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    Questions on selling used 770 4gb WFx3

    thanks, I will close and check around, was just hoping to get [h] advice
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    Questions on selling used 770 4gb WFx3

    Hello all, I recently upgraded my monitor and now my videocard is not pushing as well as the old monitor, VC is great but went from 1050 to 1440 (it is AMAZING, LOVE THIS MONITOR!). I want to upgrade to a 980. Just looking for advice on selling my Gigabyte 770 4Gb Windforce x3. I have only...
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    Server 2008 intermittent Lockup, HELP

    This client does not really like the idea of me taking a copy of their info off site (lawyers need to stop talking) are you thinking I just throw it on a spare desktop that they have on site? I will try to turn off VSS over a weekend when no changes are being made and see what happens. Yes the...
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    Server 2008 intermittent Lockup, HELP

    Hey All, I am not sure if this is the right place to post or not but I need some help from any sysadmins/IT B@USSES out there, cause I am at my wits end. TLDR: HP server locking up, when it comes back online looks like nothing happened, Only clues is failed to process Group Policy, has...
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    Qnix 27" questions

    I see, well crud...Need to read the fine print on NE for return policies I guess. I was hoping that they would accept the return if I had issues. 1440 will be the highest resolution I have used. The real question is how noticeable to they tend to be? Are there peoples out there who dont...
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    Qnix 27" questions

    I am not sure if I could deal with dead pixels, how likely is it that you will get them? Why from eBay instead of NE?
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    Qnix 27" questions

    I built my new rig nearly a year ago (sig) and I have yet to jump to a new monitor, I have been using an HP 2207w for a long time and it wasnt great then, but now lighting and colors are going bad. I plan to get the 27" Qnix that a lot of people are talking about, my main questions are: 1)...
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    Lookin to Build a PFsense Box

    is it your dedicated firewall handling routing as well? and what OS are you using for external shell? specs?
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    Lookin to Build a PFsense Box

    I recently switched jobs to and my new employer uses a lot of PFsense for firewalls, I am lookin to build one for home use, so I can get used to it, that could hopefully serve up routing both wired and wirelessly. Would like it to be no bigger than a slim desktop (hopefully smaller) I know...
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    Just installed what

    so I am primarily a windows user and I work at a help desk, I am semi decent at keeping our managers up and floating despite their best wife recently destroyed the copy of windows 7 that I had on my old gateway (9&1/2 years old at this point). Now I have ubuntu on it and I feel...
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    LED TV for gaming

    I am looking at tv's that I will primarily use for my downstairs living room and it will be my gaming tv, I want somthing at least 55" and I have a couple grand to spend, I have been looking around but I have not really seen any reviews for newer tv's and imput lag and decent refresh rates. Any...
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    Have any of you guys seen any really good student engineering apps or are aware of any in the making? I have handycalc which is amazing but I could also use some physics, biochem, or any apps for the applied sciences.
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    cleaning those hard to reach places

    I just got the droid:) and I love it, but my dad has a phone with a sliding keyboard and so does my wife and I have noticed that dust and other crap will kind of build up between the keyboard and the top of the phone around the joints where the two peices meet. I could use compressed air but I...