So Which 5800 Series Card Should I get?


Limp Gawd
Dec 15, 2009
Currently, I am gaming on a 1920x1200 monitor. I play mostly FPS games (MW2 atm and AVP2/BCBF2 soon) and Eve online. I waited for Fermi to come out just in case (lets not debate that point now please). I do have a second monitor 1920x1200 so getting a third for eyefinity is not that expensive it just is not a priority atm.

So options that I am debating atm.

1) Get a 5850 now and potentially get another for CF sometime around xmass.
2) Get a 5870 now and get a newer card (in about 2 years).

Also, I am hoping for the setup to last me about 2 years. That means for fps games to stay reasonably playable with some/decent eye candy on.

Additionally, please recommend a manufacturer I am eyeing an XFX but the Saaphire Vapor and the new MSI lightning seem nice too. Are the extra $$$s worth it for the non standard card designs? Seems they are close in fr just runs a lot cooler.

The rest of my setup is below. Thanks for the help!
I just bought the Powercolor 5850 to replace my 8800GT (similar to yours) and I must say it was soooo worth it. You will notice a hell of a difference if you go with this card. For instance I am a EVE player and usually I run 3 clients at the same time but I always have to have medium settings and I usually get 20-30 fps if I am lucky. Now it stays at 60 with max settings. And it was a huge improvement in Bad Company 2 and now I can play with the highest settings I can get (haven't tried the HBAO thing though) and its at a constant 50 or above fps.

I personally plan to buy another and put them into Crossfire mode (after I buy a new cpu/mobo/ram that is) and I would think it would be preferable to a single 5870 or what have you. Also with a 5850 now, you will be able to enjoy the games you listed with high settings and won't look back :)
I vote for the 5850, its cheaper, and the spare money you save (instead of buying the 5870) use it towards the 2nd 5850 later down the line.
Reference 5850 given that they are only 2-3% slower than the 5870 clock-for-clock.

Conversely the 5870 is the better choice if you're not that much of an overclocker.

Even at stock though the 5850 has been a champion for me at 1080P.. BFBC2 plays very smoothly maxed with 2xAA and 16xAF (haven't tried higher AA).
Running 5040 X 1050 with a 5850. I'm getting 25 - 35 fps with settings maxed. I tried xfiring but ran into issues. I'm selling my 5850 and getting a 5970oc.
I will get a 5870 now and a totally new card (maybe PC, who knows) in 1.5-2 years. Simple as that.

After all, most of games are console ported and 5870 will last a lot. Even Crytek published their CryEngine 3 as mostly MMO/console bound, giving up with the overly detailed and poorly optimized PC-FPS only engines they used to create.

CrossFire is rarely worth it in my opinion. Better to wait for a single GPU next generation chipset ;)
Do you need the card now? I think the 5870 twin frozr is coming out soon otherwise get the vapor-x