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    A $399 card is not a "high-end" card..

    Hum no... Actually it can run CoD4 at 1680x1050 all maxed without a problem.
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    What kind of Psu for 8800 GTS/GTX?

    Got the 650W here, and everything works perfectly. Awesome PSU.
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    Need help on Upgrade e4300 or ???

    There is a review for the eVGA 650i ULTRA on HardOCP. All in all it's a very solid board. It does not have SLI though.
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    Need help on Upgrade e4300 or ???

    Sorry it took so long to reply, but the board I am using is an Asus P5N-E SLI, which is 650i SLI. It does the job really well. I got it for almost half the price of a 680i SLI LT, and so far I have yet to see why I'd pay 120$ CDN more for the 680i. I am very pleased by the board and the CPU...
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    How much life does my x1950xt have left?

    Depends of what you do, and the money you can/want to spend on this... Some people would change GPU every 6-12 months, and it is fine. Some others (like myself) upgrade every 3 years. I can't spend that much on PC along with all the other hobbies.
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    Need help on Upgrade e4300 or ???

    This should be easily achievable. Mine's running at 3,0 GHZ atm (333 x 9 with Vcore ti 1.35V) and it's stable and very cool. I'll try getting it a little higher sunday night, I'd be very happy with 3,2 GHZ.
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    Partitions in Vista: Question

    Thanks a lot! ;)
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    Partitions in Vista: Question

    So when I finally installed Vista, I made a 100gb partition for Windows, and there was another 200gb of free space. Though, in Vista, I only have my 100gb partition, and I don't see the other 200gb anywhere else... Can I format it from Vista so it becomes usable?
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    Can't install Vista...?

    It is NOT a Vista upgrade CD. This is a completely new rig, so the HDD is clean as is everything. In the BIOS, the board sees everything there is to see. So I boot the PC, and since the HDD is empty, it searches for a boot CD. I put the Vista Home Premium DVD (OEM) into it, and it boots...
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    P5N-E SLI Boot issue

    It appeared to be a problem with the 4 pins connector of my PSU that plugs into the board. Now the PC boots, but shuts down after a couple second (generally at the screen when it shows "Core 2 Duo @ 1,86 GHZ ...". I am able to enter bios, but it shuts down almost immediately, or soon after...
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    Help with Antec P180

    Well I just had another look at it, and all the holes line up already. there are no screw holes from the case that doesnt fit the mobo, but 3, which are at the right of the mobo (about an inch), so there is no problem. The system now boots alright.
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    Help with Antec P180

    I got trouble with mounting my motherboard onto this case. Do I need to put the brass standoff they give? If I put them, the board seems too high with the rest of the holes (I/O, etc).
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    P5N-E SLI Boot issue

    Kingston PC2-6400 2x 1GB
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    P5N-E SLI Boot issue

    So I built my new rig tonight, and well it wont boot. When I first booted it the CPU fan was making some wierd noise then after 3 secs or so the PC would shut down (without beeps or anything). I took the fan off and put it back on, but now when I boot it, the fans try to start spinning for...
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    Is Samsung 226bw any good for gaming ?

    Skip the lottery problems and get the HP?
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    8800GTS 640MB SLI or 8800GTX ???

    It's well known this game runs like shit on pretty much everything. Not to troll or anything, but the game sucked on Xbox 360 anyway...
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    What 20' Display WS for heavy gaming ?

    I seriously don't know why people bashes TN so much. Maybe they haven't seen on in the last 2 years or something. Not further than today I had a Dell 2407WFP (non HC) next to a budget Acer AL2216W, and seriously, the difference isn't as bad as people make it seems. It sounds a little snobby...
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    The Official HP w2207/w2007 Thread

    Just out of curiosity, what are the main differences between the 20in and 22in models? Like, 20"'s panel type, all this info.
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    What 20' Display WS for heavy gaming ?

    Just out of curiosity, why no TN? I mean, they are actually far from as bad as some people make them seem.
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    What 20' Display WS for heavy gaming ?

    IMO, while the NEC might be a very good monitor, it's way too expensive if you don't need all the features it sports.
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    Your Video Card Upgrade Ladder

    Onboard graphics (back in the 166 MHZ CPU days), ATI Rage 8mb I think Radeon 8500LE 128mb Geforce 6800GT Geforce 8800GTS Intend to keep the 8800GTS for 3-4 years (probably adding a second in the future)
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    24" monitor question

    I'd get at least a 8800GTS 640mb. Though, even this can't play all recent games on max at the 1920 resolution (like Oblivion, which needs AA turned down). That's why I went with a 1680x1050 monitor.
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    The Official HP w2207/w2007 Thread

    After all the good comments I read on this monitor, I will be ordering one this week Was looking at a 24", but with the higher price and native resolution I looked at 22" and the Samsung. But after all the good talk about the HP, and the Samsung lottery, I'm deffenitively getting one.
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    Memory speed... Help?!

    So I'm ordering parts for a new PC tomorrow, and the only part left is memory (and deciding either 4300 or 6300...). I don't know what type I need, like DDR2-800, DDR2-633, or whatever. The processor, as stated above will be either E4300 or E6300/E6320. They WILL be overclocked. Could...
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    8800GTX on 480W PSU?

    Thanks. And what about a GTS/GTS SLI? After some thought, I'll go this route, I can't really spend the extra 200$ CDN for the GTX.
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    8800GTX on 480W PSU?

    I currently have a 480W Antec Truepower, with 28A on 12V+, will a 8800gtx and E4300 work on this? It's only for about 2 weeks by the time I have enough money to buy a new one. Plus, what's the minimum for a SLI 8800GTX? Thx
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    Is Samsung 226bw any good for gaming ?

    Widescreen monitors are 16:10. It's normal. EDIT: ^^^ Beat me to it :P
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    Shopping new monitor, size dilema

    I'm currently using a 19" CRT that I can't really stand anymore. It's starting to get more and more blurry, and I want widescreen desperately. I would love a 24" (The LG one on sale currently for 580 CDN) but I'm scared of the 1920x1200 native resolution. I'm the typical "poor" student, so I...
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    What happened to Sony LCDs?

    I was shopping this afternoon, and saw a Sony 23" LCD monitor plugged to a PC. The monitor looked incredible, so I did a little research on it to see they are discontinued. What happened to them? Are they quality monitors? It was priced 900$ CDN, which is kind of high, so it has me wonder. I...