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  1. N

    Intel BOXDX79SI help please

    I fixed the pins as soon as it came bac from newegg. I spent this weekend travelling around various computer tech service to find that they cannot open a CPU to help, and it's not a common enough CPU that they have one around. I ended up purchasing the 3930, reflashing the bios, and returning...
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    Intel BOXDX79SI help please

    Anyone? Anyone at all that can help me with a BIOS update? Or even a recommendation where to have this done?
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    Intel BOXDX79SI help please

    I'm in Raleigh, NC too if there happens to be anyone close by with another in the series of Sandy Bridge E /2011 CPU's that can lend a hand.
  4. N

    Intel BOXDX79SI help please

    Hey guys, I've been sitting on this build for a while and I need some help to get it running. I have an Intel BOXDX79si that I've been trying to run with a i7 - 3820. Since the bios apparently doesn't support this CPU ( I discovered after building) I sent it back to the 'egg for a...
  5. N

    Distributed computing software

    no updates?
  6. N

    Distributed computing software

    Depends on what software you are using. I use Fluent at work that is specifically designed and sold with the intention of stringing it across a cluster. If you are using something that's not designed for it then the simple answer is no, you can't, not really. There are a few things to...
  7. N

    Disable unsigned drivers on Vista 64bit...

    This cmd line really does work. I have been using coretemp on a vista system at work and the only way I could get it to read is by disabling the driver signing and running as admin. Now it works like a champ and I never have to go back and redo the driver signing thing, it stays off for me...
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    NEC / Optiarc (?) DVD/CD drive not working

    Anyone?? please..?
  9. N

    NEC / Optiarc (?) DVD/CD drive not working

    Thanks, I never noticed that tab... But if you go to the NEC site there are apparently no downloads for this drive. It's not even a part number series listed in their downloads section and the downloads portion of the individual part page only offers the manual....:confused: I have heard of...
  10. N

    First gaming rig

    Sorry if I came across wrong. I didn't mean that the board was not good for OCing, just that I didn't know if it was. I was stating that since he isn't interested in it then he doesn't need to be concerned with the Bios options, which I don't know anything about on that board, and that it has...
  11. N

    NEC / Optiarc (?) DVD/CD drive not working

    So I bought an NEC drive to put in my friend's Dell the other day. It's an OEM drive so it doesn't come with driver or documentation but I figured it would be plug N play like most every other drive I've encountered (maybe I've just been lucky....) and of course it was not. It's this one...
  12. N

    First gaming rig

    I don't know much about that particular board but that chipset is pretty good. I have a couple intel boards at work that are running the 965 and they were pretty much plug and play (not that the chipset is everything but it is less problematic than any of the Nvidia stuff right now). If you're...
  13. N

    Virtual PC questions, hardware and MAC add

    So I am running Vista at work now and we got a new piece of whiz-bang software that cost us lots of money and surprise, it doesn't support Vista and won't very soon :( So, I decided to be clever and run it through the Microsoft Virtual PC. It works *yay* but now I am having an additional...
  14. N

    Ubuntu fails to display....?

    Nope, not even a start up screen. I don't think this is an issue where the box isn't outputting anything, it just seems to be driving the screen wrong, like the screen doesn't like the output. The note of "cannot display this mode" is a screen error. I can get it to work using the DVI output...
  15. N

    Ubuntu fails to display....?

    It works in DVI apparently. I'm running 2 machines on one monitor so I had the ubuntu machine on vga. I guess the 65hz setting is throwing it off since my windows settings are all 59 - 60 hz. edit- so I have tried every resolution with all different refresh rates and to no avail, I still...
  16. N

    Ubuntu fails to display....?

    I am guessing it's a driver issue and Leadtek do not appear to support any drivers for Ubuntu. I installed Ubuntu on one machine and then moved the drive to another (because of the Pata drive issue...) and it will boot almost completely and then the screen shows a message about cannot...
  17. N

    Best program to monitor cpu temp

    It's a 64-bit quirk. If you're on 32 then coretemp probably worked for you all along. The 64 version requires signed drivers for all software and things like coretemp don't have it yet, even coretemp beta apparently.
  18. N

    Ubuntu failure to boot (system works fine with Vista)

    Yeah, it seems pretty stupid to drop support for the basic stuff before the next generation (ie. SATA optical drives) is mainstream. I mean they're def on their way in, but they aren't here yet... Oh well, I'm going to load Ubuntu on the drive in a different machine and then swap it over and...
  19. N

    Best program to monitor cpu temp

    So apparently there is a work-around: I disabled the signed driver enforcement and now I can read temps in Coretemp, haven't tried others yet but I'm happy enough with that!
  20. N

