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  1. D

    Newzbin2 Shuts Down Operations

    So, what's the problem with Bitcoins (other than having to to physically go to a store to do a money gram)? Nzbrus seems pretty cool... I haven't seen anything else looking around that really compares to it (and is open). Newsleecher supersearch is pretty horrible for just trying to look...
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    24" to 27" monitor & U2412M input question

    I've been looking at new monitors for a couple of days now. I've been looking in the 24" to 27" range. My big consideration is I work from home a lot with my work laptop sitting on my desk connected via VGA. So all day long I flip inputs from VGA to HDMI and back and forth. So I need...
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    Win7 with multiple HDD's sluggish & external enclosures

    I've tried running for awhile with x4 HDD's and x1 SDD in my system: x1 128GB C300 Crucial SSD x2 1T WD Blacks x2 2T WD Blacks (mobo: Asus Sabertooth P67 rev1) With all those drives in I couldn't take the sluggish feel of the system. Mostly I'd notice it when I opened a drive. It felt...
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    LCD Televisions with 4:4:4 Subsampling and low Input Lag.

    I just started looking for a new big LCD to use as a main monitor. What would ya'll think of this one? Samsung LN40D630 40-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LCD HDTV I have a 32" right now, and I've...
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    Where would I stand w/ x2 5850's right now?

    Yeah I was just thinking if a single 580gtx is the same as what I have now, a single card from the next series should be a good margin better than the crossfire I have now. I guess my goals right now would be to play Witcher 2 at very high detail and the same for the new Elder Scrolls when it...
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    Asrock P67 Ex4 Colmaster 212+

    Off topic but I just got a Sabertooth P67 & 2600k. With all 4 slots filled with approved Corsair Dominator, I could not overclock at all. With 2x4GB worth of G.Skil Ripjaw it all opened up. 16GB is kind of nuts anyway unless you're doing something like folding or media encoding. I...
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    Where would I stand w/ x2 5850's right now?

    For almost a year my free time was totally taken up and I think I only played a couple of PS3 games. I have all my home free time back now and a good list of PC games I'm going to start going to. I kept up with Steam over the last year and have a nice list of games I bought on sale and such...
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    Should I go from an old 920 to a 2600K?

    I was always sad I couldn't do more than 3.2Ghz on this original 920. And, it feels crazy I'm on the same processor I was on over two years ago. Forgot to mention, I play as many games as I can. -1920x1080 -x2 ATI 5850's in Crossfire And, I work with video a lot (Premiere Pro and...
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    Should I go from an old 920 to a 2600K?

    I've been reading all day trying to decide this. A couple of times a year I get the fever to upgrade. Got: i7 920 (like a week #1 original). It's got the BIOS processor patch from the first series with the bug and it never oc'd worth a toot. I have an HAF-922 case with good airflow...
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    Menu navigation layout theory - single icon to multiple forms

    I have a web application where the main menu is graphic icon based and vertical. Part of the site is that a user can create 'items' of which there are 8 different item types. Each of the item times has it's own graphic icon, but listing them all all on the menu makes it too long and...
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    Did the popularity of Ruby on Rails drop after 2007?

    Thanks, that totally makes sense. Rails 3.0 looks really interesting. So far, from I've gone through the Ruby Essential Training, and I'm in the middle of the RoR Essential Training with a RoR beyond the basics after that. I'm also going through the audio and video's here...
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    Did the popularity of Ruby on Rails drop after 2007?

    My job has changed to full time Ruby on Rails developer. Mostly I've done web development in Coldfusion and a little PHP. Rails has been a shock so far (like, the whole concept of the controller possibly generating dozens of different pages dynamically and only using one single rhtml file)...
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    eSATA Problem with Sleep

    I recently got an eSATA external drive. It's working perfectly. However, I put my computer to sleep a lot. With AHCI enabled, if my computer goes to sleep, 70% of the time when it wakes up, one of my internal drives will not wake up. I have to reboot to get that internal drive back. My...
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    ABIT IP35 Pro - New Setup Help

    I was thinking about putting that memory in at (if it's stable): 800Mhz 4-4-4-12 @ 1.9v I seem to remember 4-4-4-12 @ 800 is faster than 5-5-5-15 @ 1000. ?
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    ABIT IP35 Pro - New Setup Help

    Thanks :) I forgot an important question. Will Vista install on this board with >2GB ram in? On my older board, if I have more than 2GB of RAM in, I'll get an "IRQ NOT LESS OR EQUAL" error after the first reboot everytime. I ordered two sets of this memory: G.SKILL 4GB (2 x 2GB)...
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    ABIT IP35 Pro - New Setup Help

    I just ordered one of these today for a total system rebuild. All the parts should be in on Wed and I'm trying to get everything ready to go. Main Question: Will I need a SATA controller driver floppy so for a Vista x64 install? I'm going to assume you don't since I don't see a floppy...
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    NewEggs OEM Samsung/Lite-On SATA's - Come with Beige Bezels?

