Best 24-26" for FPS Gaming + Movie watching?


Sep 22, 2008
I know this has been asked a million times here, but I still can't make up my mind. I need a 24" or 26" monitor for intense FPS gaming, and watching movies. So basically input lag + viewing angle are my biggest (only) concerns. Right now I use an old 19" Samsung LCD, but want something bigger that would be more useful for movies. Right now when I get on my couch behind my work desk I can't see anything and it's quite annoying.

Budget range is up to $850, so I don't mind paying for the Planar 26". But is it the best choice for input lag/viewing angle? How are the viewing angles on newer TN panels like the BenQ V2400W? Also, since I'm in Canada, what's the best place for the Planar if I go that way? CDW? Insight?

Thanks a bunch! :D
I would like to know this as well. And please if possible provide good standard gamut choices because based on everything I have read wide gamut would probably drive me crazy and I have zero use for it.
I have the Planar PX2611W. Input lag & viewing angles are very good. But I fuckin' hate the wide gamut.
I'm also looking at this bracket really hard right now. I had originally planned to purchase the T260HD, but I've heard it has really high input lag that wouldn't be good for a gaming monitor. Is that true?