i got 2nd yesterday. if u liked the first one get this one. its prity much the same thing but more characters and more features. each player has alot more spells too.
Yeah, the only reason why I got it was because I loved the 1st one and I wanted to know what the hell happened in the end of the 1st. Kind of sucky how they left us hanging.

I cannot wait for CON to be released. It got really good ratings everywhere. The lowest I saw was a 4.5 out of 5. I saw some snapshots and it looked very promising.

For those who are playing BGDA II, as for weapons and armors that you can forge yourself with gems, what is the best combination?
Yeah, this game is entertaining :).

Been playing it off and on for a couple of weeks now with my flat mate.

Monk + Cleric = bad ass :)

Also been playing Enclave for the PC (passed the dark side in about 6 hrs of game time). Nice graphics, decent gameplay, and sniping with bow and arrows = uber fun!

I like the positional damage + armor rating in this game.
/off topic


Mr. Pain
I am using the Barbarian right now. It sucks how the armors looks hella ghetto on him. I purchased the Chain Mail and he looks like he is wearing some purple barbarian clothing. I wanted him to look like a knight damnit!!

But back to the weaponry and the gems. What is the best combo? Anyone knows how to get info on this?

co-op rules.

my roomie and i are about 7 hours into it playing as a barbarian (him) and necro (me)...

very smooth graphics, very nice upgrade system. the missions are getting a bit repetitive ("oh, you found item X? well, it just so happens i also need items A, B, and C as well..."), but it's still very enjoyable.

i give it an 8.


p.s. gamefaqs has a great item crafting guide that covers just item crafting, and doesn't give away any secrets of the game or anything.
Originally posted by bjork

p.s. gamefaqs has a great item crafting guide that covers just item crafting, and doesn't give away any secrets of the game or anything.

Ah yes, should have thought of that, thanks for the link.

I have not tried the co-op yet, should be fun tho. Me and my roomie beat the game twice on the first Dark Alliance installment. That one was fun as hell. The 2nd time I was using Drizzt, very nice indeed.