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  1. F

    Best 30 inch lcd

    The LG W3000H is a great 30" LCD. However, the connections are lacking. But the price/quality is pretty good (no input lag), however it wouldn't work great as a tv/game/computer triforce monitor.
  2. F

    Is the Dell 3008wfp ever gonna go down in price? Is it the best 30" out there?

    LG W3000H-BN. No lag, S-IPS. Mine had no dead-pixels, it's fairly inexpensive.
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    Got one too, and love it. Was originally planning on getting a 26" Planar, but the 30" LG was only a bit more expensive here (Canada). Turns out this was a great choice. More calibration options would be good, and obviously more inputs. But for anyone planning on using this for PC-only, it's great.
  4. F

    Playing at 1900x1200 on a 30" monitor?

    I'm about to get a 30" monitor with a native res of 2560x1600 (LG W3000H-BN), but only have 1 4850 and it's not an Xfire mobo, so I can't add one, and no budget to upgrade everything. The 4850 won't be able to run FC2, Dead Space at 2560x1600, so how will games look at 1900x1200 when it's...
  5. F

    Best 24-26" for FPS Gaming + Movie watching?

    Thanks, I'll look into it! What's the difference between this one and other BenQ and similar monitors? And it seems pretty old, will there be a replacement for it soon?
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    Best 24-26" for FPS Gaming + Movie watching?

    I know this has been asked a million times here, but I still can't make up my mind. I need a 24" or 26" monitor for intense FPS gaming, and watching movies. So basically input lag + viewing angle are my biggest (only) concerns. Right now I use an old 19" Samsung LCD, but want something bigger...