Search results

  1. C

    Wierd FPS problems

  2. C

    Wierd FPS problems

    For quick on the go benchmarking, I use the stress tester in CS:S. A while ago, I used to get an average of 135-140 fps in the stress test. Now, with all the settings the same as they were, I get anywhere from 69 fps to 117 fps. I have reformatted a few times since then. I have all my recent...
  3. C

    Looking for cooling parts...

    Thanks for all of the help guys... I'll definatly be looking in to these!
  4. C

    New Thermalright VGA Cooler

    Where do you mount the fan?
  5. C

    Looking for cooling parts...

    Hi, I'm looking for a VGA cooler for under $50 and a CPU cooler for under $50. I'm planning to overclock, so all suggestions will be considered. Here is what I'm planning to overclock... AMD 3800 X2 socket 939 eVGA 7800GT PCI-E By the way... when I do overclock these, how far do you think...
  6. C

    Windows Installer is Broken!!

    ^^ That didn't help... :(
  7. C

    Windows Installer is Broken!!

    I'm considering doing a repair installation, but I have a question concerning that. My XP Home CD is SP1 and my computer has SP2 updated from SP1 on it. Will doing the repair installation revert me back to SP1? Will it do anything else to mess up the files on my computer?
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    Windows Installer is Broken!!

    Only about half of that page is showing up and I can't scroll down. :confused:
  9. C

    Windows Installer is Broken!!

    I don't have a Local Settings/temp folder... :confused:
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    I'm boycotting CoH because...

    Since you're boycotting WW2 games why not boycott fantasy games and Modern shooter games? There are just as many - if not less WW2 games as there are modern combat and fantasy games. Get over it.
  11. C

    Windows Installer is Broken!!

    Whenever I try to install programs that use the Windows Installer, I get an error saying "The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed." I heard from a friend that this error was caused by a Windows update that released sometime in August. I have the most recent version of Windows...