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  1. C

    Screen ripping/tearing during 5770 overclock OR underclock

    it is not the card. This is a well known issue when running dual monitors. What is happening is the Powerplay is dropping the core speed to 157 and the memory speed to 300 in 2D mode. Some have had luck making a profile and manually changing the clock setting but it didn't work for me...
  2. C

    Catalyst 10.2 is out

    Is it too much to ask for that they fix the powerplay issues when running two monitors? Really annoying that I cannot overclock using CCC without my clock speeds going down to 157/300:mad:
  3. C

    Screen blinking for no reason

    I am gonna agree with the others and say it is the monitor. I recently had one of mine go out... it would just go black and then come back on for no apparent reason. if you have another monitor that you can swap out with for a week then do it.
  4. C

    changing values of my CCC profile....

    So I made a profile in CCC and I am at a loss as to where to go to modify the values of this new profile. I went to C:/programData/ATI/ACE but there is only one profile there and it is not the one I made. I am using Win7.... anyone know where CCC puts these profiles? I am trying to change the...
  5. C

    5870 overclocking and two monitors, flickering.

    Why are peeps RMA'ing their cards for this? It is a driver issue AND is not even a problem unless you overclock the card. Just put the clock speeds back to stock and the flickering stops. Sure it sucks that if you use multiple monitors that u cannot OC at the moment but bugs like this happen...
  6. C

    5870 = Noisy

    When comparing my XFX 5870 to my EVGA GTX 280, the 5870 sounds like a jet engine. I used to set the fan on my GTX to 100% and couldnt hear it at all. ( Keep in mind I am partially deaf ) But the 5870 at 50% is so amazingly loud that it astonishes me that I can hear it. HOWEVER..... the 5870...
  7. C

    problems with dual monitors and 5870

    When at factory settings 2D downclocks are 400/1200 and everything works fine. However when I try to overclock the GPU in CCC or Afterburner the 2D downclock settings drop to 157/300 and I get tearing/flickering in Firfox while browsing. Not to mention the clocks are jumping from 157/300 to...
  8. C

    5870 Screen Tearing Please Help

    But are you running Dual monitors? If I disconnect one of the monitors than the tearing goes away at the 157/300. Only does it with duals for me. Also can you modify the registry to set a different clock speeds or just off and on. I dont want to give up the downclocking as one of the reasons...
  9. C

    How to Activate Hardware PhysX to play with an ATI Video Card

    So I have 2 questions. First I have a couple of 8800 GTS 320MB cards laying around from an old SLI setup. Will one of these work for a PhysX rendering card? Second is this even possible in Vista x64 or do I need to wait till I upgrade to Win 7 x64? Thanks
  10. C

    5870 Screen Tearing Please Help

    "Update" So it seems that i read that there are 2 different 2D profiles used. 2D single monitor and 2D multiple monitor. I fall in the later so it seems that the drivers are working correctly at the factory clocks but once you set another speed in CCC it reverts to the 2D single profile...
  11. C

    5870 Screen Tearing Please Help

    Forgot to list what I am running....
  12. C

    5870 Screen Tearing Please Help

    Have you monitored your GPU and Memory clock speeds while you are getting your tearing? I am in the same boat and found the problem... however I am not sure how to remedy it. I have found that if I am at any other setting than the stock 850 core and 1200 memory, the card downclocks even...