    That's all I want to know - the full retail packages ($89 Bet Buy, etc) say they do but I can't find any info on the OEM versions of the Lite-On or Samsung OEMS. Thanks!
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    LCD Advice - need to buy a 22" - 24" WS tonight retail

    This sucks... I got a 22" widescreen Samsung for Christmas. My wife bought it at Best Buy. Yesterday I came home and it had a thin blue vertical line from top to bottom on it. So I took it back and got a replacment. This new one is no good compared to the other one. It has *horrible*...
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    E6600 Temp Problem :(

    I have a brand new build, my first one in two years: -Intel C2D E6600 -HSF: Zalman 9700 (cut a little off the bottom to make room for the bottom resistors) -EVGA 680i -EVGA 8800GTS -2GB Crucial Ballistix DDR2-1000 -PCP&C 750W Silencer -Antec SOHO Fileserver case w/ x4 case fans (low...
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    Dual SuperPI error at default Clocks (680i E6600) ?

    Found my answer - don't see howto delete the topic
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    E6600 + Zalman 9700 - Newb Temp Check Please

    What would 10 hours of Orthos have been on your system not OK'd? BTW: I tried to clean up the wiring in my case as much as I could (thank you velcro cable-tie roll). I need to wipe it out too. I think this case is 6 or 7 years old now. No front jacks of any kind but other than that I...
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    E6600 + Zalman 9700 - Newb Temp Check Please

    Hi, I'm totally new to Intel OK'ing & C2D temps. This is a new system for me. It's an an upgrade from a AMD 2500 Barton @ 3200 with a 6800GT AGP. Even without overclocking I have a big fat smile. I have all the grunt work down with the rebuild (OS/Software installation, Images, etc)...
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    EVGA 680i BIOS Flashes - I'm Scared!

    Actually unless EVGA is not telling the truth everyone had the problem... some people were not just easily seeing it (because the problem was bad timings from the motherboard). So yeah, I believe the first Beta BIOS and this Last one were necessary.
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    EVGA 680i BIOS Flashes - I'm Scared!

    OK what do you guys think? Over the past few years I've gone through around 6 motherboards. In that time my guess is that I've done about 40 BIOS flashes overall. One of those times, the BIOS flash crashed for no apparent reason - making the board a peice of toast (ASUS board). I just...
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    If I walk into Fry's Electronics tomorrow - what PSU should I get?

    ha :) Now if this 680i works... I haven't built a system in 3 years (barton 2500+ @ 3200, DFI Ultra Infinity MOBO) . I haven't touched that since 2 years ago when I put a 6800GT in it. I just downloaded that new p23b bios and the motherboard drivers from Here goes...
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    If I walk into Fry's Electronics tomorrow - what PSU should I get?

    OK you guys twisted my arm. I got the PC & Power 750 Silencer. It was $20 cheaper in store than the Newegg price. :cool: Plain white big box. These guys apparently don't jack around with wussy exterior packaging crap. :p
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    If I walk into Fry's Electronics tomorrow - what PSU should I get?

    The FSP 500W I have is excellent quality I know, but the two rails (12v) are both only 15A combined. That might be a bit of a stretch for a single 8800GTS that has a minimum requirement of 26A on the (a single) 12V rail.
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    If I walk into Fry's Electronics tomorrow - what PSU should I get?

    That stupid ripple... The only place that talks about it is Jonnys review - and that was six months ago. I can't find anything that says they've fixed it. I've done more reading. I honestly wasn't prepared for a PSU upgrade as I was planning on hanging on to the FSP 500W till I went SLI...
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    If I walk into Fry's Electronics tomorrow - what PSU should I get?

    I've decided not to take the risk on my new rig (setting up tomorrow) of using my old FSP 500W PSU. It really should work OK for awhile as is but I'm a bit paranoid. I'm going to walk into Fry's tomorrow and get a PSU. I know Kyle is from the DFW area like me so maybe some of you other guys...
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    Zalaman 9700 Installation -with a C2D

    I just got a EVGA 680i in (crosses fingers), as well as a E6600. This is my first time back with an Intel processor since the PIII-600's were the new hot thing. First of all, I tried to mount the clip across the width of the board. But one of the nut holes stripped or something. So, I...
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    Nvidia 8800gts power supply

    Hmm... 60 views and no reply. And, I have a very similar question. I'm about to put togather: EVGA 680i E6600 Zalaman 9700 EVGA 8800GTS 2GB Crucial DDR1000 x2 Segate 320G x2 Plextar DVD R/W x4 Case Fan I plan on doing modest Air O'clocking. Currently I have this PSU FSP Group...