    Ubuntu failure to boot (system works fine with Vista)

    Ah, I understand now. That's a bit of a crapper but I guess there are worse things in life... I appreciate all the help guys!
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    Ubuntu failure to boot (system works fine with Vista)

    I'm not sure I understand the problem... The IDE drive is not being driven properly? So are you saying I should use a pata - sata converter and run the drive in a sata slot?? What exactly is herd?? Also, I believe there has been some confusion, I have not installed Ubuntu, I am trying...
  22. N

    Ubuntu failure to boot (system works fine with Vista)

    Here's the mobo: ASUS P5B Deluxe/WiFi-AP LGA 775 Intel P965 Express If this is the problem then do I need to get a newer version of Ubuntu? (I have 6.06.1) Or do I just need to get a different build of Linux? Thanks!
  23. N

    Ubuntu failure to boot (system works fine with Vista)

    It doesn't give an error message, it just goes through the "decompressing Linux...done" then "Booting the kernel" and from there switches to the Ubuntu screen showing "loading drivers" at the bottom and such. After that it reverts back to the screen showing Booting the kernel and just sits...
  24. N

    Ubuntu failure to boot (system works fine with Vista)

    Need some help guys. I am trying to play with some Linux software so I fugured I would throw in my Ubuntu LiveCD and test it before converting the computer to Linux. (this machine's sole purpose is to run CFD so if I find better software in Linux then I'll change OS's) It goes through to...
  25. N

    Best program to monitor cpu temp

    Yes, I read that, and I did that, and I still get the error I posted, that's why I added it to the conversation.... I'm on 64-bit BTW.
  26. N

    Best program to monitor cpu temp

    CoreTemp won't work for me either, it says "driver has failed to load" and then gives me "100 (?)" as temps on everything.
  27. N

    Building a CFD machine, hardware recomendations?

    The CFD system we use is not multithreaded. Even the ones that are you have to purchase the licenses per core rather than per machine so it gets very expensive very quickly. The main reason dual-core is good for this is because you can set affinity of everything to one core and just the solver...
  28. N

    Building a CFD machine, hardware recomendations?

    because there are two of the first machine and only one of the second. The second is only for calculation stuff, flow simulation, it needs processor and RAM and not much else. The others are CAD stations and needed better vid cards. With the $240 I saved by using the 4300 in them I managed to...
  29. N

    VISTA not Autorunning?? help?

    and I did try to install manually, I'm not dependent on it, I remember the days... lol Anyway, it appears we had the wrong install CD's, they were for HP 700 OS! I should really read what I'm installing first...
  30. N

    VISTA not Autorunning?? help?

    nevermind, I'm an idiot.... Could someone please delete this thread? thanks....
  31. N

    Building a CFD machine, hardware recomendations?

    Ah, in what I do about 80% of the work is done in 3D modelling, the drawing detail and dimensioning is all that is done without 3D and that takes very little time. In any case, I completed the order and have just finished building the machines. All have booted fine and work well with Vista...
  32. N

    Building a CFD machine, hardware recomendations?

    Really? I thought the difference between good and bad vid cards was precisely the 3D capabilities, not so much the 2D. Or is that what you mean by viewport? When I say rendering I don't mean making pretty pics, I mean rotating and gyrating the solids around using a spaceball so I can select...
  33. N

    Building a CFD machine, hardware recomendations?

    Why not the 680i ?? These are 3d CAD machines so I will def need the rendering power. I can't find any indication of how well a "game" card will do the job so I may just take the safe route with the Quadro. What would you recommend other than the 680i? And are you saying I can get SLI...
  34. N

    Building a CFD machine, hardware recomendations?

    I understand the cost equivalent issue, I'm just curious how the 8 series stacks up in terms of redraws. I have never used them side-by-side so I have trouble believing that the Geforce cards with twice the spec and half the cost isn't a better card. Maybe I am indeed wrong... Can you shed...
  35. N

    Building a CFD machine, hardware recomendations?

    All of the boards I am looking at SAY they support 8g RAm, but does that mean they DO? Or they MIGHT? Also, the software is not up to taking advantage of multi-core really at this point. Some but not enough to warrant quad-core. It works well if you set it to affinity 1 and everything...
  36. N

    Building a CFD machine, hardware recomendations?

    Hi guys, I've been lurking for a while here but this is my first post. I'm hoping you guys can help me build a few machines for work. We are running Unigraphics NX 4 and need 2 CAD machines as well as 1 machine for Computational Fluid Dynamics simulation. Can any of you recommend hardware...