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  1. I

    Remember the day when...

    You got your first 17 inch CRT and your buddy only had that 15 inch to work on??? I was talking with a friend about this tonight and it made me laugh. Because I do remember going from 15 to 17 and thinking that was the S%&$. Then I went to work for a company that did some CAD work and I saw...
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    Purported AMD Bulldozer Benchmarks Leaked

    The real measure is price and performance. I don't care if AMD needs 2x as many cores to be as fast or faster than 4 Intel cores as long as the result is consistent. If the AMD is 250 or 300 dollars and the Intel is the same then AMD wins. This is like what ATi did with their GPU's...
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    Tech FAIL of the Day?

    For all of you that say Hack... use strong enough Encryption, hacking cannot be done, but jamming could, however, if each car had the technology to be a leader car and sense all around it, then having a lack of a leader truck would not matter. Its funny to see everyone call different...
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    Refunds For MobileMe Subscribers?

    Credit or Debit Cards as official credit cards. If you did not enter a PIN then all the benefits of being a VISA card holder applies to you. I believe it maybe the same with MasterCard, but I know that if you paid like a normal VISA cafd with no debit card number and/or did not select the...
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    Amazon's Top-Selling Kindle Has Ads

    It really is amazing the total lack of reason some people have the MINUTE they hear Ads... Yet each day, on just about everything you own, you have to put up with Ads... For your paid Cable, for your Radio Stations, hell they show up as Previews on some of the DVD/Blu-Ray's that you buy, and...
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    Google Has Four Separate Classes for Workers?

    What I find amazing is that everyone who mentions what he signed off on in his paper work actually KNOW what he signed.... How do you know what was or was not in the paper work he signed??? I have seen many people say about paper work they signed for there work at there job which was not...
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    Best Earbud Speaker Invention Ever

    I am totally amazed about the negativity toward these people and their idea. They never claimed these to reproduce quality sound, but only to make the ear buds sound louder. While some of you negative people rip it apart, if you went on a week or 2 camping trip, would you want to carry around...
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    Good Idea or Technology Gone Wrong?

    I think this is a great Idea as long as it stays limited to private orgainizations or public entities that deal in mass trasportation. This system is already in works at Tampa Airport. I could not find my car, so I went to a Kiosk, entered my license plate, and in seconds they gave me turn by...
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    Netflix Is a 'Chimp', Not a 'Gorilla'

    Sorry I just had to add, I have seen some problems and wish they had a bigger selection, but honestly given the survey of broadband speeds in the US, its no wonder why you don't get the picture quality you expect. Average speed was 7Mbps down.... thats BELOW DVD uncompressed capability. DVD's...
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    Netflix Is a 'Chimp', Not a 'Gorilla'

    I find that since I have a 100MB down connection and when I watch an HD movie on my PS3 streaming, and can see that its in HD mode and the stream is on X-High, It is very close if not better than what I get via my old cable's HD options. So it all depends on the speed of your connection. I...
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    Flix on Stix

    An idea yes, a good one??? Maybe in airport or something. My issue is someone figuring out what is running it, loading a bootstrap on his USB stick as you figure the machine will have to be updated via network or firmware... as we know, anything that has something going in and coming out is...
  12. I

    Great Temps with new WC system.

    Current System Specs are as follows: MB: ASUS ROG Extreme III 1- Core i7 930 2.8 Stock RAM G.Skill Ripjaw 2000Mhz - 6MB 1-TB Seagate HDD 1-Silverstone HDDBOOST with 32 MB SSD (will talk later about this) 1-ThermalTake TR2 RX 1200 Powersupply 1- ATi 5970 (Had plans for 2, but will wait for next...
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    2 Kinects 1 Box

    If you get 2 or more web cams and position them in known places, you can do the same thing this kinect is doing. When it was ONE camera it was neat, but going to 2 or more just turns out acting like normal eye balls. The coder would then have to determine the algorythym to determine...
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    GeForce GTX 580 vs. Radeon HD 5970 2GB Performance @ [H]

    Its already been done. There are 5970's with 4GB, 2 to each core
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    GeForce GTX 580 vs. Radeon HD 5970 2GB Performance @ [H]

    Kyle: If you get the chance to get your hands on the 4GB 5970, please re run some of the tests. I know that this is a good showing for Nvidia, but it does show some weak spots. But I do admit this is the first Green card I would buy in a long time. But I would like to see what the 2 GB per...
  16. I

    Stupid Advertising Stunt of the Day

    I would love to have a box like that. I think that was funny as all hell. Talk about getting someones attention, this would be the way to do it. Put an advertisement inside the box and grab some attention...
  17. I

    Best Buy Sells Free PS3 Upgrades

    This was a great read through all of your posts. I can't believe that some of you have a problem with Geek Squad charging for what can be done for free. If someone is willing to pay for that, then more power to them. If someone wants to pay 30 dollars for the update, more power to geed...
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    Corsair H70 CPU Cooler - First Install @ [H]

    Kyle, For your temps, did you just run Prime95 or did you load up your Fermi cards with Furmark... I want to see you REAL temps... I want to see how all that hot air being dumped into your case affects your temp readings... You think that the exit is the best way.... load up that...
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    Corsair H70 CPU Cooler - First Install @ [H]

    I bet that says when Kyle finally switches the system around that those idle and load temps will drop a fair amount.. Here he is worried about dumping 130 watts into a case that already has 2 480 Fermi's which drop over 300 watts each into the case. He is not getting max performance for...
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    Corsair H70 CPU Cooler Unboxing

    For those who are complaining about dumping hot air into the case and frying memory and what not really should not be posting in this forum. Its obvious that you are making assumptions about all sorts of things that you have no idea about. The cool air that gets pulled into the back does get...
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    Corsair H70 CPU Cooler Unboxing

    How you orient your fan depends on what your ambient temp is inside your case vs outside your case. Remember coolers can only cool to what the ambient air temp is. If the air inside your case is 50 degrees C, then the coolest the water in the Rad will get is... 50 degrees C. If the inside of...
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    ASUS MARS 2 Video Card Development Pictures

    Just because you see it on here does NOT mean that you will see it out in the real world. This maybe a test board to see if it is feasible and possible to run this card in the real world. There are the power issues (you have to worry about the PCI-E power bus, the power supply and how its...
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    Steam wants to know more then just the hardware you're playing on big brother cometh!

