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  1. D

    Buy 3g now or wait until 4g for price drop

    I might be wrong but I think the 3g has the same spec as the 2g version except for the "3g" internet. If it does, dont even bother with the 3g. The 3gs is sooooooo much faster. My gf's 3gs make my 2g feel like shyt. Just opening up the sms windows feels like forever.
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    Ipad question to actual users.

    I don't know much about it since im just a normal user. People keep on saying HTML5 is the future over flash.
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    Ipad question to actual users.

    I had a chance to check out the iPad at my school today and I was quite impressed with the quality and ease of use. I don't want to rant but dammm if only it had Flash! I would buy it in a heartbeat if it had flash since I think it'll be perfect for facebook games. Yeah I understand HTML5 is the...
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    Final Fantasy XIII

    Took me like 45 mins to get the growth egg. It was basically random luck to get death to work. I did this at beginning of Chapter 13 where you can teleport back and forth to gran pulse.
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    Any improvements in MW 2?

    I played a team death match game yesterday that lasted more than 30 minutes on 1 map. Apparently the hacker can make it like a dedicated server. He can turn gravity on or off anytime he wants. People were flying up in the air when they jump and everyone were on speed. He was also able to change...
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    Cannot get folder sharing in Windows 7 to work

    Ok, I did the homegroup thing and it still has the same problem. I am able to see the shared folders but cannot open it. It still has the "do not have permission to access blah blah blah" error.
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    Cannot get folder sharing in Windows 7 to work

    What is homeshare? I dont get why this is so complicated. I remember back in windows xp, I can just set the folder to share and all the computers on the network can access to it without any additional settings.
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    Cannot get folder sharing in Windows 7 to work

    Neither of the 2 computers require an account to login. I did set the share permission to everyone. Shouldn't that let everyone join regardless of user account?
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    Cannot get folder sharing in Windows 7 to work

    I have a desktop and a laptop, both running Windows 7. I set up a folder to share on the desktop. The permission is set to everyone with no password. On the laptop I can see the share folder but I cannot open it. It says "you do not have permission to access//computer name//folder name...."...
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    install win7 on my new macbook pro

    Because those other laptops look fugly.... I have yet to see a nice looking windows laptop besides the voodoo envy, but those cost way more than a macbook.
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    XBOX 360 VGA cable question

    Cool! I guess I'll go ahead and buy the vga adapter then.
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    XBOX 360 VGA cable question

    My monitor native res is 1920x1200. However, xbox can only output up to 1920x1080. With HDMI, the image is stretched on my monitor to 1920x1200. I do not want the image to be stretched. Will the VGA cable fix this problem by allowing black bars on top and bottom?
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    XBOX 360 VGA cable question

    Right now I have the xbox 360 connected to an lcd monitor at 1080p via HDMI. The problem is my lcd monitor does not support 1:1 mapping therefore the image is stretched to 16:10. If I use a VGA cable, will it allow me to get 1:1 support? I want to be able to see the black bars on top and bottom...
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    How much should I spend on cables?

    With that setup, don't even waste money on so called "premium" cables. Just grab the cheapest ones on monoprice and youre good to go.
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    Portable movies browser program?

    Isn't that just a media player? I am looking for something similar to a windows media center but simpler and portable.
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    Portable movies browser program?

    I am not sure how to word this, but is there such a thing as a portable movies browser program? I carry my external hardrive around to my friend's places often. I would like a program that can show the movies I have on the external. The program will show the movie's information (movie poster...
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    How can I get 3.1 audio through x-fi spdif

    Thank you all! I was using media player classic home cinema so all I had to do was tell the DTS decoder to send it through SPDIF. It works like a charm now.
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    How can I get 3.1 audio through x-fi spdif

    I will try this method when I get home from work. I only want it for movies watching.
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    How can I get 3.1 audio through x-fi spdif

    Yeah I will eventually get 5.1 setup. I just wanted to test the concept of the center first before i buy extra speakers. So far, not so good.. =(
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    How can I get 3.1 audio through x-fi spdif

    I have the asus P5Q Pro motherboard. Cant the receiver encode DTS if the soundcard doesn't?
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    How can I get 3.1 audio through x-fi spdif

