Amd fx-8320


Dec 11, 2013
Hi all I was wondering if you guys would share some knowledge with me here. I'm putting together a new rig for my wife which will primarily be used for gaming (everything from sims to BF4). I want to overclock the system a little for better performance but keep it mild enough to be rock solid stable. I know every system will behave differently but I was hoping someone could give me an idea of a good starting point. the system specs are as follows.
Asus sabertooth r2.0 990fx
Amd 8320 black edition
corsair h100i cpu cooler
corsair hx-750 power supply
2 asus 7870 2gig vid cards
corsair vengeance c70 case
2 corsair GS ssd's in raid 0
corsair vengeance pro memory 16gig DDR 1866
I have 2 corsair SP 120 quit edition fans in the front as intakes, a AF 120 quit edition in the back for exhaust and the h100i is mounted in the top with 2 SP120 quite editions blowing out. I also have 2 AF 140 quite editions for the side of the case but I haven't decided yet if they should be mounted as exhaust or intake I may need to experiment a little on that.
It all looks pretty good. If you don't have the ram yet I would opt for G.Skill myself. It tends to get along better with the FX CPUs than Corsair. I would also stick with 8 gig instead of 16 unless you need it for other software you'll never us it gaming. It's also harder on the IMC which can hinder stability at higher speeds.
1.45 volts 4.5 Ghz.

Set LLC to High or Very high.

Watch temps and check for stability.

Start there and work your way to either a higher OC, lower OC for the voltage, or a higher voltage.
You probably want to go with one more powerful video card instead of two weaker ones just for ease of use.
The video cards and memory are kinda hand me downs I upgraded my system and put these in the one I'm building for her, but there less than a year old and I know there good components as I was not having any issues just wanted to upgrade. all the rest of the build is new parts. thanks for the input.
The video cards and memory are kinda hand me downs I upgraded my system and put these in the one I'm building for her, but there less than a year old and I know there good components as I was not having any issues just wanted to upgrade. all the rest of the build is new parts. thanks for the input.

Well in that case, rock on lol.
the system she is using now I built several years ago and its a 2 core Callisto with a single 4870 card and 4 gig ram so I'm thinking she will be very happy with this new system even with the hand me down cards. Lol