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  1. S

    Is tri-screen possible in Ubuntu?

    I just recently set up a tri-screen in 8.10 64bit. I have an 8500 and an 8600 .. its alllllll about how you set up your xorg.conf.. when ig eth ome, ill try and post up my xorg.conf file. fwiw, i am using the nvidia drivers from their website.
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    Asus P5Q-E blinking LED :(

    Hi Guys, Started a new build over the weekend; Asus P5Q-E Intel Q6600 Some other goodies. Hook everything up, flick the switch on the back of the power supply, and the two LED switches on the board just blink on and off. I did get it to work once.. but it threw a bunch of errors...
  3. S

    Q9450- CPU core temp disparity

    I also have about 9 degrees difference in one core.. although its not stuck
  4. S

    Q9450 temp readings

    VGA .. probably ambient temperatures.. case temperatues etc.. nothing to be too concerned about
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    Q9450 temp readings

    I have the same problem.. new Q9450 .. same thing.. one core is 11 degrees warmer than the others.. although my idle temps are much higher than yours.. and thats with a TRUE cooler :@ under load i max at 53 degrees C .. and idle about mid 30's
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    Where to go from here? E8400

    ?!?! Keep the E8400 @ 3.6 .. what real world gains are you going to get from a new chip? basically none. 3.6 vs 4.0 .. meh.. no difference.
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    q9450@3,4ghzor e 8600@4ghz dilema

    Thanks.. Good thing i saved "Firing shots off from the pump action Oatmeal gun" so i can claim "best post of the century" next century..
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    q9450@3,4ghzor e 8600@4ghz dilema

    err.. 3.6 gigs vs 4ish gigs probably won't be a huge difference, considering the majority of the time your computer just sits there displaying the same porn picture while you fire off some knuckle children..
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    q9450@3,4ghzor e 8600@4ghz dilema

    90-100fps? err.. isnt screen refresh on at 60hz? maybe 75 depending if you're rockin an old CRT? Its a win win situation.. pick a chip.. overlock.. profit.
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    Would 2 4870x2's require an 800+ watt PSU???

    Probably not, but if you want to be on the safe side.. go for it. Remember, quantity does not always equal quality.
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    PCIe graphics card, different for Mac vs PC?

    Most cards dont work in a MAC due to the lack of drivers... By keeping almost all aspects of the hardware controlled by them, they can achieve some great stability... unlike Windows, which has to go through almost epic efforts to be backwards compatible with all pieces of hardware..
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    SLI with multiple monitors

  13. S

    E2**0 / E7200 / Q6600 / Q9300 on a budget

    wait for the 9450 or 9550 to drop in 3 weeks.. if you can afford that is.. price will still be a concern though.
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    Mild use home server Processor questions

    If its running too hot, slap a Zalman 9700 on it, turn it to low.. and watch the temps drops 15 degrees.. call it a day. 1 gig is more than enough for a FreeBSD box... so is the 3.2 GHz, and 2Mb L2 cache.. stick with it.. dont waste money on something new just to have it do the exact same...
  15. S

    Nehalem for gaming?

    Choose your weapon.. It doesn't matter, as FSX is very cpu limited
  16. S

    Mild use home server Processor questions

    P4 3.2 not cutting it for that? That is way overkill for what you need it for.. you could be running those services off of an old pentium 2. FreeBSD is a very lean system, it doesnt require any serious computing power.. and a C2D seems to be a waste just for mild webserving and ftp?? Can...
  17. S

    Nehalem for gaming?

    Actually, i don't run the simulator.. i couldn't if i tried. Generally a Q6600 OC'd to 3.6, with vista 64 and 4 gigs of ram only hits about 25-26 fps .. and this is with traffic and some clouds turned down. Try to run on 3 monitors (which would be ideal), and we're looking at 7-8 fps.. my P4...
  18. S

    Nehalem for gaming?

