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    ASUS PA246Q: 24-inch, 1920x1200, IPS

    Hello everyone, I just attached this to the wall and I must say it is a definite improvement over my old Samsung P2450H (a mediocre TN). I'm using DisplayPort as of now with sRGB profile. However, I'm wondering if any of you have figured out optimal settings for gaming/movies, brightness seems...
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    Catalyst 10.5?

    There are claims of 10fps gain on minimum in Metro 2033...
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    To buy or not to buy a 5870 Vapor-X?

    Yeah, my case unfortunately is much smaller and has far worse ventilation. So I guess I'm gonna get the reference card and be fine with that. After all, it even costs less money :p And has more OC potential, so it's the best choice overall.
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    To buy or not to buy a 5870 Vapor-X?

    Uhm...Thing is, I read that the VaporX sends back the heat into the case unlike the reference card, is that true?I just have two small fans...80 and 120mm, for the "cooling".
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    To buy or not to buy a 5870 Vapor-X?

    So you are basically telling me plainly to buy the 5870 card, right? If I OC the reference 5870, how much hot can it actually get? :confused:
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    To buy or not to buy a 5870 Vapor-X?

    But the Vapor-X 1.0 should have the reference PCB, right? In that case, voltage control should be still there. I should try and get to know if this Vapor-X is 1.0 or 2.0... Thing is, my case tends to get hot during summer and maybe some decent cooling on the GPU might help a lot; also, I...
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    To buy or not to buy a 5870 Vapor-X?

    Hello, fellow AMD users. I am at crossroads: I am going to buy a 5870, that's for sure. But the question is, 5870 Sapphire (reference) or 5870 Sapphire Vapor-X? I read some reviews and it seems that performance wise Vapor-X gives 1-6 fps more on average, but of course the biggest gain is...
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    So Which 5800 Series Card Should I get?

    I will get a 5870 now and a totally new card (maybe PC, who knows) in 1.5-2 years. Simple as that. After all, most of games are console ported and 5870 will last a lot. Even Crytek published their CryEngine 3 as mostly MMO/console bound, giving up with the overly detailed and poorly optimized...
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    Why there aren't any 480 OC vs 5870 OC proper reviews?

    Yes, exactly. And since having a nice water kit isn't really common for gamers (saved for the very elite of hardware fans), I bet GTX 480 will hardly be appealing to many. I myself have a decent air-cooling system and nothing more, and I'm willing to bet that I would be able to have a stable...
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    Why there aren't any 480 OC vs 5870 OC proper reviews?

    LoL...Care to link this site? :p
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    Why there aren't any 480 OC vs 5870 OC proper reviews?

    Ok, now we've all seen from (serious) reviews that GTX 480 tends to be some 10-15% faster on average, gaining some decent lead on a few titles, mainly older ones though (with the exception of Metro2033 that isn't really ATI optimized at the moment), but actually losing in others. Most reviews...
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    LG L246W

    Anyone can help?:)
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    LG L246W

    It does, I know, and then?
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    LG L246W

    Hi all. I bought this monitor and received it as a marvellous Easter Egg just last Friday! I'm very happy about it. I'm using it with 360@HDMI and PC@VGA and both look excellent. Desktop wise I run the native, amazing 1920x1200 resolution, whilst for games and movies I use the Xbox 360 at a...
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    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Hi everyone, I bought the WinDAS cable but I'm unable to connect it to the monitor at the moment: I have to remove the monitor's casing and I don't know how to do it. Can you help me, or provide me a guide or such? :confused: Also, I would like to bring to your attention this announcement...
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    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    What is a tweezer man?:P
  17. X

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Hi guys, I have a problem with the WinDAS Cable. I simply can't reach the 4pin connector and plug the cable over there, it is unfeasible, the hole is way too small for everyone. I guess I'll need to remove the monitor's casing...But I need a guide now, as I don't even know where to start! :(...
  18. X

