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  1. M

    Is episodic gaming a joke?

    I don't think it's the content's fault, I think it's the implementation of the episodic scheme that's currently failing, largely as a result of what I see as varying interpretations of the basic concept of episodic content. For most of us, including myself, episodic content means that every...
  2. M

    Remember when thread?

    Not that I very often seek out opportunities to look dumb, it just seems that way. Anyway, why was the "remember when" thread closed?
  3. M

    What resolution do you game at?

    1280x1024, because it's the native res of the monitor (HP f1905), and it seems to be the sweet spot for my video card (flashed and OC'ed X800GTO2), where it can run with most of the bells and whistles cranked up and still give me a decent framerate. My long-ago days as a Quakehead still give me...
  4. M

    Is episodic gaming a joke?

    This: is a problem too, although by itself not really a huge issue. I paid over 100 bucks CDN for the HL2 collector's edition (which was a joke, by the way, and the last time I'll ever buy a Valve product sight unseen) so 20 bucks a pops for three or four episodes isn't too bad, as long as...
  5. M

    Is episodic gaming a joke?

    Count me with the people who'd rather wait for a proper, full-sized release than this episodic crap. What has the concept given us so far? HL2 episode two is taking almost as long as a normal release (okay, that might be a bit of an exaggeration), and Sin episode two we'll apparently never see...
  6. M

    Yet Another Oblivion Thread

    I had to set back my solid-until-Oblivion video card overclocking a few points to keep things stable. It took about a 10 mhz drop in both core and ram to get things stable again.
  7. M

    Dark Messiah of Might and Magic

    Dark Messiah is a one-trick pony, but it does that trick very well. The combat is extremely visceral, and while most games capture little or none of the intensity and "feel" of hand-to-hand combat, Dark Messiah absolutely nails it. If the fantasy setting gives you the impression that this is in...