Search results

  1. D

    Workstation Build

    I recently bought the Corsair 750tx (non-modular) for $115 from You might want to consider it. Also, regarding cases, I picked up an Antec P182 on sale from for $70. Seems like a great case so far. It fit my ip35 Pro + q9450 + Tuniq 120 Tower no problem.
  2. D

    Q9450 Chipset Compatibility

    Although I can't tell you for certain what version BIOS my IP35 Pro arrived with last week, I can tell you that I dropped in a q9450 and assembled my system and was able to boot after clearing CMOS. I installed windows, etc, no problems. Next step, upgrade BIOS. This caused much rejoicing...
  3. D

    q9450 availability

    q9450 OEM at Microcenter for $299 after instant rebate online, or $349 with a free $50 gift card in-store... too bad I jumped the gun and paid $380 (for retail box) at tankguys. :/
  4. D

    q9450 availability

    Retail version in stock at Tank Guys right now. Ordered mine, will ship today or Monday. :D
  5. D

    q9450 availability

    Anyone else waiting for this processor? (pretty sure I know the answer to this one) How are you keeping tabs on different e-tailers' stock? I've been using but there are several stores that are not included. I know microcenter has some OEM units, but the $360 pricetag + $25...
  6. D

    new build critique

    Thanks for all the help everyone! Here's what I ended up getting/will probably be buying shortly: Intel Q9450 (the where, when, and how much are not definite due to short supply) IP35-Pro ($135 after rebate) Crucial Ballistix 2x2gb RAM DDR2 800 ($110) EVGA 8800GTS 512mb ($200 after...
  7. D

    Specs thoughts

    d'oh:rolleyes: If you intend at gaming at the res and high detail, etc. is important, you'll probably want either a gx2 with that mobo or SLI'd 512 GTS's (or GX2's if you've got $ to burn) on an MSI P7N Diamond.
  8. D

    New Build - Advice / Critique

    The Antec P182 is at Microcenter for $105 ($70 with the MIR that expires today). Maybe. I ordered mine on Thursday and got an email saying it was backordered, yet it still shows up on the site as available. Not the best first impression for my first purchase with them.
  9. D

    Specs thoughts

    My $0.02: get a cheaper processor and oc it. look into a better router, possibly one compatible with the draft N spec. I just bought the D-Link DI-655- backwards compatible with my G card, but ready for N when I am. A little pricey though at $150. Can't speak from experience about...
  10. D

    new build critique

    I was thinking something in the neighborhood of 3ghz would be a safe bet for a first time oc. I'm rethinking my choice of the q6600 though and taking a closer look at the q9450. Looks like it's selling (when in stock) for about $350-60, and I know the lower multiplier means less...
  11. D

    new build -- almost final!!

    I got it (just ordered it) at Microcenter. Here's a link: The rebate expires on the 30th (in 2 days) and another Hard member (that sounds awful :p ) warned me about the date on the invoice being the determining factor...
  12. D

    new build critique

    ahh... i see the light. that could suck.
  13. D

    new build critique

    I had thought about it, but figured the performance gains would probably be minimal and that it seemed there are better overclocking capabilities with the q6600, not to mention the dangers of going with new technology. Having said that, the low $30 difference in price makes it tempting. I...
  14. D

    new build critique

    Hello, Long time lurker, first time poster here... Putting together a new computer here, it will be my second build ever, and considering my first (circa 2002) included a pretested mobo/RAM/processor combo from, I am still new at this. I'm a photographer (which is why I'm going with...