Yet Another Oblivion Thread


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 9, 2004
Been playing Oblivion for the past couple of weeks and I seem to get random CTDs. It seems to only happen in the outside world, not in caves/ruins/etc. I have absolutely no problems then bam! game shuts off with no error that I can see (except once, was a runtime C++ error). The game also crashes if I take several pictures (4-6 seems to about do it everytime, sometimes even less.... again, only outside). I'm pretty sure I've had a few system reboots also when playing. I'm not sure if my card is overheating or what, maybe it is from all my texture/other mods? Is it my drivers (91.47)? Should I just live with it?

Vid card is using the tiny stock heatsink that came on the 7800GTs. I can play for around twenty minutes before the game shuts off. Thanks for any help. :)
Are you using the official patch? I know when it first came out i always would have problems with CTD's.
Update your video card drivers to the latest. That may or may not help. Check the event viewer to see if there are any messages about the game that may give a clue to what's going on. Check your vid card temps too, Oblivion gives the video card quite a workout.
check in windows task manager see if you have a task called ctfmon.exe if so kill it. Then get the unofficial patch for Oblivian and install it. Then do a clean boot and try the game again.
I had to set back my solid-until-Oblivion video card overclocking a few points to keep things stable. It took about a 10 mhz drop in both core and ram to get things stable again.
Are you using the official patch? I know when it first came out i always would have problems with CTD's.


I had to set back my solid-until-Oblivion video card overclocking a few points to keep things stable. It took about a 10 mhz drop in both core and ram to get things stable again.

May have to try that also.

LordVampyre: I currently don't see ctfmon.exe running. I may try the unofficial patch, not sure if that would help much though.

beanman101283: I suppose I will update the drivers. I was just scared since some drivers completely suck.
yeah, back the core and mem down slowly and see if that helps..
Well underclocking my card did help a bit it seems (went about 20-30 down on mem/core). It still shuts down sometimes though. I suppose I'll live with it till I update my system.