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    Videocard under $160

    Thank you all so much for your advice- I really appreciate it. I probably will end up going with the 270x as a prioritize performance slightly more than sound. I was wondering what your opinion is on the following card: R9 280 Double D (Link below) If I decide to spend closer to $200 would this...
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    Videocard under $160

    its a corsair hx750 (back when it was silver)
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    Videocard under $160

    thanks GoldenTiger. I will take a look at that card- do you have any preference in terms of gigabyte vs msi etc? also I was wondering- is it worth it to get a card that I can connect in SLI/ xfire in the future? or is it better to just get a new videocard at that point? when/what is a good...
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    Videocard under $160

    i have a 750w psu.. will that be enough? sorry i didnt add that info initially
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    Videocard under $160

    Im looking to get a videocard in the $150-175 range currently I have a PC attached to my TV which I primarily use for watching TV/Internet/ but now have started playing games. The computer has intel 3770k (built in videocard) msi z77 gd65 mobo 16gb ddr3 ram 1600 lots of space...
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    Return HX750 for Seasonic X750?

    Hi I bought the Corsair HX750 [Silver] from Amazon last week for $138- and have it plugged into my system and working perfectly. ...but now the Seasonic x750 went on sale for $119 at Newegg. Should I return the Corsair and get the Seasonic? (Assuming that I dont have to pay for shipping...
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    Bite or Wait? (HD 7850)

    My budget is about $200 I dont need a GPU for another 3 weeks Should I bite on this deal or just wait 3 weeks and see what's available? Thanks, Arj
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    Help- Best 750/850W PSU Under $140 ?

    Dang I didn't realize they're replacing it with a new model! I hope they mess up and send me the updated version haha
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    GPU for connecting to several screens- not much gaming

    Hi I'm interested in getting a new GPU. Unfortunately my budget is about 150. Less is better ;) Anyway, I will be using the computer for multitasking primarily. Video playback with different videos on each monitor. I dont do much gaming. Resolution on the screens is 1080p right now but I plan...
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    Help- Best 750/850W PSU Under $140 ?

    Thanks for all the tips! I was a little bit in a hurry and found the hx750 for $120 and bit. Hope it works out! I wish I had better timing so I could get the seasonic for super cheap- but this will do :)
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    Help- Best 750/850W PSU Under $140 ?

    What is the best PSU either 750w or more (under 1000). I have a budget of $140. Needs to have excellent reliability and performance. Prefer modular, but not necessary. Fit in midtower- phantom 410 Thanks!
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    How large of a PSU do I need?

    The only thing holding me back is that rosewill only has a 1 year warranty vs the 5 year warranty of the NZXT and the 7 year one from corsair. Do you think that makes any difference?
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    Adding fans to Phantom 410 w/ Stock fan controller

    Hi I wanted to add a few fans to my stock case and dont know which type to get. I will be using the stock case controller for a while- mainly because I dont know how to do advanced setups yet haha Maybe I'm totally on the wrong track and there's something much better to do? Please let me...
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    How large of a PSU do I need?

    I didn't know that about NZXT haha. Good to know. Which one would you choose? Rosewill ($119): Corsair ($138): NZXT ($128)...
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    How large of a PSU do I need?

    sounds good, thanks. any recommendations about brand/plus rating/appropriate price? thanks
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    How large of a PSU do I need?

    A few questions: 1)What size of PSU do I need? I was thinking 750W 2)What certification is best to get? (Bronze, Silver, Gold Platinum?) 3) Which brand has very good reliability? I keep hearing that PSU is the heart of the system so I would like to get a good one... 4) Considering the...
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    SSD + Memory Help

    haha yeah i just picked one of those up! sweet deal. thanks everyone for all the advice! it definitely helped me out! i ended up going with the gskills 1600mhz ram 16gb (2 x 8gb) - $89.99 samsung 830 256GB SSD - $189.99
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    SSD + Memory Help

    Awesome. I just ordered the ones that you recommended. What do you think about this SSD? Is there a better model or do you think prices will go much lower? I have until the end of the week to order. Thanks again!
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    SSD + Memory Help

    would this work also? or no
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    SSD + Memory Help

    I'm planning on getting pro soon and wanted the option to upgrade in the future since i plan on having the machine a few years. I bought a hyper 212+ for the CPU cooler.. Which ram would not cause problems in terms of fit? Thanks
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    SSD + Memory Help

    these are the fans i was referring to
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    SSD + Memory Help

    Gotcha. What do you think about this corsair set? Is it a good deal w/ the extra 10% off? another option is gskillz seemed to get slightly better reviews/looks kinda...
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    SSD + Memory Help

    oh ok thanks for the tip
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    SSD + Memory Help

    no i dont have pro.. will it not be able to utilize it otherwise?
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    SSD + Memory Help

    Hi I didn't know where else to post this-- but I was looking for advice on which SSD and Memory to get. For the SSD I am wanting one that is about 240GB. The first priority is something that will last a long time. Second priority is speed. Third is customer support (hopefully I'll never...
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    Want to build system around 3930K. Limited budget.

    Hi. I got a great deal on a 3930k. I know it's definitely more CPU than I can handle, but I'm trying to build a PC that will last me a good 4-5 years (I dont do much gaming- mainly multi-tasking) 1) What will you be doing with this PC? Gaming? Photoshop? Web browsing? Etc - Primarily...
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    help to build $500 computer now- want expandability for future

    this is awesome, thanks! i have a few questions: 1) i noticed on the specs for the mobo that it can support up to 32gb ram at 1600mhz. is the faster speed of ram worth it? to fit in budget i can just get 8gb 1dimm right now and add more later 2) how many harddrives could i add later on...
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    help to build $500 computer now- want expandability for future

    essentially, yeah. web browsing. media playback. i will be also at times be using programs that involve 3d body simulations, word processing, and database programs programs. the thing i want to make sure is that i can play things and use programs on different screens at the same time. i need to...
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    help to build $500 computer now- want expandability for future

    just to clarify, I have the 64bit windows license as well
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    help to build $500 computer now- want expandability for future

    Hi. I have $500 now and need a computer. I will have more money later and would like to upgrade it then but need to use the computer now. i would like to have a fast processor if possible 1) What will you be doing with this PC? Gaming? Photoshop? Web browsing? Etc - For the next 3 months I...