    So if you find a way to market your stuff better, that gives the user the choice to opt in to allow this to happen, then guess what I would be all for it. Currently every other day my REAL mail box is stuff with crap advertisements that I don't read with no way to opt out... Yet here is...
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    Steam wants to know more then just the hardware you're playing on big brother cometh!

    Valve does not have a history of turning something from an "Opt-In" where you have to go and turn it on explicitly, to something that is now all of a sudden on, and that you turn off. It seems that people around here like to complain about something, about someone being sneaky about something...
  25. I

    New System WC cooled Temp opinion.

    Now don't laugh, but my previous system was of the following specs. Q9650, 8 gigs of Ram, Rampage Formula, Dual 4890's in Crossfire X, and yes I had a Corsair H50 with a slightly custom setup. I Dremeled out my 92mm fan in the Acrylic case to 120 mm and had the Radiator hooked up to that and a...
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    Drive the A-Team Van in Google Earth

    Personally I'm waiting for the MPAA to say that someone lost this game in a bar, and had it sold off to a site so someone could get an early look at new "special effects engine" thats going to be used to recreate the van and the driving scenes. Then they are going to file a lawsuit and take...
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    Verizon Bills Family $18k For Cell Phone Use

    So when they charge you .02 per Kb is that Kilobit or KiloByte because there is a 10 fold difference in the charges... also just as the manufacturers of Harddrives, exactly how much data is a Kilobit 1024 bits or 1000?? How many bytes is a KiloByte, 1000 or 1024, as the numbers add up so does...
  28. I

    Verizon Bills Family $18k For Cell Phone Use

    I have two side to this thought. first the customer is responsible.... they signed the contract, the customer agreed, that pretty much ends it. BUT what I do agree with is the statement that one professor used saying that technically the legal speed limit is "speed limit is 16.6 centimeters...
  29. I

    Apple May Be Facing The Eye of a Regulatory Storm

    What people don't know is that there are many companies that allow you to write code for windows, and Microsoft provides the base SDK for .Net for free so that technically you can write your own apps, you would have to do so without an IDE. There still is Borland or whatever they are called...
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    Spy Pics: Gigabyte X58A-UD9 has 7 PCI-E x16 Slots

    No, don't think so, the backplate of the GTX is still dual slot.... would require some careful dremel work to get that to be single slot. And then tell me you would run all 7 of those at 100 percent load on 1 cooling loop????? Hell on 2 cooling loops.... I think even 3 cards per loop could be...
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    Warp Speed Will Kill You

  32. I

    How To Build A Home Office

    Read my mind.... I subscribe to CR. I find that probablly 75-85% of their tests are fairly decent. Recently I needed a carpet cleaner, not a vacuum and they just happened to have a test on that... Well they rated one of the models really high, the highest rated one didn't have an of the...
  33. I

    Anyone ever order a retail 920 and get...

    See this is the difference... you are dealing with what we call common sense... in the world of LAW, common sense often doesn't always apply to the way that YOU think it should. NewEgg wasn't causing INTEL any distress directly at all. They were relaying information given to them by their...
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    Anyone ever order a retail 920 and get...

    As I have consulted with her many times on this.... Just because soemthing SEEMS obvious does not mean that it is a direct fact. NewEgg still had a contract and was still relaying information as my wife had actually helped me write in my first long post. They were reporting what they had been...
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    Anyone ever order a retail 920 and get...

    Trust me, not a pitty resume offer..... not really an offer at all, just call being kind... because I know that in the end there will be no need for lawyers.... so I think you need to keep you comments about my wifes profession seperate from my household life...
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    Anyone ever order a retail 920 and get...

    Its safe to buy everything you need at NewEgg. If them showing their proactive response to e-mailing customers and then overnighting them new units isn't good enough... I don't know. You risk going to a different company because of the unknown of customer service.. What if you get a DOA 920...
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    Anyone ever order a retail 920 and get...

    Dude, You need to go find the post from my wife, actually its quoted right below your post about I.P. and contracts, and even if Intel goes to NewEgg and says they our counterfeit, that NewEgg still has to honor the contract with IPEX and say demo boxes, or risk litegation with IPEX. This...
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    Anyone ever order a retail 920 and get...

    Hehehehe, Actually I do work, I write applictions for a company thats in Tampa, Florida. Lately this has allowed me to stay at home and game a lot. I'm given the specs, and the time line to finish the job, and if I bust ass and get it done months ahead of time, then I have those months to...
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    Anyone ever order a retail 920 and get...

    What you didn't grasp is at the time, officially there was NO proof that ANY law had been broken. There was no direct proof at that very instant that those were NOT demo boxes, and therefor the contract be null and void at that instant. There would have to had been a clause for if x amount of...
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    Anyone ever order a retail 920 and get...

    Here is what my wife said who is a lawyer that deals with I.P. and Copyright Infrigements. If D&H was contacted by NewEgg and told NewEgg that they were "Demo Boxes" and NewEgg has a supply contract with D&H, it more than likely has a status clause dealing with batches of defective/bad...