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  1. R

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    I'm giving myself a bump here because it's been another 40 posts and I've received no replies again concerning my problem. I'm not complaining...just keeping it alive. I was hoping Unkle Vito or someone knowledgable like him might notice me but due to the recent issues with zzcool's monitor it's...
  2. R

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    when I push the power button on my FW900 the green light comes on for a few seconds then goes to flashing orange every other second. When this happens, I have to let it rest at least several hours (or days...depending on how long I had the monitor on prior) before it will power up properly...
  3. R

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Damn...mine is starting to act up. I switched to TV output one day and when I switched back to the FW900 the indicator went to green then started blinking orange every other picture at all. Funny thing is, it would work normally again after a day or so until I switched to the TV...
  4. R

    A thin yellow line on screen...

    On a Syncmaster 730b about 1/4 screen width in from left side a thin yellow line from top to bottom has suddenly appeared. Even before computer boots up it's there and won't go away. Anyone know what this means? A problem with that row of pixels perhaps?:confused:
  5. R

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    You've got my vote...this monitor and the size of this thread certainly warrants one.
  6. R

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    I was wondering that myself....just got one of these 2 days ago and never had to deal with BNC cables before. RpM
  7. R

    DVI to BNC cable for my Sony FW900 24" CRT

    Hey Preacher...can you describe this custom built cable in more detail and perhaps tell us where you purchased it from...thinking of getting one myself. Thanks...RpM
  8. R

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    I meant year that it was manufactured.
  9. R

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Is there a preferred manufacture period for this monitor... or is it just 'the newer the better'...I thought I read something about it somewhere.
  10. R

    Best drive setup for gaming/encoding...

    Thanks guys for all the wisdom...I have a better understanding now. Since I've already been running with the Raid 0 I think I'll give the 2 separate drive setup a try. KenF says he sees a 20% better performance with video editing. Maybe I'll see a bit of improvement with gaming as well (less...
  11. R

    Best drive setup for gaming/encoding...

    Hello all... ... I have 2-100gb Sata drives that I have setup with Raid 0 right now with xp2. What is the best configuration (as far as performance goes) to set these drives up for gaming and video encoding? I've read that two separate drives - 1st for OS and the 2nd for data is a good way to...
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    AGP club

    Ok... I need some agp/cpu expert analysis on this one. I want to make one final gpu upgrade to my old girl before I finally close the case on her. I know they are hard to find (they pop-up on ebay) but I think I have it narrowed down to; 1.Bliss 7800gs 512mb gs+ 2.7900 gs 256 or 512mb or...
  13. R

    Overclocking my Dell 8100...

    I "Powerleaped" my 8100 to 2.8Ghz a couple of years ago and now I'm interested in it's overclocking possibilities. I could use some info on what software to use and any other tips from anyone familiar with my setup. Thanks;)
  14. R

    AGP club

    From what I've read Geforce 7xxx cards will never be DX10 this correct? If nvidia does indeed release an 8xxx agp/DX10/Vista compatible card I would like to get one. One thing that I've always wondered about with my 4x agp system is the aperture setting. I have mine set to...
  15. R

    AGP club

    I'll be back later to pick some brains for info...;)