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  1. T

    Hot Air Rework Stations

    So I'm looking to start learning a little about electronics. I'm never going to be a master, but I would like be able to recap things and maybe solder a new i/o port or some RAM on a board. I've got a butane fueled soldering iron now, and I've been practicing with wires. From what I've read I...
  2. T

    PSU suggestions for a retro gaming PC

    I'm looking at building a couple retro PCs. Prolly something P-II/P-III based to be "reliable" and then a SS7 platform to play with. Get my quake on on a Cyrix MII and stuff :D Any suggestions on power supplies? I figure theres prolly some ATX -> AT adapters out there. Not sure how reliable...
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    Klipshc "The Sixes" Bookshelf Speakers

    Anyone have a pair of these? Outside of being a little large they seem to be the ideal computer speakers. I'm considering getting them but was wondering if anyone had any and had an opinion. I'm upgrading from one of those $99 Bose sets so this should...
  4. T

    The Mage's Tale

    This is one of the few VR games I'm actually glad I pre-ordered. I'd call it the first really great VR RPG. I've got a few gripes like the lack of real locomotion, but I'd really call it a pseudo twitch game so it doesn't hurt it too bad. Its actually a decent length too it seems. I've played...
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    Oculus Rift Full Room Scale Setup

    So when I got into VR I made a bad assumption. I thought I'd be more into seated VR games than room scale stuff. Once I got touch I realized how awesome full room scale games could really be. So I did the only thing I could do, I added [H]ardware until the Rift did room scale :) Heres is what I...