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  1. M

    Corsair: 650D

    Got my H80 delivered today. Rest of the parts come tomorrow and finishing my build over the weekend. Will post pics.
  2. M

    Corsair: 650D

    Not to mention a particular cooler that some of us have been asking about (sorry, it's not the big one).
  3. M

    Corsair: 650D

    It's in stock for me.
  4. M

    ASUS Official Z68 Chipset Motherboards - Support Thread

    Ok, so the SSD can only be assigned to one of my partitions. Thanks for the info.
  5. M

    ASUS Official Z68 Chipset Motherboards - Support Thread

    Question about SRT in general. Will it work if i have multiple hard drives/partitions? Or does the SSD only map to one partition? Thanks a bunch.
  6. M

    Corsair: 650D

    Take it the H80s will be on the same schedule?
  7. M

    Corsair: 650D

    ^^^ i'm with him...holding off on a buy till these come out. June's almost done, Corsair.
  8. M

    Corsair: 650D

    Here's a write up about my side panel mod
  9. M

    Corsair: 650D

    Took my first foray into case modding and replaced the window in my 650D:
  10. M

    Corsair: 650D

    Speaking of, any idea on when these coolers are going to be hitting the newegg shelves?
  11. M

    Corsair Announces New Carbide Series Cases

    Son of a....oh well, i like the looks of the 650D better anyway.
  12. M

    Corsair: 650D

    See this is what i hate. The 650D offers a somewhat crude, yet functional system fan control...oh but wait, the Corsair Link system will make that all obsolete. Have fun tying off the now unused fan cables and such...lolumad? Corsair be trolling, i tell ya.
  13. M

    Corsair Announces New Carbide Series Cases

    Not sure i would complain. The 650D is a great case. Plus, i like it better just in the fact that you can move/remove the drive cages and allow better airflow across the motherboard.
  14. M

    Corsair: 650D

    No, i haven't bought the cooler yet. I got the case well before the rest of the system because i'm doing a slight mod to the side panel. I'll be on the look out for the new coolers coming out, though. Thanks for the heads up. I can find bolt on filters, so that's not really an issue...
  15. M

    Corsair: 650D

    Got my 650D in yesterday. I am going with a H60 cooler and will have the back fan/radiator as an intake. Now, my question is, with this setup, do i need to upgrade the 200mm fans? With the back fan as an intake, i'm wondering about air flow and making sure my vid card will stay cool as well...