    Simple tasks? I just upgraded to my P4 3.2 last year .. :D does everything i need it to.
  19. S

    Nehalem for gaming?

    Im definitely looking forward to it, seems it will be a positive upgrade path for FlightSimX , as that application is CPU bound, and not GPU bound.. maybe, just maybe.. Nehalem will allow FSX to run at a decent res, or on.. *shock* 2 monitors!! ..
  20. S

    Statistical performance reviews of Q6600 vs q9450 +?

    The consensus here is that that 9450 is about 6% faster clock per clock. Although the Q6600 might be a little friendlier on the overclocking side of things. I personally would love a Q9550 right now, just waiting for the price to come down.
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    KDE 3 In Ubuntu 8.04

    Interesting, i added KDE just last week, and i got kde 3? I guess it depends on the repositories... please post the output of lspci
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    q6600 at 3.6ghz?

    Seems like a bit of a waste of money no? 3.3 vs potential 3.6? Especially in a time where quads are absolutely not being used to their full potential..
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    Sell the Q9450 or swap it in?

    Meh, personal preference.. whichever you choose to keep, its a good decision. Either way you win.
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    issues w/ mobo or cpu, help

    fft = fast fourier transform... basically a test for the cpu.
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    Gigabyte GA-P35-S3G

    Its fine, the picture makes it look bent at a higher angle due to the flash reflection..
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    E8500 + Striker 2 Extreme + OCZDDR3-2000, OC problem

    Maybe the porn is sub-par?
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    Q6600 Temprature +80C while encoding

    Considering your ambient temperature of 50+C .. this seems normal.. although still high. An aftermarket cooler will help, but probably not much due to your ambient temps..
  28. S

    OCing a Q9450

    What kind of FPS are you getting with this setup? Im in the process of building a rig for FSX.. its nerve wrecking though.. FSX basically trumps any modern hardware due to poor coding, and intense on the fly rendering..
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    Flight Simulator

    Thanks, I'll look into X-Plane
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    Flight Simulator

    Bah, FSX is becoming a nightmare for me... I have to build a box for someone solely for the use of FSX .. of course he wants 3 monitors.. and eventually to run it on 3 high def projectors... all of which are basically impossible on FSX since its poor coding, and high dependancy on clock...
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    Looking for good OpenFiler (RHEL) RAID controller - SATA/SAS, $200-300, PCIE, suggest

    I have a 3ware card running udner Debian.. beautiful.. easy setup.. great CLI administration tools .. i couldnt be happier.. i have the 8 port one, you may just need the 4 port.. prices will vary.. i also believe it requires a 4x slot? double check on that..
  32. S

    Oh crap

    Download Ubuntu LiveCD .. mount the NTFS drive .. and copy the data off to an external HDD. works everytime.
  33. S

    Q6600 sudden temp raise.

    Ambien ttemperature? It is summer time..
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    Qx9650 Ques....

    Any particular reason? Which Xeons do you have? I would assume that this would probably be a waste of money, as theres no appreciable gains...
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    Upgrading a CPU, recommendations?

    no appreciable difference in upgrade from an E6600.. waste of money. Spend it elsewhere. Make sure you are not swapping to the hard drive..
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    Problems with 4850. Diplay blinks off randomly...

    Vista? Had the same problem with a 7300LE .. i believe there was a microsoft fix for this out there.
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    E6700 CPU Upgrade Advice

    It would be a waste of money at this point.. the E6700 is a strong chip.. without overclocking, no other chip will give you a valuable gain for your money.. At this point in the game, spend the money on a large, quiet cooler, overclock to 3ghz .. overclocking your chip 333Mhz will be a breeze.
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    Video Cards Today and Passive Cooling

    Doubtful, especially on the newer cards which generate much more heat than say an 8400GS
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    Best for old laptop

    Stay away from KDE and GNOME on hardware that old.. they're just too demanding. Look into a lighter weight Desktop manager..