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  1. X

    Need Advice about second dead PC from Falcon Northwest

    lol Dude, you are way to nice. I would have ripped them a new one. I have little patience for companies who try to screw me over. Almost every single time I call a customer support number, I end up talking to a manager, and if the company is big enough, getting the number for...
  2. X

    What would be a good mp3 player for my needs??

    Vision M or Zune. :D
  3. X

    My New Computer (First Time Builder)

    Okay. I chose the Antec 900. It looks good, and has what I need. Thanks for the suggestion. ;) Edit: Just ordered it. :D
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    My New Computer (First Time Builder)

    Well, some things might go down. Especially processors and video cards, which is why I am ordering those last. Other than that, I am staggering my purchases over a couple of months. It should help alleviate the pain in the wallet. :D
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    My New Computer (First Time Builder)

    kk Thanks
  6. X

    My New Computer (First Time Builder)

    That is what I plan. Today I am ordering a HDD's, the PSU, and 2 burners. 2 weeks, the case and ram. That is as far as I have planned lol
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    My New Computer (First Time Builder)

    You are right. Mobo for SLi in the future. I chose that case because of the huge fans, with the ability to add another in the rear. I will use the SILVERSTONE SST-ST75ZF ATX 12V 2.2 & EPS 12V 750W Power Supply 90 - 264 V OCP,OVP,SCP,NLO. Looks good. :D The hard drives look good. I...
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    My New Computer (First Time Builder)

    Thanks for the suggestions. I will study them, and get back with you :)
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    My New Computer (First Time Builder)

    2500-3500. I am building slowly over time. I hope to be done by mid summer
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    My New Computer (First Time Builder)

    Hello people. FIrts post here to help me build my first computer. :D I would appreciate any input or suggestions. This computer will be used mostly for games and video editing. kk . . . here we go: Case: (I like this one much . . . so pleeeeaase try not to change! :D I am baout to...