    I guess I'll buy the DTS pack for the X-FI. But what if I want to use the macbook's digital output or my mobo's digital output? How will I do it then?
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    How can I get 3.1 audio through x-fi spdif

    Sorry for being a complete noob, but all the suggestions has made me completely lost. Can you guys noob it down? I always thought 3.1 was pretty common so it should be supported. If I use my mobo spdif, would that make it easier to set up? The x-fi has too many settings. For media playback, I...
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    How can I get 3.1 audio through x-fi spdif

    It works fine and everything in every mode, but only plays it has stereo only. And that suck, I have to buy something to enable 5.1 sound for the x-fi? I tried using the mobo spdif and its the same thing, only stereo. I thought the whole SPDIF thing was for surround sound. If its meant for 2...
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    How can I get 3.1 audio through x-fi spdif

    Here is my set up: - Xi-fi Platinum > spdif > receiver's coaxial input The receiver is a Denon AVR-1602 I currently only have 2 speakers but I plugged the left speaker into the center input just to test it out. In the X-Fi setting, I have it at 5.1 channel. However, when I do the speaker...
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    Realtek ALC883 question

    It cant be the onboard sound fault. If you can play mp3 fine then I am pretty sure theres nothing wrong with it. Again, uninstall any codec packs you have and install media player classic home cinema. Some people will recommend getting CoreAVC but I just have media player classic home cinema...
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    Realtek ALC883 question

    Use media player classic home cinema for all your video needs. This will pretty much play everything with a system like yours, no need for those crazy codec packs.
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    Port fowarding, how complicated is it really?

    Its pretty simple. Just follow the guide from that website. After a few time, you can do it in seconds on any router since they are basically all the same.
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    Sennheiser HD 555+Asus Xonar U1?

    I'd say just get the headphones first and test it with your onboard soundcard.
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    Good 2.1 speakers for ~150

    Since normal computer speakers are frowned upon here, you wont be able to find a 2.1 set for less than $150. A decent 2.0 setup is already at least $100 and a regular subwoofer is already at least $100. Together, that totals to about $200 already.
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    PROBLEM: left and right channel mixed up in x-fi

    I have my speakers connect to a receiver and the receiver is connected to the x-fi. When I do the balance test on the receiver, the left and right channels are matched accordingly. However, when I run the test on my computer in the x-fi setting, the two channels are mixed up. The right speaker...
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    Sherwood RA-1140 info???

    I just bought a Sherwood RA-1140 receiver off craigslist for $8. Does anyone here knows anything about this am/fm receiver? I tried googling it but can not find any information on it.
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    Problem: loud noise when turning on amp

    It's the Lepai t-amp I got off ebay. I havn't done any test on it since I got home late today. I just got the thing plugged in and it makes the loud popping noise everytime I turn it on. Looks like I will probably have to always leave it on.
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    Problem: loud noise when turning on amp

    So I just got this amp. Whenever I turn it on, it makes a really loud popping noise. Is there anyway I can make this go away?
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    Which speakers to get from these:

    A lot of people seems to like the M-Audio AV40 and the Swans M10. I am not sure how much it is in eur though.
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    Anybody know much about his mini amp??

    It turned out the lcr-3 is the A series called A5-LCR 3, one of the older model i believe. There are no specs of it on the site. Will it still be ok?
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    Anybody know much about his mini amp??

    I found a deal for a set of LCR-3 speakers on craigslist for only $40. I'm assuming I will only be able to use 2 of the speakers. How will this setup compare to the P5-PR??
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    Anybody know much about his mini amp??

    How does the speaker company P5-PR compare to the Polk Audio M10? They are about the same price.
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    Anybody know much about his mini amp??

    I am leaning toward the P5's speaker for now because of its price and size. How does it compare to the polk monitor 30 though? And for the speakers to work efficiently, as long as it is 4ohm-8ohm and over 87bd and is considered good right?
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    Anybody know much about his mini amp??

    It will mainly be used for music and I would like to keep the budget under $100.
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    Anybody know much about his mini amp??

    Thank you I think i will buy this amp then and go look for some bookshelf speakers off craigslist