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  1. N

    AMD Ryzen 5 Reviewer's Kit Giveaway

  2. N

    Is watch dogs worth 30$ on steam?

    It's a pretty fun game if you have nothing else to play at the moment. But not worth even close to 30$. I've never played any of the DLCs but the main game is enjoyable enough. Even if you really wanted to play it now, you should probably still wait til it's below 10$ as the game is pretty short...
  3. N

    Second 780 or switch to a 970

    Thanks guys for all the advice. I did a rough estimate of how much it would cost + the time it would take to complete the set up. I ended up just picking up the second 780 for 275$ due to going for 970s would cost much more than my intended budget as well as take up time to sell off my card and...
  4. N

    What is the absolute best, highest quality, mouse & keyboard under $50?

    For a wireless mouse the G602 would be your best bet. It's on sale right now at best buy for 45$. But for gaming, a wired mouse is would be optimal. A wireless mouse will likely run into interference from time to time and be quite annoying to use. If you don't absolutely need a wireless mouse...
  5. N

    Second 780 or switch to a 970

    Currently I'm running a single GTX 780 on a 1440p monitor @110 Hz. I've been thinking about grabbing another 780 to sli, might be able to get an EVGA FTW for 275$, as I'm not getting the performance I'd like in the games I play. Would it be worth it to instead sell off my 780 and pick up two...
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    Metro 2033 is over hyped.

    Metro 2033 isn't a complete disappointment. It had a nice atmosphere and is a nice breathe of fresh air from regular FPS games, but I agree it does not live up to the hype. Have fun with Alien Isolation, it's a great survival horror but kind of drops off midway through. Still a good game nonetheless
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    Have a vanilla Titan , considering going to SLI 980

    If you think about back when video cards had only 1GB vram and how that was enough for 1080p gaming with a little bit of AA, and today we're at 4K resolution, which is 4 times the pixel count of 1080p, it wouldn't be too unreasonable to think that 4GB is enough to push 4K. Even though I don't...
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    Considering upgrading my GTX 780 Ti....

    Sorry that's what I meant in that post. If he were able to recuperate the cost of the original card then he would technically be only buying another single card.
  9. N

    Considering upgrading my GTX 780 Ti....

    If you can sell off your 780Ti for and buy a 970 for no extra cost then that would be the optimal choice. I'm assuming you're playing the multiplayer in BF4, which is heavily CPU bound. Going the sli route might not give you the performance boost you're looking for. Have you tried playing the...
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    1080p on 1440p Monitor

    This. At 1440p you can even turn down AA a notch or have it off completely. I went from a 23" 1080p to 27" 1440p on a single GTX 780 and for most of my games I just turn off AA and still get roughly the same performance as I did running on a 1080p monitor. A single 970 can max out most games out...
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    Logitech G502 vs. G602

    Another vote for the G502 here. For your price range it's probably the best mouse to get. In regards to battery life, the G602 is very efficient. With moderate to heavy use you'd probably replace the battery once a month. While it's not a big deal it's still something to think about. Also I...
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    New mouse to replace logitech g5

    Logitech G502 perhaps?
  13. N

    Witcher 3 delayed till 19 may

    Pretty disappointing that it's getting delayed for another three months but CDPR is one of few game developers that actually deliver quality games. I don't see this delay being anything less than absolutely necessary. Gives me more time to go through another playthrough of TW2 :D
  14. N

    Dark Souls is on Steam

    Usually the elemental weapons are better for lower level characters due to poor scaling. +15 start to over take them with more stats in their respective growth stats. But unless you're a mix/max kind of person then it doesn't really matter all that much. Go with whatever you have the most fun...
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    Dragon Age III: Inquisition announced!!!!

    You can tell from playing the game that it was made with a controller in mind. With that said, keyboard/mouse isn't terrible but it's not the same experience and you'll likely get more frustrated with it than with a controller. Since you already have an xbox 360 controller you should use it...