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    No actually I said I installed it but I had a problem in displaying models that I fixed now. Ok, do you advice me to send the file to the guy there and then change settings directly from the original ones?
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    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Ok I found on that geocities link the software and I installed it...But there's something still missing, it says "no mdl files" and I can't select any model therefore! What do I have to do?
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    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Ok guys I received the interface unit, please aid me in using it. First and foremost I don't even know where to download WinDAS software, instructions say "Install the program" ecc. But there is no floppy/CD/DVD or even URL for reference!
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    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Ok, I bought the cable. I need a brief guide to WinDAS software now! :)
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    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    That's what the guy@Emusicraft tells me for the WinDAS cable: "You should first locate the four pin interface connector. On the back of the monitor find the small plastic pop-off cover allowing access to the connector. If it's there, gently pry it off and locate the 4 pin interface...
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    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    OT - Can you please reply to my PM? Thanks ;)
  24. X

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Hmm, I don't know. With 25 I surely have a true black, but it is a little less bright than what I want. Do you know anything that I can found in Rainbow Six, Saints Row, Lost Planet, Gears of War, PES6, Dead Rising, Splinter Cell, Oblivion that I can use to compare as a true black object?
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    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    I'll buy a new PC in early 2009, when the superiority of PCs will be clear and before the next generation of consoles arrive in 2010.;)
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    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    The monitor is here!!! All I can say right now is: amazing. I followed your guide and it looks astounding after the tuning, Foehammer. One thing though, what did you exactly mean by image restoration?I used the "fine tune color" option in COLOR>EASY; I couldn't find "image restoration" even in...
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    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    That means nothing, Gears of War and Resistance were in development for roughly the same amount of time. Also, Gears of War was still running at E3 2005 on 6800Ultra in SLI, and therefore cannot be touted as truly pushing 360(just as Epic stated). Bioshock is still exclusive, that news was a...
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    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Sorry guy, but to say that Resistance can be compared to Half Life is kinda awfully exaggerated. And as Foe pointed out, it is rated in the high80s, just slightly above CoD3. It is not even close to masterpieces like Half Life, Halo, and Gears; and it is way worse than Gears visually, as...
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    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments. It's odd to see it—a tiny little chip—but this may be one of the secret weapons the 360 has against the PS3. The PS3 has no internal hardware scaler, which means games that are 720p native can only be shown in 720p or 480p; there is no scaling...
  30. X

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Just to have a real picture on how much they can vary. I'll have the Sony model, not the HP one, tho.
  31. X

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Yeah, I know. The monitor shipped today, by the beginning of the next week it'll be here. ;)
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    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    It would be nice if everyone posted his 360 gaming settings. :p
  33. X

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    So I don't have to manually adjust the monitor to fill it, great. I should have the monitor in 10 days or so, I'll post impressions later. :)
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    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Key thing is, I'm stretching now 4:3 CRT monitor's image to widescreen to fill the entire screen(and the monitor does that automatically). Of course, I don't have a widescreen image but a 4:3 stretched one. With the FW900, a widescreen monitor, I should have a true widescreen image with 16:9...
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    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    There are no black bars at 720p on FW900, then? On scanlines...You do notice them at 1280x720 but you don't at 1280x1024? :eek: There shouldn't be much difference. Also, native resolution should be better, and it is 1280x720. Anyway, do we have to stretch the the image manually on the...
  36. X

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Scanlines? Do you mean black bars?I thought there would simply be a distortion from 1280x720 to 1280x800(16:10 equivalent). I am using 1280x1024 widescreen too on my actual 4:3 CRT monitor, but it is quite a distortion. I got used to it, but in sports games it is odd. I thought with this...
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    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    I think I'll be fine with the monitor tweaks. Too much saturation and contrast aren't good to me just like low saturation and contrast....Balance is all :)
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    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Yeah I already saw those, I asked to post the new one 'cause you said you had a major improvement in 360 games. Why don't you use 1280x1024?Games are rendered at 720p, 1280x1024 is 4:3 also. @Mathesar: yeah, but XBR960 costs 2200$. :D Still, FW900 compares very well, and this is...
  39. X

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Can you post some screens? :D Thanks for the support btw. What do you think on 1080p anyway? Does it suck still?