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  1. T

    BF4 and High Speed Ram

    Are you speaking of BF4 specifically or are you getting the same gains across the board in all games and\or programs? It almost seems that BF4 was coded to take advantage of system memory. did any one monitor ram and cpu usage during any of these tests I mean were either one highly loaded at the...
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    BF4 and High Speed Ram

    I cant seem to find it now but I came across a review awhile back where they were testing different memory from 1600 to 2400 on an AM3+ board with a FX8350 and there was very little difference in any of them. I remember the 1866 at 9-9-9 timings had the best performance but it was only by a very...
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    Amd fx-8320

    the system she is using now I built several years ago and its a 2 core Callisto with a single 4870 card and 4 gig ram so I'm thinking she will be very happy with this new system even with the hand me down cards. Lol
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    Amd fx-8320

    The video cards and memory are kinda hand me downs I upgraded my system and put these in the one I'm building for her, but there less than a year old and I know there good components as I was not having any issues just wanted to upgrade. all the rest of the build is new parts. thanks for the input.
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    Amd fx-8320

    Hi all I was wondering if you guys would share some knowledge with me here. I'm putting together a new rig for my wife which will primarily be used for gaming (everything from sims to BF4). I want to overclock the system a little for better performance but keep it mild enough to be rock solid...
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    120mm fans

    I cant exactly recommend them just yet since I've not finished my build, but I got the corsair sp120 quite editions for the front of my case (corsair vengeance c70) I can let you know this weekend how well they work just waiting on the last couple pieces for my build.
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    Corsair 2100 Circumaural Wireless Dolby 7.1

    that's what I was thinking but I wasn't sure thanks for confirming it.
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    Corsair 2100 Circumaural Wireless Dolby 7.1

    Perhaps I just don't fully understand the tech here, but I'm hoping someone can give me a little guidance. I'm trying to decide if I should buy a discreet sound card for my new system build. my question is since I primarily use the aforementioned head phones which connect wireless via USB will I...